Trump: I never said I wanted to enlarge US nuclear arsenal

Donald Trump denied Wednesday afternoon that he ever asked his top military brass to look into a ten-fold enlargement of America’s nuclear arsenal.

The stunning claim was made by NBC News in the morning, based on sources who attended a July 20 meeting.

The president told reporters during an Oval office photo-op with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that he ‘never discussed increasing it. I want it in perfect shape. That was just fake news by NBC, which gives a lot of fake news lately.’

‘I think somebody said I want ten times the nuclear weapons that we have right now,’ he scoffed. ‘Right now we have so many nuclear weapons. I want them in perfect condition, perfect shape. That’s the only thing I’ve ever discussed.’

In December 2016 when he was president-elect, Trump tweeted: ‘The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.’ 

President Donald denied on Wednesday telling his generals in July that he wanted a massive expansion of America’s nuclear weapons arsenal

This 2015 file photo shows an inert Titan II nuclear ICBM in a decommissioned silo. The Titan rockets served as a nuclear deterrent during the Cold War

This 2015 file photo shows an inert Titan II nuclear ICBM in a decommissioned silo. The Titan rockets served as a nuclear deterrent during the Cold War

'Recent reports that the President called for an increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal are absolutely false,' Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said, directly contradicting an NBC report

‘Recent reports that the President called for an increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal are absolutely false,’ Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said, directly contradicting an NBC report

In a statement that Trump promised would be forthcoming, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis said: ‘Recent reports that the President called for an increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal are absolutely false.’ 

‘This kind of erroneous reporting is irresponsible,’ he declared.  

Trump emphasized the size and might of the U.S. atomic threat, insisting several times that it doesn’t need to grow.

‘I know the capability that we have, believe me, and it is awesome. It is massive,’ he said as Trudeau looked on.

‘And so when they make up stories like that – that’s just made up. And the generals will tell you that.’

Mixed messages? In December 2016 when he was president-elect, Trump said the U.S. needed to 'expand' its nuclear capability

Mixed messages? In December 2016 when he was president-elect, Trump said the U.S. needed to ‘expand’ its nuclear capability

‘We won’t need an increase,’ he added. ‘I want modernization and total rehabilitation. It’s got to be in tip-top shape.’

Trump also leveled a broader attack at the political media, suggesting that the sources NBC based its story on aren’t real.

‘They have their sources that don’t exist,’ he fumed. ‘In my opinion, they don’t exist. They make up the sources. There are no sources.’

Two different NBC News spokespersons did not respond to a request for comment on Wednesday

Trump had already reacted angrily on Twitter, saying in the morning: Fake @NBCNews made up a story that I wanted a “tenfold” increase in our U.S. nuclear arsenal. Pure fiction, made up to demean. NBC = CNN!’

CNN has until recently been the president’s favorite target for accusations of broadcasting ‘fake news.’

NBC claimed in a news story published Wednesday morning that the president shocked his top Pentagon brass by asking for a 1,000 per cent nuclear boost

NBC claimed in a news story published Wednesday morning that the president shocked his top Pentagon brass by asking for a 1,000 per cent nuclear boost

The president went after the news media during a photo-op with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, claiming that NBC and other outlets 'make up stories' and have 'sources that don't exist'

The president went after the news media during a photo-op with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, claiming that NBC and other outlets ‘make up stories’ and have ‘sources that don’t exist’

Eleven minutes after his first tweet, Trump send a warning shot that appeared to threaten action by the Federal Communications Commission.

‘With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License?’ he asked, adding that it’s ‘Bad for [the] country!’

The tweets came just before the president was scheduled to receive his daily intelligence briefing, according to a calendar the White House send reporters overnight.

NBC News reported that Trump told his top generals that the U.S. military’s nuclear arsenal should be beefed up by a factor of ten, an observation that the network claimed was a shock to his senior military officers.

During the July meeting that led to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson calling the president a ‘moron’ – another piece of NBC reporting that the White House has ridiculed – Trump was shown a slide presentation that depicted America’s nuclear stockpile diminishing during the past five decades. 

Trump is 'all in for modernization' of America's nuclear weapons program, according to one person in the July meeting; some underground missile command consoles still look like something out of a Cold War movie set

Trump is ‘all in for modernization’ of America’s nuclear weapons program, according to one person in the July meeting; some underground missile command consoles still look like something out of a Cold War movie set

In some cases, launch codes are contained on antiquated 8-inch floppy disks (left), and the physical launch mechanisms are still carried out by keys and flip-switches

The president’s concerns reportedly focused on the ‘Nuclear Posture Review,’ a periodic Pentagon effort scheduled for completion around the end of 2017.

‘He’s all in for modernization,’ one official told the network. ‘His concerns are the U.S. stopped investing in this.’

But Trump’s top military advisers, NBC reported, explained to him that expanding the U.S. nuclear arsenal is impractical because of both budgets and treaty obligations.

America’s overall military firepower, they said – which includes nuclear, conventional and next-generation weaponry – has left the U.S. better positioned for national defense than at the end of the Cold War, when the nuclear piece of the puzzle was larger than today’s.

Trump was apparently reacting to a slide that showed the U.S. with 32,000 nuclear warheads in the late 1960s, compared to what the Federation of American Scientists estimates as 4,000 today.

The president reportedly told his advisers that he wanted to see America back to 32,000. 

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was heard calling Trump a 'moron' after the July meeting where NBC claims the president said he wanted the U.S. nuclear stockpile to grow back to Cold War numbers

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was heard calling Trump a ‘moron’ after the July meeting where NBC claims the president said he wanted the U.S. nuclear stockpile to grow back to Cold War numbers

The Nobel Peace Prize this year went to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, an organization pushing for a global treaty to ban the cataclysmic bombs

The Nobel Peace Prize this year went to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, an organization pushing for a global treaty to ban the cataclysmic bombs

Russia has a stockpile estimated at 7,000, according to the Arms Control Association.

France is third in the nuclear arms race, with about 300.

Officials told NBC that they were surprised to hear Trump focus on enlarging America’s nuclear weapons footprint.

The news comes at a time when Trump is expected within days to declare that Iran is not fulfilling its obligations under a 2015 anti-nuclear-proliferation deal it made with the Obama administration.

At the same time, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un has been rattling his own nuclear sabers with test launches and underground detonations.

Trump said during his Inaugurul Address in January that the U.S. ‘must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability.’

Last week the Nobel Peace Prize went to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which has openly criticized Trump – and Kim – for making radioactive threats.

Nuclear weapons expert Joe Cirincione warned NBC News that Trump could easily launch a new global arms race if he were to start pouring money into nuclear expansion.

‘If he were to increase the numbers, the Russians would match him, and the Chinese,’ he said. ‘There hasn’t been a military mission that’s required a nuclear weapon in 71 years.’