GP John Gerard Rogerson ‘abused his patients’

GP John Gerard Rogerson (pictured) was awarded an MBE but a number of victims have now come forward claiming he abused them 

A family doctor who was awarded an MBE for his work has been accused of abusing dozens of children over his 40 year career in a quiet market town.

GP John Gerard Rogerson retired in 1981 and after his death former patients have made allegations of historical abuse at his surgery, which was dubbed the ‘Gateway to Hell’.

At least 17 alleged victims, including two siblings now in their 50s, have revealed for the first time how they were allegedly preyed on by the family doctor in Whitchurch, Shropshire.

And West Mercia Police and Hudgell solicitors, who are working on behalf of the victims, are now appealing for others to come forward.

Tom, who is not using his real name, said the abuse started when he was nine years old and he recalls being forced to strip half naked and masturbate in front of his GP.

But it seemed Dr Rogerson was untouchable because his ‘outstanding’ reputation was not something anyone was willing to question.

Tom held onto his secret for 40 years before confessing to his councillor this year after battling anxiety for his entire adult life.

Now, a total of 17 alleged victims of Rogerson’s abuse have come forward, including Tom’s sister who is using Jane as her name. 

Rogerson died in 2000 but it’s only now being investigated by police.

Tom, who is currently unable to work due to his anxiety, said: ‘I would go in for a cold and end up with my trousers down.

‘I’d usually end up with some sort of probe up my backside.

Tom as a young boy

Jane as a young girl

Siblings Tom (left) and Jane (right) – pictured when they were children – have revealed for the first time that they were preyed on by the family doctor 

This is the GP's surgery in Whitchurch, which was later dubbed the 'Gateway to Hell' by locals

This is the GP’s surgery in Whitchurch, which was later dubbed the ‘Gateway to Hell’ by locals

‘The first time he abused me was probably the first time I had met him, with my mum in the room and behind one of those big screens.

‘It would then happen when I was big enough to go in to the consulting room on my own.

‘I was abused each time I saw my doctor, it was never rape but he would tell me to masturbate or would use instruments.’

Tom is relieved that after holding onto his secret for 40 years about the ‘Gateway to Hell’ that other victims, including his sister, have begun to come forward.

He added: ‘This has needed to come out for so long, the population of Whitchurch is around 10,000 and I believe almost half of those knew about the abuse in the 1970s chose to ignore it.

‘Rogerson had an MBE and was a house hold name for the village, no one wanted to tarnish his name.

‘The gateway to hell was a big brown arched wooden door in the middle of a bricked wall.

‘Every time I’d pass it for school or have to go under it to the doctors my heart would pound out of my chest, it was the door to hell for me – and it still is.

‘At school, the other kids would say “you don’t go there do you? He’ll have your pants down as soon as you go in.” I didn’t like to admit that I went there, as I knew I’d get questions about what he did to me.

Siblings Tom and Jane (pictured now) have been speaking about what happened to them in a bid to persuade more victims to come forward 

Siblings Tom and Jane (pictured now) have been speaking about what happened to them in a bid to persuade more victims to come forward 

Locals in the small town dubbed the surgery 'the Gateway to Hell' (pictured) after what the GP allegedly used to do 

Locals in the small town dubbed the surgery ‘the Gateway to Hell’ (pictured) after what the GP allegedly used to do 

‘My mum was oblivious to it all, she’d never of believed me if I’d have told her anyway.

‘Who would trust the word of a young schoolboy over a professional doctor? I was scared of him.’

At the age of 13 Tom’s abuse had stopped – he feels this is because he had hit puberty and Rogerson preferred children.

He said: ‘I managed to bury these memories and tried to move on with my life and it wasn’t until 2012 that I told my wife my dark secret about what had happened in that doctors’ surgery but I didn’t report it to the police until this year.

‘I feel angry that Rogerson has in many ways ruined my life and I know there will be hundreds of other victims that haven’t yet spoken out.

‘It’s just like the Jimmy Savile case, Rogerson was a paedophile and it’s a great shame that he wasn’t made accountable for his actions before his death.’

Rogerson died in 2000 but it's only now being investigated by police

Rogerson died in 2000 but it’s only now being investigated by police

Hudgell Solicitors – who are representing both men and women related to the case – are appealing for other victims to come forward.

Victoria Neale, of Hudgell Solicitors, said: ‘Given police have now confirmed that 17 people have now contacted them to make similar allegations.

‘We feel there could be many more people who have since moved from the area and now live in other parts of the country who may wish to speak to both the police and ourselves as we continue to piece together this concerning picture of the past.

‘Abuse can cause long-term psychological issues, and it has only been with the support of trained professionals that the sufferers we work with have been able to face their pasts and feel in a position to make allegations to the relevant authorities.

‘Our message is if you have any further information, you can come forward and speak to specialists in confidence. 

‘It is imperative that this matter is fully investigated given the seriousness of allegations made so far and the possible impact on many more people.’ 

DCI Paul Moxley, of West Mercia Police, said: ‘Over the last six months, West Mercia Police has received reports of non-recent sexual offences in Whitchurch, Shropshire.

‘All of the victims have been contacted and are assisting the police with their ongoing enquiries.

‘It is important that people who have been victims of abuse have the confidence to speak out, knowing that they will be listened to and supported. 

‘I would encourage them to come forward so that we can work with the victims of such crimes and offer support and assistance where possible.’