The Project host Jesse Mulligan sends gay marriage message

A television host has addressed Australians regarding the same-sex marriage survey advising them to vote no – but there’s a sarcastic twist.

The Project host Jesse Mulligan delivered a tongue-in-cheek message to Australians from New Zealand on Thursday as the postal vote deadline looms.

Mulligan implored Australians to reconsider their support for legalising gay marriage asking them to ‘not make the same mistake we did’.


The Project host Jesse Mulligan delivered a tongue-in-cheek message to Australians from New Zealand

‘Please, please vote no to same-sex marriage,’ he said.

‘Here in New Zealand our government voted for marriage equality back in 2013, many of us were horrified.

‘We predicted gay marriage being a slippery slope and we were right.’

Mulligan then goes on to detail the effects legalising gay marriage had on the country.

‘Before we knew it we were seeing dogs marry cats, cats marry birds, birds marry dogs and babies marry babies.’

Mulligan said predictions crime would increase as a result of the decision were correct.

‘Just a couple of years after the vote we had to deal with hundreds of new criminals – sure most of them were sent back to us on planes from Australia, but still.’

Same-sex marriage also had profound effects on religion, according to Mulligan’s sarcastic spiel.

‘This is the Christ Church Cathedral before the gay marriage vote, this is it directly afterwards,’ Mulligan said, while comparing two photos of the famous building.

In reality they show the devastating impact of the Christchurch earthquake in 2011 which almost destroyed the cathedral.

‘You should’ve seen New Zealand before gay marriage.

Mulligan said predictions crime would increase as a result of the decision were correct

Mulligan said predictions crime would increase as a result of the decision were correct

‘Vote no Australia, stay strong. Look to your heterosexual heroes for inspiration, people like Olympic swimmer Ian Thorpe, Hollywood actress Portia de Rossi, when are these two going to get together, am I right?’

Both Thorpe and de Rossi are homosexual.

Mulligan also mocks former Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s call for Macklemore to be replaced for the rapper’s performance at the NRL grand final by Savage Garden, saying there’s ‘nothing gay about Savage Garden’.

He said Australians should refuse to join New Zealand, Great Britain and the United States in legalising gay marriage and should instead remain in the ‘democratic sweet spot between Iraq and Yemen’.

‘Don’t be like New Zealand, Australia… the country is completely overrun with love. Don’t let the same thing happen to you.’ 

He said Australians should refuse to join New Zealand, Great Britain and the United States in legalising gay marriage

He said Australians should refuse to join New Zealand, Great Britain and the United States in legalising gay marriage