London woman discusses acid attack by Ferne McCann’s ex

A girl who was enjoying a birthday night out has spoken how she heard a sound ‘like a can of coke opening’ when she was sprayed with acid.

Lauren Trent revealed the immense pain she experienced when her skin began to blister after Arthur Collins, 25, allegedly entered the Love Juice event at the Wringer and Mangle nightclub in Hackney, east London and injured 16 people with acid on Easter Weekend. 

Ms Trent, who had come to London for the night to celebrate her birthday, told Wood Green Crown Court: ‘I bent down to get my bag it was like when you open a can of coke, you hear this sissing, hissing sound, a sound like an aerosol.

‘The liquid touched my neck and it instantly started burning my skin and my skin was coming off in my hands.

Ms Trent realised something was wrong when she felt the burning on her skin and it began to blister

Lauren Trent (pictured) was enjoying a birthday night out at the Wringer and Mangle nightclub in Hackney, east London, when she was doused with acid

‘I knew it was acid, I have been to clubs before where there was pepper spray, nothing blisters that quickly other than acid.’ 

Ms Trent was also extremely critical of security staff at the venue, saying they were ‘appalling’ and ‘didn’t have a clue’.

After the attack, she was escorted to a private room with other victims. She told the court that the event had carried on despite the attack. 

‘I came in and everything was just normal and I was like, really, how has nobody realised what has just happened,’ she added.

She told jurors: ‘Security was appalling, I can’t remember many checks being done at all.’

Ms Trent told jurors it was over an hour before paramedics arrived.

She had been sat at a table near the stairs with her friend Sophie Hall when the violence broke out. 

Lauren Trent had been sitting down with friend Sophie Hall (pictured) when the attack took place

Lauren Trent had been sitting down with friend Sophie Hall (pictured) when the attack took place

‘It happened very quickly there was nothing to indicate anything was about to happen,’ she said. 

Another victim of the attack, Phoebe Georgiou, broke down in tears as she recalled the attack. At first she believed the liquid was water but quickly felt the burning on her arms and chest.

Ms Georgiou said that a ‘toxic smell’ had engulfed the club and that revellers started to ‘choke on the fumes’ as they made their way for cover.

A member of staff at the club tried to refuse her entry into a toilet where she began to douse herself in water in an attempt to limit the burning.

An ambulance was called but it failed to show up so a friend drove her to Homerton Hospital. She was in ‘agony’ as she was taken to the hospital and had to be transferred to the specialist burns unit at St Andrews Hospital due to the severity of the burns. 

Collins, of Pemberly Ash, White Stubbs Lane, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire and co-defendant Andre Phoenix, of (36) Fairweather Close, Clyde Road, Tottenham both deny all the charges against them.

The trial continues tomorrow.  

Arthur Collins, who used to date Towie star Fearne McCann, has denied the charges against him

Arthur Collins, who used to date Towie star Fearne McCann, has denied the charges against him

The incident took place at the Love Juice event at the Wringer and Mangle nightclub in Hackney, east London, on Easter Weekend

The incident took place at the Love Juice event at the Wringer and Mangle nightclub in Hackney, east London, on Easter Weekend