Honey Boo Boo at center of custody fight between sister and mother on Mama June

Mama June’s daughter and son-in-law Pumpkin and Joshua geared up to face off against her for full custody of June’s youngest child Alana.

On the latest episode of Mama June: Road To Redemption, June tried to get Alana, 16, aka ‘Honey Boo Boo,’ to move in with her and her then-boyfriend Justin Stroud, whom she met in rehab and has since married.

Alana was dead-set against this idea, and Pumpkin and Josh, who had been taking care of her for three years, ramped up their battle to keep her in their home.

At the center: Mama June’s daughter and son-in-law Pumpkin and Joshua geared up to face off against her for full custody of June’s youngest child Alana (pictured)

In the previous episode, it emerged that June and Justin had moved into a house just down the street from Pumpkin, aka Lauryn Efird, and her husband Joshua Efird.

June’s plan was to reintegrate herself into her family’s life and to get Alana and one of her other daughters, Jessie, to come live with her and Justin.

At the end of the previous episode, Pumpkin and Jessie drove over to June’s house to confront her about having moved in so close without telling them.

This week’s episode picked up where the previous episode left off, in the middle of a furious argument between Pumpkin and her mother outside June’s house.

Attempt: On the latest episode of Mama June: Road To Redemption, June tried to get Alana, 16, aka 'Honey Boo Boo,' to move in with her and her then-boyfriend Justin Stroud

Attempt: On the latest episode of Mama June: Road To Redemption, June tried to get Alana, 16, aka ‘Honey Boo Boo,’ to move in with her and her then-boyfriend Justin Stroud

Making it work: Alana was dead-set against this idea, and Pumpkin (left) and Josh (right), who had been taking care of her for three years, ramped up their battle to keep her in their home

Making it work: Alana was dead-set against this idea, and Pumpkin (left) and Josh (right), who had been taking care of her for three years, ramped up their battle to keep her in their home

Married now: June's plan was to reintegrate herself into her family's life and to get Alana and one of her other daughters, Jessie, to come live with her and Justin (left)

Married now: June’s plan was to reintegrate herself into her family’s life and to get Alana and one of her other daughters, Jessie, to come live with her and Justin (left)

Who's who: Pumpkin demanded to know 'how long' June had known Justin, to which June replied: 'I met him at the rehab'

Who’s who: Pumpkin demanded to know ‘how long’ June had known Justin, to which June replied: ‘I met him at the rehab’

Pumpkin demanded to know ‘how long’ June had known Justin, to which June replied: ‘I met him at the rehab.’

‘Another mark on the checklist,’ Pumpkin joked bitterly, asking if Justin was a ‘convict too’ and getting a smirking: ‘Yes,’ from her mother.

‘Ding, ding, ding! We have another f***ing winner Jessie,’ said Pumpkin, leading June to demand: ‘You b****, why you gotta be like that?’

‘Let me pull out my f***ing list,’ said Pumpkin. ‘One, you wanted to go get f***ed up on crack cocaine and get locked up, which landed me with custody of Alana.’

Her side: 'I’m still the mama, Alana is mine and I can take her back anytime I want,' said June, whose personal struggles with addictions and men are the center of the reality show

Her side: ‘I’m still the mama, Alana is mine and I can take her back anytime I want,’ said June, whose personal struggles with addictions and men are the center of the reality show 

The other side: 'I’ve worked my a** off to build this family that is somewhat functional and I’d be damned if I let Mama come back around and change all of that,' said Pumpkin

The other side: ‘I’ve worked my a** off to build this family that is somewhat functional and I’d be damned if I let Mama come back around and change all of that,’ said Pumpkin

Pumpkin continued to detail a colorful array of her mother’s previous misdeeds, such as pawning the title to Jessie’s car and selling her house for crack.

June demanded to be ‘given a chance,’ arguing that ‘people do change’ and that ‘You gotta get, like – I moved closer, I listened!’

In addition to asking that Alana move in with her, June then asked that Jessie moved in with her – and Jessie refused as her mother had ‘just popped in out the blue.’

Jessie said she would prefer to sleep on Pumpkin’s couch instead, and Pumpkin fully agreed, out of a desire not to subject Jessie to June’s ‘f***ing mess’ and her ‘do-boy.’

Couple's conversation: June went back inside her house, licking her wounds and commiserating with Justin, who was able to empathize with Pumpkin's position

Couple’s conversation: June went back inside her house, licking her wounds and commiserating with Justin, who was able to empathize with Pumpkin’s position

Counterargument: June insisted on her right to be forgiven for her admittedly ‘f***ed-up decisions’ and spending money ‘on men that I shouldn’t have spent money on'

Counterargument: June insisted on her right to be forgiven for her admittedly ‘f***ed-up decisions’ and spending money ‘on men that I shouldn’t have spent money on’

‘A do-boy,’ Pumpkin said in a confessional: ‘is basically any man that Mama gets. She can’t drive so they drive her around. They basically run her around and do errands.’

‘I mean, they’re just doing all they wanna do, so they know they can get their money in return,’ Jessie piped up. ‘Why, they can wipe her a** and they’ll get $100.’

June insisted to her two older daughters that she wanted her new home with Justin to be ‘a house for everybody. So I mean, Alana can stay here – ‘

Pumpkin let out a frustrated scream and said: ‘Alana is not staying here, get that through your thick f***ing skull!’ 

'They're not ready to be done': Justin noted that June thinks she can just leave the past behind and move forward, but her children ‘aren’t done with it'

‘They’re not ready to be done’: Justin noted that June thinks she can just leave the past behind and move forward, but her children ‘aren’t done with it’

Unfiltered: He pointed out: 'Now my and the girls’ relationship started off with a lie,' adding: 'They’re not gonna be comfortable until they see action'

Unfiltered: He pointed out: ‘Now my and the girls’ relationship started off with a lie,’ adding: ‘They’re not gonna be comfortable until they see action’

However when Pumpkin said of Alana: ‘I’m her Mama now,’ June said with a mischievous smile: ‘Yeah? You got that in writing?’

Both of the two women then appeared in confessionals where they explained each of their sides in their battle of wills.

‘I’m still the mama, Alana is mine and I can take her back anytime I want,’ said June, whose personal struggles with addictions and men are the center of the reality show.

‘I’ve worked my a** off to build this family that is somewhat functional and I’d be damned if I let Mama come back around and change all of that,’ said Pumpkin.

Looking back: June insisted on her right to be forgiven for her admittedly ‘f***ed-up decisions’ and spending money ‘on men that I shouldn’t have spent money on'

Looking back: June insisted on her right to be forgiven for her admittedly ‘f***ed-up decisions’ and spending money ‘on men that I shouldn’t have spent money on’

Looking ahead: He meanwhile counseled her to ‘fix’ her relationships with her daughters so that the problems do not ‘burn us later on'

Looking ahead: He meanwhile counseled her to ‘fix’ her relationships with her daughters so that the problems do not ‘burn us later on’

After making fun of June and Justin’s romance, Pumpkin stormed off in the car with Jessie and when June said: ‘I love ya,’ Pumpkin replied: ‘Well, I don’t f***ing love you.’

June went back inside her house, licking her wounds and commiserating with Justin, who was able to empathize with Pumpkin’s position.

While maintaining that he is not a ‘do-boy,’ Justin told June that ‘here’s the problem – when you date guys for years and they are your do-boys, because in a sense you tell them what to do and you flash a little bit of money at ‘em, that’s what they expect.’

June insisted on her right to be forgiven for her admittedly ‘f***ed-up decisions’ and spending money ‘on men that I shouldn’t have spent money on.’

Chewing it over: Meanwhile Pumpkin and Jessie were in the car agreeing with one another that June has ‘wasted all this money,’ living like a teenage party-animal

Chewing it over: Meanwhile Pumpkin and Jessie were in the car agreeing with one another that June has ‘wasted all this money,’ living like a teenage party-animal

Unimpressed: Pumpkin brought up the fact that he does not even know Justin, whom she theorized was 'barely sober' and whom Jessie dismissed as the ‘toothless wonder'

Unimpressed: Pumpkin brought up the fact that he does not even know Justin, whom she theorized was ‘barely sober’ and whom Jessie dismissed as the ‘toothless wonder’

Justin noted that June  thinks she can just leave the past behind and move forward, but her children ‘aren’t done with it. They’re not ready to be done. And you’re asking for them to give something a chance, but you’re lying to them off the rip.’

He pointed out: ‘Now my and the girls’ relationship started off with a lie. They’re not gonna be comfortable until they see action.’ 

June suggested a weekend away with Justin and the children so that they could see that he is ‘different’ from her other men and not obsessed with her money.

He meanwhile counseled her to ‘fix’ her relationships with her daughters so that the problems do not ‘burn us later on.’

All in the family: When Pumpkin arrived home, she and Jessie told a sympathetic Josh all about about what happened - at which point Alana walked in and overheard them

All in the family: When Pumpkin arrived home, she and Jessie told a sympathetic Josh all about about what happened – at which point Alana walked in and overheard them

Her preference: 'I don't wanna move in with my Mama, I'm just fine here!' said Alana, and Josh sweetly concurred: 'Your Mama's talking stupid s***'

Her preference: ‘I don’t wanna move in with my Mama, I’m just fine here!’ said Alana, and Josh sweetly concurred: ‘Your Mama’s talking stupid s***’

Meanwhile Pumpkin and Jessie were in the car agreeing with one another that June has ‘wasted all this money,’ living like a teenage party-animal.

Pumpkin brought up the fact that she does not even know Justin, whom she theorized was ‘barely sober’ and whom Jessie dismissed as the ‘toothless wonder.’

When Pumpkin arrived home, she and Jessie told a sympathetic Josh all about about what happened – at which point Alana walked in and overheard them.

‘I don’t wanna move in with my Mama, I’m just fine here!’ said Alana, and Josh sweetly concurred: ‘Your Mama’s talking stupid s***.’ 

And there it is: When Alana said June 'lives in Alabama,' Pumpkin dropped the bombshell on her: 'Oh, no, baby girl, she lives right down the street!'

And there it is: When Alana said June ‘lives in Alabama,’ Pumpkin dropped the bombshell on her: ‘Oh, no, baby girl, she lives right down the street!’

It all comes out: Pumpkin revealed to Alana that she only found out about June’s new location that morning and traveled there with Jessie to confront her

It all comes out: Pumpkin revealed to Alana that she only found out about June’s new location that morning and traveled there with Jessie to confront her

When Alana said June ‘lives in Alabama,’ Pumpkin dropped the bombshell on her: ‘Oh, no, baby girl, she lives right down the street!’

Pumpkin revealed to Alana that she only found out about June’s new location that morning and traveled there with Jessie to confront her.

When Alana asked: ‘Who is she even living with?’ Pumpkin compared Justin to the sisters’ father, saying: ‘Ugh, some little Sugar Bear lookalike with no teeth.’

Pumpkin announced June wanted Alana and Jessie to move in with her, and Alana said she had no idea whether Justin might steal from her while she slept.

Wow: When Alana asked: 'Who is she even living with?' Pumpkin compared Justin (left) to the sisters' father, saying: 'Ugh, some little Sugar Bear (right) lookalike with no teeth'

Wow: When Alana asked: ‘Who is she even living with?’ Pumpkin compared Justin (left) to the sisters’ father, saying: ‘Ugh, some little Sugar Bear (right) lookalike with no teeth’

Scathing: Pumpkin announced June wanted Alana and Jessie to move in with her, and Alana said she had no idea whether Justin might steal from her while she slept

Scathing: Pumpkin announced June wanted Alana and Jessie to move in with her, and Alana said she had no idea whether Justin might steal from her while she slept

‘I know how this works. I used to stay with Geno and Mama,’ said Alana in a confessional, referring to June’s ex Geno Doak.

Among a series of misadventures, Geno and June were arrested for possession of crack cocaine together at a gas station in 2019.

‘It starts out all nice and the guy tries to win you over, try to become “stepdad,” and then something goes wrong,’ said Alana.

‘Even when Geno got clean, he still kinda freaked me out. As much as I wish Mama was there for the little things in life, like when I come home from school everyday, it’s just not even worth it at this point.’

Flashback: 'I know how this works, I used to stay with Geno and Mama,' said Alana in a confessional, referring to June's ex Geno Doak

Flashback: ‘I know how this works, I used to stay with Geno and Mama,’ said Alana in a confessional, referring to June’s ex Geno Doak

Life experience: 'It starts out all nice and the guy tries to win you over, try to become "stepdad," and then something goes wrong,' said Alana

Life experience: ‘It starts out all nice and the guy tries to win you over, try to become “stepdad,” and then something goes wrong,’ said Alana

Alana told Pumpkin she did not want to live with June and asked Pumpkin to ensure that this did not happen. Pumpkin assured Alana that she would.

Josh and Pumpkin, who share two small children together, decided they needed to get a move on in their efforts to obtain full custody of Alana.

Unfortunately, Pumpkin and Josh lost their custody papers while moving house, and all they they were able to unearth was a picture of one of the custody papers.

Pumpkin shared in a confessional that their temporary guardianship papers were expired ‘and that really worries me, because I want Alana to grow up in a stable home, and it’s not stable if Mama can just come in and take her from me.’

Next step: Josh and Pumpkin, who share two small children together, decided they needed to get a move on in their efforts to obtain full custody of Alana

Next step: Josh and Pumpkin, who share two small children together, decided they needed to get a move on in their efforts to obtain full custody of Alana

Unfortunately: Pumpkin and Josh lost their custody papers while moving house, and all they they were able to unearth was a picture of one of the custody papers

Unfortunately: Pumpkin and Josh lost their custody papers while moving house, and all they they were able to unearth was a picture of one of the custody papers

Josh was confident that they could keep Alana as she ‘has technically been in our possession for the last three years,’ while Pumpkin counterargued that the paperwork is not in their favor and June ‘has way more money than we do.’

As a result Josh advised Pumpkin to begin looking for lawyers, and they officially embarked on the process of trying to obtain full custody.

Meanwhile June and Justin go out to lunch and she told him the story of her weight loss surgery, after he marveled at her ‘diabetes in a cup’ when she poured a mound of sugar into her cup of iced tea.

When Justin left the table, June FaceTimed her manager Gina and informed her that she wants another gastric sleeve – to which Gina noted that June was asking for weight loss surgery while shoveling down French fries.

Loving: Pumpkin shared in a confessional that their temporary guardianship papers were expired ‘and that really worries me, because I want Alana to grow up in a stable home'

Loving: Pumpkin shared in a confessional that their temporary guardianship papers were expired ‘and that really worries me, because I want Alana to grow up in a stable home’

Differences: Josh was confident but Pumpkin counterargued that the paperwork is not in their favor and June ‘has way more money than we do'

Differences: Josh was confident but Pumpkin counterargued that the paperwork is not in their favor and June ‘has way more money than we do’

June also asked Gina to find a dentist that could fix Justin’s smile and missing teeth, so that they would look like ‘the hottest new couple in Hollywood.’

Pumpkin and Josh took Alana to a lawyer, informed the lawyer of June’s crack arrest and said that even before the arrest, Alana did not want to live with her mother.

Alana assured the lawyer that ‘I definitely don’t wanna go live with my daddy,’ and Pumpkin assured her Sugar Bear had already signed the papers.

However Pumpkin and Josh had not managed to secure June’s signature: ‘We’ve got rid of the addiction of drugs, just not the addiction of men yet’ Josh: ‘Men and lying’ Pumpkin: ‘I don’t want Alana to be around that’

Raring for a fight: As a result Josh advised Pumpkin to begin looking for lawyers, and they officially embarked on the process of trying to obtain full custody

Raring for a fight: As a result Josh advised Pumpkin to begin looking for lawyers, and they officially embarked on the process of trying to obtain full custody

Meanwhile: June and Justin go out to lunch and she told him the story of her weight loss surgery, after he marveled at her ‘diabetes in a cup’

Meanwhile: June and Justin go out to lunch and she told him the story of her weight loss surgery, after he marveled at her ‘diabetes in a cup’

Work talk: June also asked Gina to find a dentist that could fix Justin’s smile and missing teeth, so that they would look like ‘the hottest new couple in Hollywood'

Work talk: June also asked Gina to find a dentist that could fix Justin’s smile and missing teeth, so that they would look like ‘the hottest new couple in Hollywood’

The lawyer advised that they ‘file a private custody action in superior court. This action will simply just state that you all are looking for sole physical custody and sole legal custody. Legal custody just deals with decision-making. Okay? Decisions about academics, health care, extracurricular activities. Now, we have to get June served.’

Pumpkin asked if it might be a good idea for her to ‘ask [June] first’ to sign, but the lawyer frankly observed that ‘those typically don’t go over very well.’ 

Alana agreed that if June realized that ‘she’s gotta sign her rights over, she’s not gonna do that’ – setting the stage for a potential court battle. 

June called Pumpkin, who failed to pick up, so she left a voicemail apologizing for her prior misdeeds and inviting the family to Las Vegas. 

Moving ahead: Pumpkin and Josh took Alana to a lawyer, informed the lawyer of June’s crack arrest and said that even before the arrest, Alana did not want to live with her mother

Moving ahead: Pumpkin and Josh took Alana to a lawyer, informed the lawyer of June’s crack arrest and said that even before the arrest, Alana did not want to live with her mother

What to do: The lawyer advised that they 'file a private custody action in superior court' to 'state that you all are looking for sole physical custody and sole legal custody'

What to do: The lawyer advised that they ‘file a private custody action in superior court’ to ‘state that you all are looking for sole physical custody and sole legal custody’

Jessie said she was ‘not looking forward to this trip but I guess I’ll go,’ while Pumpkin quipped they needed ‘separate hotels with a deadbolt, two deadbolts.’

Pumpkin only agreed to go to Las Vegas in the hopes that it would make June happy enough that she would agree to sign the papers.

She headed off to meet June for lunch, planning to agree to the trip but inform her mother that the past was not buried and that Alana would not live with her. 

Almost as soon as they sat down, June taunted Pumpkin that it was a good job they were meeting in a public space where ‘you can’t yell at me in the restaurant.’ 

Trouble ahead: Pumpkin asked if it might be a good idea for her to ‘ask [June] first’ to sign, but the lawyer frankly observed that 'those typically don’t go over very well'

Trouble ahead: Pumpkin asked if it might be a good idea for her to ‘ask [June] first’ to sign, but the lawyer frankly observed that ‘those typically don’t go over very well’

Choppy waters: Alana agreed that if June realized that ‘she’s gotta sign her rights over, she’s not gonna do that' - setting the stage for a potential court battle

Choppy waters: Alana agreed that if June realized that ‘she’s gotta sign her rights over, she’s not gonna do that’ – setting the stage for a potential court battle

‘Do you get why I yelled?’ asked Pumpkin, to which June replied: ‘Not really,’ talking about ‘learning to stop living in the past.’ 

‘Oh my God, “the past” is not a week ago – “the past” is 10 years ago,’ said Pumpkin, noting how recently June had hidden from them that she had moved nearby.

Further, Pumpkin disabused June of idea Alana would move in with her, noting: ’She doesn’t wanna stay there with someone she doesn’t know.’

June was flummoxed at not being able to put the past in the past by simply throwing some money around and being forgiven.

Mending fences?: June called Pumpkin, who failed to pick up, so she left a voicemail apologizing for her prior misdeeds and inviting the family to Las Vegas

Mending fences?: June called Pumpkin, who failed to pick up, so she left a voicemail apologizing for her prior misdeeds and inviting the family to Las Vegas

Now there's a plan: Pumpkin only agreed to go to Las Vegas in the hopes that it would make June happy enough that she would agree to sign the papers

Now there’s a plan: Pumpkin only agreed to go to Las Vegas in the hopes that it would make June happy enough that she would agree to sign the papers

The morning they were to leave on their trip, Pumpkin and Jessie chatted in the former’s bedroom about the daunting task of getting June to give up custody.

Jessie said it might be ‘easy’ but Pumpkin doubted it, theorizing that their mother would ‘flip a b****’ but saying that only June would wind up embarrassed if she made the decision to ‘show her a**’ in court.

When Jessie and Pumpkin landed in Las Vegas, they discovered June had hired a limousine to ferry them around town.

A determinedly cheery June wanted to go down ‘memory lane’ to Pumpkin’s Vegas wedding – but Pumpkin was less keen to revisit a time when June was on drugs.

That's the idea: She headed off to meet June for lunch, planning to agree to the trip but inform her mother that the past was not buried and that Alana would not live with her

That’s the idea: She headed off to meet June for lunch, planning to agree to the trip but inform her mother that the past was not buried and that Alana would not live with her

Laugh it up: Almost as soon as they sat down, June taunted Pumpkin that it was a good job they were meeting in a public space where ‘you can’t yell at me in the restaurant'

Laugh it up: Almost as soon as they sat down, June taunted Pumpkin that it was a good job they were meeting in a public space where ‘you can’t yell at me in the restaurant’

Back and forth: 'Do you get why I yelled?' asked Pumpkin, to which June replied: 'Not really,' talking about 'learning to stop living in the past'

Back and forth: ‘Do you get why I yelled?’ asked Pumpkin, to which June replied: ‘Not really,’ talking about ‘learning to stop living in the past’

Right from the off, they had different ideas for the trip – June wanted to party through the night, whereas Pumpkin wants to use her time off from motherhood to get some sleep, prompting June to call her daughters ‘Debbie Downers.’

Meanwhile, Josh at home tries to introduce ‘tachos’ – nachos with tater tots and a bunch of sauces – to his and Pumpkin’s baby son Bentley.

June’s sister Doe Doe came to visit Josh, who revealed to her that he and Pumpkin were gunning for ‘sole custody of Alana.’

Doe Doe’s sympathy was with Pumpkin and Josh, and she said of her sister: ‘June’s just gonna have to suck it up.’

War council: The morning they were to leave on their trip, Pumpkin and Jessie chatted in the former’s bedroom about the daunting task of getting June to give up custody

War council: The morning they were to leave on their trip, Pumpkin and Jessie chatted in the former’s bedroom about the daunting task of getting June to give up custody

Differences of opinion: Jessie said it might be ‘easy’ but Pumpkin doubted it, theorizing that their mother would ‘flip a b****’

Differences of opinion: Jessie said it might be ‘easy’ but Pumpkin doubted it, theorizing that their mother would ‘flip a b****’

When Josh declared that they would ‘take her a** to court’ if June declined to sign the papers, Doe Doe asked if they would pursue child support.

Josh had not considered the matter, but once it was brought up, he conceded he ‘should definitely ask. I mean, f***er owes us.’ 

‘Taking care of a teenager is expensive and June has not done it,’ said Josh, noting Alana has her hair and nails done and dreams of going to college.

Back in Las Vegas, June and her two older daughters went to Fremont Street and ordered massive frozen drinks they could carry with them outdoors.

The news spreads: June's sister Doe Doe came to visit Josh, who revealed to her that he and Pumpkin were gunning for 'sole custody of Alana'

The news spreads: June’s sister Doe Doe came to visit Josh, who revealed to her that he and Pumpkin were gunning for ‘sole custody of Alana’

Another wrinkle: When Josh declared that they would ‘take her a** to court’ if June declined to sign the papers, Doe Doe asked if they would pursue child support

Another wrinkle: When Josh declared that they would ‘take her a** to court’ if June declined to sign the papers, Doe Doe asked if they would pursue child support

To Pumpkin’s initial consternation, June, who was two years sober, ordered a pina colada, insisting she would not drink it but just wanted to ‘carry it around.’

Luckily June did indeed almost instantly hand the alcoholic beverage over to Jessie and spent the evening in spectacular form. 

Pumpkin said in a confessional that she was experiencing the ‘old Mama,’ who had ‘a good time’ and ensured everyone else did too. ‘I do miss her this way.’

Swanking about: When Jessie and Pumpkin landed in Las Vegas, they discovered June had hired a limousine to ferry them around town

Swanking about: When Jessie and Pumpkin landed in Las Vegas, they discovered June had hired a limousine to ferry them around town

Whoops: A determinedly cheery June wanted to go down ‘memory lane’ to Pumpkin’s Vegas wedding - but Pumpkin was less keen to revisit a time when June was on drugs

Whoops: A determinedly cheery June wanted to go down ‘memory lane’ to Pumpkin’s Vegas wedding – but Pumpkin was less keen to revisit a time when June was on drugs

Having fun: Back in Las Vegas, June and her two older daughters went to Fremont Street and ordered massive frozen drinks they could carry with them outdoors

Having fun: Back in Las Vegas, June and her two older daughters went to Fremont Street and ordered massive frozen drinks they could carry with them outdoors

What a time: To Pumpkin's initial consternation, June, who was two years sober, ordered a pina colada, insisting she would not drink it but just wanted to ‘carry it around'

What a time: To Pumpkin’s initial consternation, June, who was two years sober, ordered a pina colada, insisting she would not drink it but just wanted to ‘carry it around’

June arranged from them to take pictures with Chippendales for them and Pumpkin felt herself being worn down as ‘she’s still my mom at the end of the day.’

Pumpkin agonized over prospect of asking for custody, pointing out that there was ‘a lot on the line’ over the case,

She could potentially permanently destroy her relationship with her mother – or wind up fighting a custody trial, ‘and I don’t wanna drag Alana through court.’

Having a ball: June arranged from them to take pictures with Chippendales for them and Pumpkin felt herself being worn down as ‘she’s still my mom at the end of the day'

Having a ball: June arranged from them to take pictures with Chippendales for them and Pumpkin felt herself being worn down as ‘she’s still my mom at the end of the day’

Scared: Pumpkin agonized over prospect of asking for custody, pointing out that there was ‘a lot on the line’ over the case

Scared: Pumpkin agonized over prospect of asking for custody, pointing out that there was ‘a lot on the line’ over the case

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk