Mother makes plea for people to talk about stillbirth

A mum who has released heartbreaking photos of the baby boy she nursed for 24 hours, after he was delivered stillborn, has made an impassioned plea for people to talk about her son, saying: ‘Ask about our little angel.’

Scared they would say the wrong thing, Jemma Bennett, 31, said no one mentioned her baby, Harlee Christophers, who was delivered without a heartbeat, 36 weeks and six days into her pregnancy, on April 29 this year.

Care assistant, Jemma, of Barnstaple, Devon, said: ‘Other new mums are given gifts, like tiny teddies, but no one ever asks about Harlee.

‘People try to keep to small talk. It’s as if I was never pregnant. No one asks what’s happened, nothing, not a word.

‘I understand that they don’t know what to say. I get that it’s a hard thing to talk about. But just think how this makes me feel. Just think about never talking about your baby again, because it’s too hard for people to hear.

‘Mums, like me, who’ve experienced stillbirth, are treated differently to other new mothers. But we still carried our little ones. We gave birth to them and we still have a story to tell, just like any other family.’

Jemma Bennett, 31, delivered baby Harley Christophers without a heartbeat, 36 weeks and six days into her pregnancy, on April 29 this year – but says no one has asked her about him

The mother, who wants to encourage people to discuss stillbirth, said: 'People try to keep to small talk. It's as if I was never pregnant. No one asks what's happened, nothing, not a word'

The mother, who wants to encourage people to discuss stillbirth, said: ‘People try to keep to small talk. It’s as if I was never pregnant. No one asks what’s happened, nothing, not a word’

Little Harlee died after Jemma suffered a concealed placental abruption – when the placenta, which processes a baby’s nutrients, waste and oxygen, detaches from the womb wall, ahead of delivery.

Jemma, who wants to raise awareness of placental abruption – which occurs in around one percent of pregnancies, according to the baby charity Tommy’s, said that, until just hours before her delivery her pregnancy had gone smoothly.

This was despite her experiencing a devastating loss, when her mum, Michelle Nott died suddenly, aged 54, from a heart attack, shortly after her 20-week scan in December 2016.

Afterwards Jemma and delivery driver Mark Christophers, 42 – her partner of 16 years, and dad to her four girls, Keely, nine, Amalee, six, Ezme, four, and Mylee, two – decided to find out their baby’s sex and were delighted to learn they were having a boy.

Harlee died after Jemma suffered a concealed placental abruption and she wanted to share the photos in the hope that people would treat the topic differently 

Harlee died after Jemma suffered a concealed placental abruption and she wanted to share the photos in the hope that people would treat the topic differently 

Recalling the moment when she learnt she would have to deliver a dead baby, Jemma  said: 'When the consultant came in to scan me, I knew there was something wrong but not what'

Recalling the moment when she learnt she would have to deliver a dead baby, Jemma said: ‘When the consultant came in to scan me, I knew there was something wrong but not what’

Jemma wants to let other mums of stillborn tots know they are not alone so has shared her story

Jemma wants to let other mums of stillborn tots know they are not alone so has shared her story

Jemma said: ‘Mum’s death was a complete shock. We really weren’t expecting it.

‘She had come to our 20 week scan with us a few days earlier. She’d been fine and was looking forward to welcoming another grandchild. Then, suddenly, she was gone.


Little Harlee died after Jemma suffered a concealed placental abruption – when the placenta, which processes a baby’s nutrients, waste and oxygen, detaches from the womb wall, ahead of delivery.

Jemma, who wants to raise awareness of placental abruption – which occurs in around one percent of pregnancies, according to the baby charity Tommy’s, said that, until just hours before her delivery her pregnancy had gone smoothly.

‘Afterwards, we found out we were having a boy and were delighted.

‘Of course, we just wanted a healthy child, but, after four girls, it was quite wonderful to learn the next one would be a boy.’

Following her bereavement, her pregnancy went smoothly, until a few hours before her tragic delivery, when she felt an increasingly intense pain.

She recalled: ‘I thought I had just gone into labour, apart from the pain and pressure never stopped.

‘I have four healthy little girls and my labours have all been quick, with only gas and air.

‘I thought, ‘Why would anything be different?’

‘But then the pain became unbearable. I couldn’t bend and I even needed help to get myself out of the bath.’

Jemma's pregnancy went smoothly, until a few hours before her tragic delivery, when she felt an increasingly intense pain

Jemma’s pregnancy went smoothly, until a few hours before her tragic delivery, when she felt an increasingly intense pain

After Harlee's birth, Jemma and Mark were able to sit with their son for more than 24 hours

After Harlee’s birth, Jemma and Mark were able to sit with their son for more than 24 hours

The little boy was CuddleCot, a specially-cooled cot, available at some hospitals

The little boy was CuddleCot, a specially-cooled cot, available at some hospitals

At this point, Jemma realised something was wrong and called North Devon District Hospital in Barnstaple, and an ambulance and midwife arrived at her home, at the same time.

Blue-lighted to hospital, on arrival, she was immediately taken to a delivery room, where a consultant came in to scan her – discovering that her placenta had detached entirely. But the symptoms were largely concealed, so she had not realised anything was wrong until the pain started.

Recalling the moment when she learnt she would have to deliver a dead baby, Jemma – who wants to let other mums of stillborn tots know they are not alone – said: ‘When the consultant came in to scan me, I knew there was something wrong but not what.

‘What came next… well, he didn’t need to say anything. I knew by the look on his face as soon as he started the scan.’

All of Jemma's daughters will have their hair cut off for The Princess Trust which will make wigs for young children 

All of Jemma’s daughters will have their hair cut off for The Princess Trust which will make wigs for young children 

Pictured is a scan of the little boy while his mother was carrying him 

Pictured is a scan of the little boy while his mother was carrying him 

In that moment, Jemma felt her entire world collapse.

Biting back tears, she continued: ‘I couldn’t hear anything, then the words no mother ever wants to hear came, ‘There’s no heartbeat’.

‘What followed was every woman’s worst nightmare. At 4.21pm Harlee Noah arrived. He was delivered naturally after a few pushes. There were no sounds. Everything was so peaceful.

‘He was a perfect angel with rosebud lips and I held him in my arms.

‘All of my babies had been small. Ezme was the smallest at 4lb 9oz and Amalee the biggest at 6lb 7oz, so I was monitored because of that, but until this happened, Harlee had seemed fine.

‘It’s still not clear why the placental abruption occurred.’

After Harlee’s birth, Jemma and Mark were able to sit with their son for more than 24 hours, thanks to a CuddleCot, a specially-cooled cot, available at some hospitals, which enables babies who are stillborn or who die shortly after birth to be preserved.

The little girls have all decided to cut their hair for the charity, which is something they decided to do

The little girls have all decided to cut their hair for the charity, which is something they decided to do

During these precious hours, they told him their hopes and dreams, cut off locks of his hair, took prints of his tiny feet, told him they loved him and took heart-wrenching photos.

Jemma said: ‘Having that extra time with Harlee meant the world. We didn’t bring the girls in, and maybe we should have, but felt like it might be too much for them.

‘Now I really want to speak out, to let people know that parents like us, who have had stillborn babies, still need to talk about them, as they still existed.

‘We may get sad, we may have tears, but that’s only because we miss our little one so much.

‘We don’t get to post online about them crawling, walking, cutting their first teeth, or their first day at school.

‘We don’t get to see them starting big school, or turning 16 or going to a prom.

‘That’s why it is so important to ask.’

 The little girls posed before they had their hair cut for the charity 

 The little girls posed before they had their hair cut for the charity 

Jemma's second youngest daughter posed at home before going for the chop 

Jemma’s second youngest daughter posed at home before going for the chop 

Now Jemma and her family are learning to live without the son they now call their ‘Angel.’

She continued: ‘The moment Harlee arrived was life-changing. We were meant to have a baby boy, but we had an angel instead.

‘Leaving him in the CuddleCot forever was so sad.

‘To walk out of that door and away from our little angel was a heartache no one should ever have to go through.

‘That’s why I am speaking out.’

All of Jemma’s daughters will have their hair cut off for The Princess Trust which will make wigs for young children – something they decided to do.

Separately, Jemma and Mark have raised £1,800 for a CuddleCot for their local area.

However, they are still keen to raise money.