Teacher, 44, who had sex with teenage pupil while his wife was at work is banned from the classroom

A teacher who admitted having sex with a teenage pupil has been banned from the classroom for life.

Andrew Simms, 44, brought the 16 year old girl to his home when his wife was at work to have sex.

The teacher and father-of-two taught engineering at the CTC Kingshurst College from 2014 where he became head of department.

In January 2018 Pupil A told another teacher that she and another pupil had received inappropriate messages from Simms and that she was aware that Pupil B had been having sex with him. 

A Teaching Regulation Agency disciplinary panel heard that Pupil B was picked up by Simms who drove her to his home where they drank tea before going upstairs where they kissed and had full sex while his wife worked at night.

Maurice McBride, who chaired the Teaching Regulation Agency hearing earlier this month, said: ‘Pupil B and Mr Simms were messaging each other and Pupil B told Mr Simms that her father was out, and she was at home and free to meet him.

‘Mr Simms told her that he would leave the gym early and come and pick her up, which he did. Pupil B described Mr Simms as wearing shorts and a vest top at the time.’

Andrew Simms, 44, has been banned from a classroom for life after having sex with one of his 16-year-old students at his house

The TRA panel was told the relationship continued and would often go to his house for sex, and he bought her outfits to wear.

He also allegedly drove from the gym to meet her on her prom night while she was still underage.

In September 2017, Pupil B started at a new college, but continued to meet Simms, who was helping her with her college work. 

But she started feeling guilty about the sex because Simms was married with a family and she had become interested in a boy.

Pupil B told the panel she met Simms as a pupil at the college but their relationship changed when she revealed details about her personal life.

He then ‘checked in’ with her on a regular basis and then started telling her things about his private family life.

Other pupils spotted he was giving her ‘extra attention’ and noted when she argued with a classmate she did not get into any trouble but the other student did.

When she saw a pull-up bar in the teacher’s office she tried it out and he placed his hands on her bum to help her up, the panel heard.

During the same term in 2017 he left his phone with the Snapchat app open in front of her, allowing her to add him to her list of friends.

During their messaging, Pupil B claimed Simms had asked Pupil B to send images of herself to him. Pupil B said she had sent a number of selfies to Mr Simms, including nude photos.

Although no evidence was found in court of inappropriate messages, the panel found ‘it was more likely than not that Mr Simms received an explicit picture of Pupil B and therefore find allegation proved’ at least as it related to images.

Pupil B explained that the last time she had sexual intercourse with Mr Simms was in December 2017.

There was further messaging into January 2018, but it stopped following Mr Simms’s suspension and there was no more contact after that point.

The panel also found that he made comments to a girl, Pupil A, calling her ‘gorgeous’ and also saying: ‘It’s good job we wont be in the same place because I wont be able to control myself around you.’

He also asked her if she was wearing a bra after she said she was hot and he told her to take off her jumper but she replied she couldn’t as ‘she had nothing on underneath’.

In written representations Simms said: ‘The TRA has to accept that they are dealing with teenage girls…There is a high likelihood of the risk of exaggeration and attention seeking.’

Simms took Pupil B to his house while his wife was at work and made inappropriate comments to Pupil A saying he wouldn't be able to control himself around her

Simms took Pupil B to his house while his wife was at work and made inappropriate comments to Pupil A saying he wouldn’t be able to control himself around her

The panel did not agree with that view, noting Simms’s repetitive conduct with more than one pupil and lack of remorse, banning him from teaching for life. 

Sarah Buxcey, for the Education Secretary, said: ‘Andrew Simms is prohibited from teaching indefinitely and cannot teach in any school, sixth form college, relevant youth accommodation or children’s home in England’

She added: ‘In view of the seriousness of the allegations found proved against him, I have decided that Mr Simms shall not be entitled to apply for restoration of his eligibility to teach.’ 

Mr McBride said: ‘Mr Simms abused the trust of his position at the most serious end of the spectrum by engaging in a sexual relationship with a pupil and inappropriate communication with another pupil.’ 

When the accusations originally arose Simms was investigated by both the college and police who interviewed him under caution and charged him with having sex with a 15-year-old. 

He initially denied having sex with the pupil but when police examined a pink suspender belt the girl had turned over it was found to have his DNA on it.

David Swinnerton the prosecutor at Birmingham Crown Court said: ‘He said she had sent him a picture of herself in her underwear and felt trapped by her. He then stupidly exchanged other messages.’

He ultimately admitted to a consensual sexual relationship but maintained it did not begin until September 2017, after she turned 16. 

Simms was found not guilty of these charges by a jury at Birmingham Crown Court because they accepted the relationship began after she turned 16-years-old.

Although no evidence was found in court regarding inappropriate messages, the TRA panel found ‘it was more likely than not that Mr Simms received an explicit picture of Pupil B and therefore find allegation proved’ at least as it related to images. 

The TRA also disagreed with the court ruling regarding the timing of the sexual relationship.

It ruled: ‘The panel considered that it was more likely than not that the first time Pupil B and Mr Simms engaged in sexual intercourse was 29 June 2017.

‘Pupil B’s detailed account, including that she was highly likely to remember the date of the Prom and regarding Mr Simms’s gym attendance were a credible account.

‘The panel were not persuaded that Mr Simms could not have been with Pupil B, at all that day, on the basis that he made a visit to a gym.’

Simms did not turn up for the hearing but told the watchdogs: ‘I am not making any excuses for my actions whatsoever. I do not ever want to teach again.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk