MP blasts NHS moves to make doctors ask if you are gay

An NHS plan for family doctors to ask patients about whether they are gay, straight or bisexual was branded ‘idiotic’ yesterday.

The questions are meant to ensure those of minority sexual orientation are treated fairly under recent equalities legislation and were welcomed by gay rights campaigners.

But critics branded the questions – which will come in from April 2019 – as a waste of doctors’ valuable time and intrusive. There were also fears that hackers could leak the sensitive information.

The new plans to ask the sexual orientation of patients visiting their GP or attending a hospital appointment has been widely ridiculed

Under the ‘sex quiz’ plan, all patients over 16 visiting their GP or attending a hospital appointment in England could be asked about their sexual orientation.

It emerged last night that NHS England is also ‘evaluating options’ on how doctors could ask whether patients are transgender or not. It said it was ‘working with the Department of Health and other partners on a scoping exercise which is evaluating options for the development of a unified information standard which would include gender identity’.

NHS England said the ‘trans community’ wants questions about sexual orientation to be kept separate from questions about gender identity.

Under the plan, patients over 16 would be asked if they are: 1) heterosexual or straight; 2) gay or lesbian; 3) bisexual; 4) ‘Other sexual orientation not listed’.

Acceptable answers to ‘not listed’ include asexual – not interested in sex – or ‘queer’. Further categories include ‘U’ – for someone who is not sure. People who refuse to answer will be classed as ‘Z’. A final category is for people with disabilities who are unable to answer the question.

NHS England said patients would not be forced to answer, and NHS Trusts could opt out of bringing in the system.

Charity behind the sex question 

Based in Manchester’s Gay Village, the LGBT Foundation has achieved influence over every NHS patient’s life despite its relatively small size.

The charity, which employs 43 staff, has been lobbying the NHS for the past seven years to win support for its controversial plan for all patients to be asked about their sexuality.

The foundation – whose patron is actor Sir Ian McKellen – said yesterday that in addition to a £32,338 grant to prepare the guidelines on questioning patients about their sexuality, NHS England had awarded it another £43,000 to promote the policy over the next two years. Alongside the campaign, it works directly with gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people.

Advice: Workers from the LGBT Foundation on a stall at an art exhibition

Advice: Workers from the LGBT Foundation on a stall at an art exhibition

Its work includes handing out safe-sex packs to men taking part in group sex.

Its staff have also carried out HIV testing in a porn studio and provided health advice for people taking part in ‘chemsex’, the use of drugs during sex.

According to its annual report, it hands out more than 500,000 condoms a year.

The LGBT Foundation said its claim that the ‘vast majority’ of the wider population found it acceptable to be questioned about their sexuality was based on work by the Office for National Statistics.

The NHS said research by the LGBT Foundation showed that ‘90-95 per cent of people’ would be comfortable disclosing their sexual orientation, a survey based on responses from 144 people from the gay community. Of the respondents, 117 said they would be happy to disclose their sexuality, 13 said they would not and 14 did not answer.

Philip Davies, MP for Keighley and a member of Parliament’s equalities committee, said: ‘It’s completely idiotic. The best way to treat people equally is to give them good medical care, not prying into their sex lives.

‘This is absolute madness and it’s all to keep this huge politically correct industry in a job.

‘Nobody cares what people’s sexual orientation is, they just want doctors to get on and treat people’s medical conditions. What’s so difficult about that? The NHS is stretched enough without everybody wasting time and money ticking irrelevant boxes like this.’

Dr Peter Swinyard, chairman of the Family Doctor Association, told the BBC that for older patients, sexuality ‘doesn’t affect health outcomes or care’. He added: ‘Given the short amount of time a GP has with a patient, sexuality is not relevant.’

But veteran gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell said collecting the data could prevent ‘negligent and inadvertent discrimination’. He added: ‘Many older LGBT people don’t have family to support them, they tend to be lonely and isolated. Knowing about their sexuality could help ensure that doctors make sure they get the necessary support and social care.’

NHS England said: ‘This information standard is designed to help NHS bodies be compliant with the law by collecting, only where relevant, personal details of patients such as race, sex and sexual orientation. They do not have to do it in every area, people do not have to answer the questions and it will have no impact on the care they receive.’