Baby orangutan gets first taste of freedom in West Borneo

This is the uplifting moment a terrified orphaned baby Orangutan gets her first taste of freedom after being locked up in a tiny wooden crate. 

The petrified animal, called Isin, was found trapped in a box measuring just one metre wide when she was in West Borneo. It’s believed her mother was killed by habitat loss caused by the palm oil trade.

Bittersweet footage shows the moment the orangutan stares out from inside the crate, capturing the human-like gaze of the intelligent creature. 


Uplifting footage captures the bittersweet moment a terrified baby Orangutan peers intently through its wooden crate before being released.  The intelligent creature, called Isin, was found trapped in a box, measuring just one metre wide, when she was discovered by rescuers in West Borneo

Heart-wrenching footage shows the moment the orangutan looking pensive from inside the crate capturing the human-like gaze of the stunning creature. Rescuers are filmed sedating the orangutan, working swiftly to ensure Isin was healthy before setting her free

Heart-wrenching footage shows the moment the orangutan looking pensive from inside the crate capturing the human-like gaze of the stunning creature. Rescuers are filmed sedating the orangutan, working swiftly to ensure Isin was healthy before setting her free

Isin, who is thought to be three-years-old, was kept by a local man named Bahtiar, who nailed the crate shut to keep her inside

Isin, who is thought to be three-years-old, was kept by a local man named Bahtiar, who nailed the crate shut to keep her inside

Isin, who is thought to be three-years-old, was kept by a local man named Bahtiar, who nailed the crate shut to keep her inside

Rescuers are filmed sedating the orangutan, working swiftly to ensure Isin was healthy before setting her free. 

Isin, who is thought to be three-years-old, was kept by a local man named Bahtiar, who nailed the crate shut to keep her inside.

He claimed to have found the orangutan on his farmland, not far from a palm oil plantation and is kept her locked up for two weeks before contacting the authorities.

Officials from the local Forest Department (BKSDA) travelled to the village, accompanied by a team from International Animal Rescue (IAR).

Footage captures the intense excitement of rescuers when they released Isin from her wooden box.

Once some planks of wood were levered off the crate, the medical team were able to entice her over to them with some food.

Sedating her, they gave her a thorough medical examination to ensure she didn’t have any long-term health defects following her ordeal. 

Alan Knight, chief executive at IAR, said: ‘Little Isin is yet another sad victim of the devastating deforestation being carried out by palm oil companies and other large scale agricultural industries in Borneo.

Trapped alone inside the small crate, Isin looked miserable when the rescuers first found her

Trapped alone inside the small crate, Isin looked miserable when the rescuers first found her

Isin, who is thought to be three-years-old, was kept by a local man named Bahtiar, who nailed the crate shut to keep her inside. Vets checked her over to ensure she was healthy before allowing her to return to the Borneo forest

Isin, who is thought to be three-years-old, was kept by a local man named Bahtiar, who nailed the crate shut to keep her inside. Vets checked her over to ensure she was healthy before allowing her to return to the Borneo forest

Isin, who is thought to be three-years-old, was kept by a local man named Bahtiar, who nailed the crate shut to keep her inside. Vets checked her over to ensure she was healthy before allowing her to return to the Borneo forest 

Bahtiar claimed to have found the orangutan on his farmland, not far from a palm oil plantation and is kept her for two weeks before contacting the authorities. The orangutan was given fresh food and water to replenish her after her caged ordeal

Bahtiar claimed to have found the orangutan on his farmland, not far from a palm oil plantation and is kept her for two weeks before contacting the authorities. The orangutan was given fresh food and water to replenish her after her caged ordeal

‘She should still be with her mother, learning from her all the skills and behaviours she needs to survive in the forest.

‘Instead she was found all alone, which makes it likely that her mother had been killed.

‘A female orangutan would never abandon her baby or be parted from it without a fight. Baby orangutans like Isin are likely to have seen their mothers being killed – which is why so many of them are deeply traumatised when we rescue them.

‘Isin will join more than 100 other orangutans in our rescue centre in Ketapang, West Borneo and, once through quarantine, will begin her journey through rehabilitation in preparation for her eventual return to the rainforest.’

Karmele Llano Sanchez, Programme Director of IAR Indonesia, added: ‘Having such a large number of orangutans undergoing rehabilitation, with more having to be rescued all the time, makes it increasingly difficult to find safe places where we can release them.

‘It is absolutely vital that the root cause of the problem is addressed – the relentless destruction of the rainforest – if we are ever to halt the decline of orangutan populations in the wild.’

Once some planks of wood had been levered off the crate, the medical team were able to entice her over to them with some food

Once some planks of wood had been levered off the crate, the medical team were able to entice her over to them with some food

Alan Knight, chief executive at IAR, said: 'Little Isin is yet another sad victim of the devastating deforestation being carried out by palm oil companies and other large scale agricultural industries in Borneo'. Rescuers picked baby-like Isin up from her cage to check her over

Alan Knight, chief executive at IAR, said: ‘Little Isin is yet another sad victim of the devastating deforestation being carried out by palm oil companies and other large scale agricultural industries in Borneo’. Rescuers picked baby-like Isin up from her cage to check her over