Philadelphia nurse is blasted for ‘racism’ after she was filmed BERATING a pregnant black woman

A Pennsylvania nurse practitioner has been accused of racism after harassing a black pregnant woman who had asked for a doctor’s note to take off work because she was in extreme pain in her last trimester. 

Jillian, who is known as @goddess_jay_ on social media, went viral this week when she shared footage of an unnamed staffer at the Philly Pregnancy Center berating her, claiming it would be a ‘fraud’ for her to take off work because of her pregnancy. 

The patient’s lawyer, Briana Lynn Pearson, told that the white employee’s treatment of her client is an example of the pervasive racism in the medical industry. 

Jillian, whose last name has not been shared, opened up about her experience in a series of TikTok videos, saying she was experiencing pain and had called the clinic for a doctor’s note for a week before she was finally told to come in. 

Jillian, who is seven months pregnant, shared footage of a nurse practitioner harassing her after she asked for a doctor’s note to take off work because she was experiencing pain

In the video, the staffer at the Philly Pregnancy Center can be heard grilling Jillian about what she was thinking when she got pregnant, claiming it would be 'fraud' for her to take off work

In the video, the staffer at the Philly Pregnancy Center can be heard grilling Jillian about what she was thinking when she got pregnant, claiming it would be ‘fraud’ for her to take off work

The mom-to-be alleged that the nurse practitioner was dismissive of her pain from the get-go and was unnecessarily rough with her during her exam.  

‘When I tried to explain my pain and exactly what I was feeling, she cut me off [and] said, “Let me examine you. I want to feel your cervix.” So when I got up on the table for her to examine me, she was very aggressive,’ the mom-to-be said. 

‘She shoved her fingers in me. It was painful.’

Jillian said that after the exam the medical staffer told her that she could still work and the most she could do was give her a note saying she couldn’t lift 25 pounds or more.

She tried stating her case and asked repeatedly to speak to the doctor, but the nurse practitioner allegedly told her that she wasn’t going to argue with her. 

Jillian claimed that when they got back to the front desk, the employee started blurting out all of her information loudly enough for another patient in the lobby to hear. 

The expectant mom said the receptionist finally got a doctor on the phone, and she was asked to go to a back room to talk to her in private. 

Jillian, who is known as @goddess_jay_ on TikTok, detailed her experience in a series of videos, claiming the staffer was dismissive of her pain and unnecessarily rough while examining her

Jillian, who is known as @goddess_jay_ on TikTok, detailed her experience in a series of videos, claiming the staffer was dismissive of her pain and unnecessarily rough while examining her

When she was walking back to take the phone call, the nurse practitioner allegedly said, ‘Please, don’t take her to my office.’

Jillian said she told the staffer, ‘Nobody wants to go to your office. You’re a weirdo for that.’ According to her account, the nurse practitioner then told her she had called the police because she had called her a ‘weirdo.’ 

In a follow-up video, she recalled how she had a panic attack and started crying after she heard the police were called, noting that her blood pressure was already high when they checked it that day. 

Jillian said the cops were waiting for her in the lobby and were a bit aggressive with her, but she didn’t think to record them because that was never her intention. 

The nurse practitioner allegedly told the police that she felt threatened. 

Jillian said she disputed the claim and pointed out that she was nearly eight months pregnant and not in the position to be attacking anyone.

The mom-to-be also alleged that the woman called the police on her because she called her a 'weirdo,' causing her to have a panic attack and cry

The mom-to-be also alleged that the woman called the police on her because she called her a ‘weirdo,’ causing her to have a panic attack and cry

Jillian said that doctor had already approved her note stating she needed time off from work when the nurse practitioner started berating her and accusing her of trying to commit 'fraud'

Jillian said that doctor had already approved her note stating she needed time off from work when the nurse practitioner started berating her and accusing her of trying to commit 'fraud'

Jillian said that doctor had already approved her note stating she needed time off from work when the nurse practitioner started berating her and accusing her of trying to commit ‘fraud’

The police allegedly told her that the nurse practitioner said she just wanted a note to ‘get a free ride.’ 

The doctor ended up approving her note after the police left, and she was asked to wait in the office while it was being prepared. 

Jillian said she tried to focus on her phone and ignore the nurse practitioner when she approached her, but she wouldn’t leave her alone. 

‘I finally just said, “Listen I don’t care what you got to say. Please, get out of my face. Go about your day. So she goes, “Jillian, you’re a piece of s**t. What were you thinking when you opened your legs and got pregnant?” From there, I immediately hurried up and went to my camera,’ she explained. 

In the video, which was later shared on Twitter, the nurse practitioner can be heard berating Jillian for not feeling well enough to work in her last trimester. 

‘What were you thinking about when you got pregnant? That you were not going to work? I’m just curious ’cause like I’ve had three kids. I worked up until the second they were born,’ the staffer said. 

The nurse practitioner also accused her of lying about the information on her medical chart, saying she knew it wasn't true because she checked her cervix

The nurse practitioner also accused her of lying about the information on her medical chart, saying she knew it wasn’t true because she checked her cervix

Jillian's lawyer, Briana Lynn Pearson, told that the white staffer's treatment of her client is an example of racism in the medical industry

Jillian’s lawyer, Briana Lynn Pearson, told that the white staffer’s treatment of her client is an example of racism in the medical industry

‘But am I you? Are you me? Do you know how I feel?’ Jillian hit back.

The nurse practitioner claimed she wanted to know her ‘mindset’ and once again asked what she was ‘thinking about’ when she got pregnant. 

Jillian said she was ‘thinking about having a kid’ and was confused by where she was going with her line of questioning. 

The employee insisted that she gave the mom-to-be her ‘best medical advice’ after her assessment, but she ‘didn’t like that.’ 

Jillian once again explained that she just is seven months pregnant and in pain, saying she just wanted a doctor’s note so that she could ‘take it easy’ for the next two months. 

‘And I explained to you that that’s fraud,’ the nurse practitioner said.

Jillian later shared screenshots of the Philly Pregnancy Center's alleged response to her video on TikTok. The clinic's Instagram page has since been deleted

Jillian later shared screenshots of the Philly Pregnancy Center’s alleged response to her video on TikTok. The clinic’s Instagram page has since been deleted

The message stated that the nurse practitioner did not touch the patient and claimed that Jillian had cursed at her during their conversation

The message stated that the nurse practitioner did not touch the patient and claimed that Jillian had cursed at her during their conversation

The message stated that the nurse practitioner did not touch the patient and claimed that Jillian had cursed at her during their conversation 

Jillian immediately rejected her claim, saying, ‘It’s not fraud. If it was fraud, the doctor wouldn’t be getting me my note right now.’

The nurse practitioner accused her of lying about the information on her medical chart, saying she knew it wasn’t true because she checked her cervix.  

‘Okay you checked my cervix, but how you know how my bones feel? How you know how my body feels, my legs, my back? How do you know how that feels? How do you know how my nausea feels? How do you know how my cramps feel?’ Jillian asked. 

The camera footage started to shake when the staffer walked toward the mom-to-be, who accused the woman of hitting her. 

Jillian later shared screenshots of the Philly Pregnancy Center’s alleged response to her video on TikTok. The clinic’s Instagram page has since been deleted. 

‘Please listen to the conversation,’ the message began. ‘In addition, from people that witnessed this interaction, please look at the video carefully — when the NP realized that she was being recorded without her permission to do that she raised her bag and the laptop holder against the camera — she did not touch the patient at all.’

Jillian's viral video has sparked outrage across social media, where commenters called out the nurse practitioner for her treatment of a woman of color

Jillian’s viral video has sparked outrage across social media, where commenters called out the nurse practitioner for her treatment of a woman of color

The response also accuses Jillian of cursing at the nurse practitioner while denying her claims of mistreatment.  

‘I am sorry as this is [an] exceedingly difficult situation for all of us at the Philadelphia Pregnancy Center who devote our lives to care [for] and serve the community, high-risk and low-risk pregnant ladies and all the underserved women in Philadelphia, regardless of their insurance status, race, gender, sexual orientation, rich or poor — everyone,’ the message continued. ‘We do not deserve this kind of treatment and harassment that we have endured by this patient and her followers on social media and beyond.’ has reached out to the Philly Pregnancy Center for comment. 

Pearson, an attorney at the Law Offices of Eric A. Shore, told in an email that the interaction between the nurse practitioner and her client highlights the racial disparities that can lead to maternal mortality. 

‘The type of abusive treatment the Philadelphia Pregnancy Center, subjected their patient Jill to is exactly why Black Women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related health issues than White Women,’ she said. 

‘Jill, like every woman of color, deserved to be treated with dignity by her medical provider. Instead, Jill was treated like less of a human and for that she deserves justice.’ 

Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women due to multiple factors, including structural racism

Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women due to multiple factors, including structural racism

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women due to multiple factors, including structural racism and implicit bias. 

Research also shows that black women are five times more likely to die from pregnancy-related cardiomyopathy (a form of heart failure) and the blood pressure disorders preeclampsia and eclampsia than white women.

‘Every year our firm brings hundreds of claims against businesses that discriminate and harass women and people of color. But discrimination by medical providers is particularly troubling,’ Eric A. Shore, the CEO and president of the law office, told via email. 

‘For numerous reasons, minorities have long received subpar healthcare in America. But when an expectant mother is accused of lying about her pain and denied requested time off from work, it can result in harm to both the mother and the baby. There is a reason that the maternal mortality rate for Black women is almost 300% higher than that for White women. We must do more to shed light on race discrimination. Together we can make the world a better place for all.’ 

Jillian’s viral video has sparked outrage across TikTok and Twitter, where commenters called out the nurse practitioner for her treatment of a woman of color. 

‘This is absolutely racist! How dare that nurse,’ one person wrote. 

Someone else added, ‘This is the true face of the medical system in this country! Health insurance or no health insurance all they see is skin tone…not surprising.’ 

‘Coming from a nurse just the fact that she said your business where others can [hear] is a [HIPAA] violation and automatic termination,’ another pointed out. ‘Keep fighting.’
