IGET VAPE – Largest Disposable Vape Store

Does IGET Vape contain Diacetyl?

IGET Vapes do not contain diacetyl, the chemical found to cause popcorn lung (bronchiolitis obliterans) or scar tissue build-up in the lungs. Excessive scar tissue in the lungs can block airflow, making it more difficult to breathe and causing coughing and shortness of breath.

This condition is linked to a chemical found in certain vapes called diacetyl, which is not present in the IGET’s products. IGET Vape juice contains VG and PG (Vegetable glycerine and propylene glycol).

Both VG and PG are commonly used in the food industry and adhere to safety standards.

Propylene Glycol is a preservative commonly used in food manufacturing and is also present in asthma inhalers or “puffers”. It is a base ingredient for most vape juices and is a colorless but slightly sweet liquid.

Most e-liquids, including the ones found in IGET Vape, contain a mixture of VG and PG—both of which are base liquids that carry the flavor of your e-liquid and help to create the vapor cloud when in use.

Breaking down PG and VG

VG or Vegetable Glycerine is a slightly sweet, odorless, and colorless base liquid found in almost all e-liquids. It is chosen because of its wide use in food manufacturing as well as its high viscosity.

When vaporized VG provides a much smoother hit. It is derived from vegetable oil, making it suitable for vegetarians to consume.

PG or Propylene Glycol is similar to VG and is also an odorless and colorless base liquid. PG is derived from petroleum, natural gas, or vegetable sources. It is less viscous compared to VG and this allows it to suspend and hold your e-liquid flavor.

PG is acknowledged by the FDA as an additive that is “generally recognized as safe” for use in food.

Common side effects of vaping PG and VG can include dry mouth, scratchy throat, and increased thirst. These are all temporary effects and can easily be mitigated by staying hydrated.

VG and PG Ratio in IGET Vape

Most e-liquid devices will contain both PG and VG. This is because the highly viscous properties of VG reduce leakages and allow for more effective vaporization, while PG is better at carrying and sustaining more intense flavor.

Combining these two base liquids ensures that the flavor of your e-liquid is present, while still achieving the desired vapor effect. Most e-liquids contain a balanced 50-50 PG VG ratio to achieve great flavor and big clouds.

IGET vapes also contain a 50-50 mixture ensuring adequate great-tasting flavor and clouds with every hit.

What chemicals are present in the IGET Vape

IGET Vape contains VG, PG, and benzoic acid, nicotine between 20mg-60mg.

  • IGET XXL (50mg Nicotine)
  • IGET King (60mg Nicotine)
  • IGET Mega (50mg Nicotine)
  • IGET Bar (50mg Nicotine)
  • IGET Legend (50mg Nicotine)
  • IGET Goat (50mg Nicotine)