Homeowner fined for putting rubbish out at wrong time

A homeowner was fined £50 for accidentally putting his recycling rubbish out at the wrong time.

Angus Hamilton, a lawyer, left the rubbish outside his Islington property just after midday.

However Islington council’s website says bags on his street are designated for an ‘evening’ collection.

Mr Hamilton was then issued with a fixed penalty notice and told he would have to pay a fine as the rubbish was left ‘outside of appropriate hours’.

Angus Hamilton, a lawyer, was fined £50 for accidentally putting his recycling rubbish out at the wrong time by Islington Council

Mr Hamilton, who has lived in Amwell Street for 16 years, branded the saga a ‘farce’ after he successfully challenged the fine imposed by the council.

He told the Islington Gazette: ‘I find it utterly ludicrous. The council is simultaneously trying to encourage recycling and issuing penalties for following that policy.

‘I’m not sure whether this is a desperate grab for money on the part of a cash-strapped council or just terminal stupidity.’ 

He added: ‘I was told I was breaking recycling policy that was on the website, but that doesn’t say remotely what they were claiming.

‘What’s rather annoying from my point of view is that the fine failed totally to mention my right to appeal.

‘They withdrew it. But they are still saying if you place your recycling in the street contrary to the appropriate hours it is a criminal offence.’

Mr Hamilton, who has lived in Amwell Street (street view) for 16 years, branded the saga a 'farce' after he successfully challenged the fine imposed by the council

Mr Hamilton, who has lived in Amwell Street (street view) for 16 years, branded the saga a ‘farce’ after he successfully challenged the fine imposed by the council

An Islington Council spokesman said: ‘We’re sorry this FPN (fixed penalty notice) was issued and we’ve cancelled it.

‘We have been investigating local complaints about dumping of domestic waste sacks in Amwell Street.

‘However, we agree the time bands for recycling collections in Amwell Street should be clearer, and we are reviewing this.

We’d like to apologise to Mr Hamilton for this FPN.

‘We also want to thank him for recycling, which helps the environment and also saves money that can be spent on other local services.’ 


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