Byron Bay parking officer issues $120 fine to woman who reversed her car into space

Driver is baffled after being slapped with a ‘ridiculous’ $120 fine for parking act most of us do on a weekly basis: ‘Can someone explain?’

  • A Byron Bay local was left baffled after receiving a $120 fine
  • She was fined for reversing her vehicle into a parking space
  • Council enforced this rule due to drivers leaving their boots up

A driver was left shocked and confused after she copped a $120 parking fine for simply reversing her vehicle into a car space. 

The Byron Bay local parked at Main Beach without realising that all vehicles had to park in nose first.

She returned to her car to find a fine and admitted to not seeing a sign that warned motorists: ‘Front in at all times’.

‘Can someone please explain to me why it’s now illegal to reverse into a park?’ she wrote in a Facebook post.

A Byron Bay resident copped a $120 parking fine for reversing her vehicle into a car space before taking photos of the parking officer

The woman questioned why the fine for reversing was so expensive before warning others driving into the popular coastal town. 

‘Here we are paying to park and getting fined for it $120. Just awesome!’ 

‘Has anyone else had this happen? Can the SMALL print perhaps be put at the TOP!? Please share to warn others,’ the woman wrote.

She attached photos of a parking officer in the car park issuing fines to other motorists. 

Some local residents agreed that the fine was unreasonable and accused the council of ‘revenue raising’.

‘Most stupid moronic rule that only Australia has, to line the pockets of the council. Bloody w******,’ wrote one.

‘It would be nice if council put a big sign up but it’s a big cash cow. I warn anyone I see parking that way,’ said another.

Others criticised the woman for not reading the sign. 

The woman had missed a sign in Main Beach CBD that advised all drivers to park nose first or risk a fine

The woman had missed a sign in Main Beach CBD that advised all drivers to park nose first or risk a fine 

The woman posted about the parking fine on social media where other users agreed that the fine was unreasonable, but some Byron Bay locals lambasted her for missing the sign

The woman posted about the parking fine on social media where other users agreed that the fine was unreasonable, but some Byron Bay locals lambasted her for missing the sign 

A few users claimed the reason the rule was implemented was to keep exhaust fumes away from people on the pavement and local shops. 

Byron Bay Council previously only allowed reverse parking in the CBD, with those parking nose first risking a fine.

This rule was flipped in early 2010 and the council dished out $50,000 to change all of the parking signs in the area.

A Byron Bay Council spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia: ‘The reason for no rear-in parking at Main Beach car park in Byron Bay is because some drivers who park rear-in open their boots and leave them up over the adjacent public footpath.

‘This is makes it harder for people to walk on the footpath.

‘Like every other road rule, this one represents a basic courtesy to other people.’

The spokesperson added that the amount chosen for the penalty was set out by NSW Parliament and not the council.  
