Youthful woman who wowed hundreds with her age shares beauty secrets and how she looks after skin

A youthful marketing assistant who wowed hundreds after sharing a photo of herself online has shared her beauty secrets – and the very unusual homemade face and hair mask that keeps her looking young.

Mum Moonee Nguyen, 44, who is from the Gold Coast but originally from Singapore, said while you might think she forks out thousands for pricey facials, Botox and beauty treatments, in fact all of her self care is done at home.

Moonee has never had any Botox, fillers or other clinical treatments done for her skin. 

‘I love the quote “self care is not selfish” because it isn’t and shouldn’t be,’ Moonee told FEMAIL.

‘By taking care of myself, I want to inspire my daughters and other ladies out there who cannot afford appointments at beauty salons that you can totally take care of yourself at home – you just need to take some time to prioritise yourself.’

A youthful marketing assistant has shared her beauty secrets – and the very unusual homemade face and hair mask she swears by (Moonee Nguyen pictured)

Moonee (pictured) wowed hundreds when she shared a photo of herself on Facebook and revealed she was 44 years old

Moonee (pictured) wowed hundreds when she shared a photo of herself on Facebook and revealed she was 44 years old

When it comes to how she looks after herself, Moonee said she is a fan of simple skincare.

‘Cleaning your face is really important,’ she said. ‘I never go to sleep without cleansing my face.’ 

 I also never start a day without SPF regardless if it is cloudy or rainy, or if I’m staying home or going out

The 44-year-old said she typically uses a ‘stronger’ product in the evenings to get rid of makeup and any dirt and grime, and then something more hydrating and nourishing in the morning.

She also double cleanses most nights to get rid of excess makeup from the day.

‘I also never start a day without SPF regardless if it is cloudy or rainy, or if I’m staying home or going out,’ she said.

‘Since working for the Cancer Council as a marketing assistant, I have become very serious about using sunscreen and other methods to protect myself and my family from the harsh sun rays.

‘I also use vitamin C serum under my SPF to make it work even more effectively. 

Moonee's DIY home treatments include exfoliating once a week and a homemade face mask made from beer, rice water and avocado - which she uses on both her skin and hair once or twice a week

Moonee's DIY home treatments include exfoliating once a week and a homemade face mask made from beer, rice water and avocado - which she uses on both her skin and hair once or twice a week

Moonee’s DIY home treatments include exfoliating once a week and a homemade face mask made from beer, rice water and avocado – which she uses on both her skin and hair once or twice a week

Moonee’s DIY home treatments include exfoliating once a week and a homemade face mask made from beer, rice water and avocado – which she uses on both her skin and hair once or twice a week. 

The malt found in beer reportedly exfoliates, stabilises collagen and elastin, improves microcirculation, and prevents premature aging skin.

Meanwhile, avocados are rich in antioxidants and hydrating vitamin E, making them particularly useful for dry and sensitive skin types, and rice water soothes and tones your complexion.

‘Since I started consistently moisturising and using sunscreen, my skin texture looks so much better and my wrinkles are minimised,’ Moonee said.

‘Beautiful skin requires commitment and time, not a miracle. Once you find something that works, stick to it. I love Australian made and owned products.’ 

The 44-year-old (pictured) practises intermittent fasting and doesn't drink or smoke; she also makes sure to exercise for 30 minutes every day

The 44-year-old (pictured) practises intermittent fasting and doesn’t drink or smoke; she also makes sure to exercise for 30 minutes every day

When it comes to her body and her diet and health, Moonee’s approach is similarly easy to follow.

She said she always starts by washing her face and body with warm water, but then rinses it with cold water.

‘Warm water helps to open up your pores, cleaning out all the toxins, while cold water helps to tighten your skin,’ she said.

Elsewhere, she follows an intermittent fasting approach to eating and avoids overly salty or sweet foods.

‘I love my veggies,’ she said.

‘My diet consists of vegetables and fruits which contain a lot of water like cucumber, celery, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce and watermelon – which hydrate my body as I eat.’

Moonee also drinks a minimum of two litres of water daily and incorporates plenty of healthy fats like avocado, chia seeds, eggs, salmon and yoghurt.  

‘I don’t drink or smoke and spend at least 30 minutes every day working out,’ she said.

Finally, Moonee will drink a glass of warm lemon juice with manuka honey 30 minutes before her first meal to ‘detox’ her body and boost her immune system. 

‘I am not perfect or a professional, but this is what has worked for me over the years,’ she said.

When Moonee (pictured) shared a picture of herself on a beauty group on Facebook, hundreds were quick to say she looks at least 10 years younger

When Moonee (pictured) shared a picture of herself on a beauty group on Facebook, hundreds were quick to say she looks at least 10 years younger

When Moonee shared a picture of herself on a beauty group on Facebook, hundreds were quick to say she looks at least 10 years younger.

‘Wow, you are gorgeous. I thought you were 25,’ one person wrote.

‘Your self care is paying dividends. You look amazing and have such a positive outlook on life,’ another added.

A third wrote: ‘You look fabulous, your the same age as me, I look 44 though. You could be in your 20s’.
