At any time it would be grotesque that allegiance to the homicidal creed of Islamic State might be rewarded with a helping hand in the housing queue.
But when hundreds of thousands of hard-working, law-abiding young families struggle to afford a roof over their heads, such a proposal is actually outrageous.
No doubt those in MI5 and the Home Office examining this plan have good intentions. But they have spent too long in the intense, dark world of counter-terrorism, and lost all sense of reality.
It is grotesque that allegiance to the homicidal creed of Islamic State might be rewarded with a helping hand in the housing queue
Material conditions may possibly influence some young people to turn towards the wilder forms of politics and religion, though much evidence suggests that the worst and most dangerous fanatics come from prosperous and well-educated backgrounds.
More from Mail on Sunday Comment for the Daily Mail…
The shadowy zone from which so many violent killers come is much better explained by the lives of petty crime, drug abuse and listless drifting which so many of them have chosen to follow.
It is not that they are poor. It is that they are people who have grown used to transgression, enjoy it and have repeatedly got away with it.
Rather than dreaming up schemes to appease them, which will probably make such people laugh with derision, the police and security services should be paying much more attention to catching and prosecuting them, so deterring them from this squalid and dangerous way of life.
In many cases, the only housing currently suitable for them is in Her Majesty’s prisons. If more of them were helped to find accommodation under that particular roof, we might well see a reduction in the terror plague.
Gender or agenda?
How can the whole course of a teenager’s future life be decided in a 40-minute consultation? No one doubts the agony that some young people go through, in these uncertain times, about being born in the wrong body. It would be very cruel to dismiss such concerns, which in some cases are profound and lasting.
But parents are right to criticise what seems to be a rush to judgment among NHS staff, who accept without question the beliefs of quite young children that they need to change sex, and place them on a conveyor belt which may lead to powerful drugs and even surgery.
Sympathy and understanding do not require instant acceptance.
Is it possible that the therapists involved are driven by a current dogma which, like many other medical fashions, may later be abandoned? At the very least, the NHS should be required to observe a cooling-off period before encouraging or taking any major decisions. And parents should not be treated as obstructive fogies, but as an essential part of the process.
A gift we don’t need
Something is seriously wrong with many of this country’s charities, which sometimes seem to have lost their way.
Their latest fad, of showering unwanted gifts on donors to encourage contributions, is especially ridiculous. Who wants donations spent on such things? Our advice to charities is simple. Give up the politics and lobbying, spend as little as possible on administration, and do as much good as you can. Then the money will roll in.