Driving Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Florida’s sunny, warm state is a popular location for its residents and attracts many tourists yearly. With so many travelers on the road, many drivers can make simple mistakes when unfamiliar with their surroundings and looking to find a particular destination.

Understanding the common mistakes drivers make can ensure you are protecting yourself and your passengers when you are out on the road. Here are some examples of typical mistakes drivers make in Florida.


With high traffic, drivers can be impatient to get to their destination. It can be an obnoxious and dangerous habit that can cause accidents and makes it difficult for other motorists to predict the offender’s intentions on the road.

Keeping a safe distance from other vehicles should be a consideration for all drivers, similar to personal space when in a public area with others. When a driver is too close, it can make them seem aggressive, leading to other issues, such as road rage.

Distracted Driving

When visitors are on the road, using a GPS to find a destination can be a habit that can distract their attention from the roadway.

Cellphone use is another practice that can prevent a motorist from focusing on their surroundings. Both actions can cause a collision, injury, and expensive traffic violations.

If you are involved in an accident from distracted driving, hiring a reputable Florida traffic ticket lawyer will help you if you need to appear in court and can help to reduce extra fines. They will have the experience and knowledge to assist you throughout the process.

Illegal Turns

When visiting motorists are attempting to navigate through locations unfamiliar to them, it is typical for them to make unlawful turns. They may have missed the desired street and made a U-turn to get back to where they needed to be.

Locals can also make the same mistake by assuming they know the roads and that the practice is safe. Looking for road signs that prohibit such actions will help to prevent unwanted collisions or tickets. It will also help you to be aware of other drivers who may ignore the law.

Blind Spots

Locals and visitors should always be wary of blind spots when driving, especially in high-traffic areas. Although most know where the blind spots may occur when operating their vehicle, it is easy to become distracted and forget to check.

It can happen with lane changes or turning onto a foreign street. Always check your blind spot areas and be mindful of the other motorist, whether they are in your blind spot or you are in theirs. They may not notice you are there when they make a maneuver of their own.

Pedestrian Safety

No matter the location, whether it is in Florida or anywhere in the US, it is essential to watch for pedestrians. It can be easy for a driver to focus attention on a street sign or landmark and miss a person attempting to cross a street on foot.

Pedestrians should always have the right of way and can assume the driver will stop for them. Not all drivers are courteous, and it is always important to pay attention to the safety of pedestrians, even if they are not in your immediate location.

Drowsy Driving

When a motorist is driving when they are sleepy or tired, it can lead to dangerous driving conditions. A weary driver will have less reaction time and may make poor decisions while on the road.

A common mistake is turning up a radio or rolling down a window to get fresh air to help to wake up. These actions will not help to give the needed rest for operating a vehicle. Switching drivers or pulling off the road to take a short nap is a safe way to mitigate potential hazards.

Safety is the most important factor whether a driver is on vacation and exploring the area or a local traveling to and from work. It is always important to be conscious of your surroundings and the actions of other motorists on the road.

Avoid any risks by keeping alert, staying informed on common mistakes drivers make, and paying attention to local laws to help ensure a better road trip for everyone.