What does 2nd March hold for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all 

Today’s Venus-Jupiter convergence emphasises open-heartedness and kindness. But Mercury and Saturn’s meeting might make it hard to express our emotions. Yet, as Mercury enters Pisces, tongues won’t be tied. As long as we’re serious about communicating our feelings with honesty, there’s every chance our words will be well-received. It’s a day for forging connections and investing in relationships.

ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20 

IT’S amazing that a single strand of DNA contains all the information needed to create an entire human being. We understand so little of the nature of existence. But maybe within us all lies the key to the ultimate significance of the cosmos and the power to understand the meaning of life. So what do you think lies deep within you? More than you think. Reach for your innermost wisdom today. Under such powerful skies, it has something both pragmatic and rewarding to offer. Take advantage of this month’s inspiring cosmic climate. The March of Destiny can transform your world. Call 0906 751 5601. 

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21 

When we feel backed into a corner, we’re more likely to acquiesce to other people’s requests. After all, what choice do we have? We’re vulnerable… and it seems to be the only way out of an uncomfortable situation. The problem is manipulative people know this, so they find ways to construct walls and restrict our options. You once made a commitment that’s being called upon. Honour it if you want to. But time has passed and things have changed. If you need to walk away, do so with your head held high. In a month packed with cosmic creativity, you can change your life. For four minutes of valuable news, call 0906 751 5602.

As long as we’re serious about communicating our feelings with honesty, there’s every chance our words will be well-received. It’s a day for forging connections and investing in relationships, says Oscar Cainer 

GEMINI May 22 – June 22 

Our moral values have changed radically in a relatively short time. Not too long ago, dating couples had to be chaperoned to make sure they didn’t get too close to one another. Yikes! And as we respond to the climate crisis, we’re becoming less obsessed with the new and more appreciative of the old, through upcycling, for example. Today you can assess how much you’ve progressed recently. An adaptation you were forced to make is leading to surprising benefits. Powerful changes are possible in March. The March of Destiny brings cosmic gifts. Make the most of them! Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 – July 23 

The judgment of wise King Solomon is a powerful moral tale. Two women claimed to be the mother of the same baby. Solomon was asked to determine the best course of action. He suggested cutting the child in half so they’d both receive an equal share. The first woman agreed. The second, horrified at the prospect of harming her child, insisted the other woman keep the baby. Solomon gave her the child. You would be wise to base a decision on the emotional responses of those involved today. This month holds celestial inspiration; benefit from it and transform your life! For your March forecast, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 – Aug 23 

Even people who study sleep aren’t sure why we dream. Some think it enables us to consolidate our memories. Others suggest it’s a means for our unconscious desires to find expression, or a way for our brains to exercise and stay healthy. Yet most experts seem to agree that dreams cannot be interpreted literally, and that our unconscious promotes a broader approach to the experience of life. It doesn’t tell us what to do. To make a dream come true, follow your heart and override your head. The March of Destiny brings potential for positive change. If you want to transform your life, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 – Sep 23 

‘If you were any sharper, you’d cut yourself.’ This indicates that while the speaker has a made an intelligent remark, it could come back to bite them. Witticisms and barbed comments are fine in the right place. They can indicate closeness and familiarity that reflects well on all involved. But a knife can be useful or harmful. Just be careful that a slight lapse of concentration doesn’t cut someone out of a conversation. The more people who are involved in making a decision, the better the result. Capture the powerful energy of the positively star-filled skies. Call for your in-depth March of Destiny forecast: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 – Oct 23 

‘a little of what you fancy does you good’ does not mean a lot will be even better for you. It’s definitely possible to have too much of a good thing. Under the powerful Venus/Jupiter conjunction, you need to be aware of what you’re wishing for. There’s every chance you’ll get it, so be thoughtful. When you have so much power at your disposal, you don’t want to make the classic mistake of overdoing it and getting more than you bargained for. Having said that, be sure to make a wish today. Fulfil your dreams! March’s exciting celestial outlook reveals how to maximise your chances of success. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 – Nov 22 

Just as something starts to go right in one area, something seems to go wrong somewhere else. Must our achievements always involve sacrifice and compromise? Can you get what you want without giving up what you already have? As long as you’re willing to adapt to other people’s needs, the answer is yes! You’re caught up in a process that feels complicated. But proceed with care, listen to the voices of those involved, and you’ll see it’s less complex than it seems. You’re close to a solution. In a month filled with awesome cosmic activity, take advantage of the potential and transform your life. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 – Dec 21 

The link between Venus and your ruler, Jupiter, is highlighting your wellbeing. You should be feeling more comfortable and secure. There’s a chance, though, that you’re not quite sure how to interpret the signs you’re seeing and the signals you’re receiving. You’ve misjudged a situation in the past and don’t want to make the same errors again. Today brings reassurance. Your self-doubt prevents you appreciating how good things are right now, and how positive the future looks. You’ve got lots to look forward to in March! There’s inspiration in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.

Today¿s Venus-Jupiter convergence emphasises open-heartedness and kindness. But Mercury and Saturn¿s meeting might make it hard to express our emotions

Today’s Venus-Jupiter convergence emphasises open-heartedness and kindness. But Mercury and Saturn’s meeting might make it hard to express our emotions

CAPRICORN Dec 22 – Jan 20 

Monty Python’s Life Of Brian ends with Brian hanging on a cross while he and his supporters sing Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life. We laugh, of course. But are we laughing because we see there’s joy to be found even in the darkest places, or because it’s ridiculous to be optimistic? Our take on that scene could depend on our level of pessimism or optimism. Today, looking for the positive reveals much to be happy about. The bright side is the right side. Focusing on it will give you reasons to sing. How can you benefit from the March of Destiny? It can change your life! For good news, call 0906 751 5610.

ACQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19 

Some people believe the Moon landings were created in a TV studio; others that our planet has been inundated with alien contacts for years, and that governments conspire to hush these happenings up. Unlikely, but both could be true. You’re now trying to separate fact from fiction. Just because you’re looking at statements that appear to contradict each other doesn’t mean that they cancel each other out. More research will reveal the clarity you seek. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth prediction, March is going to be special. For inspiring news, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 – Mar 20 

You’ve made a lot of progress in a short space of time and you’re not ready to stop. With Mercury moving into your sign, you’re going to keep learning more about yourself — and that will help you even further along the path towards your goal. Recently, you’ve understood how you appear in the eyes of others. That hasn’t always been easy. But your courage has given you the strength and insight to accept any critiques, and take appropriate action. This journey of inner transformation will change your idea of what’s possible. The March of Destiny brings positive opportunities. For valuable insight about the month ahead, call 0906 751 5612.

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