Lisa Wilkinson throws Channel Ten under bus after Brittany Higgins interview and rape allegations

Lisa Wilkinson has pointed the finger at her colleagues at Ten after Bruce Lehrmann took defamation action against her – claiming it was their job to fact-check Brittany Higgins’ rape allegations before her award-winning interview was aired.

Ms Wilkinson and Channel Ten are being sued by Mr Lehrmann over a TV interview on The Project in February 2021, when Ms Higgins first alleged she was raped by a ‘male colleague’ inside Canberra’s Parliament House in March 2019.

Mr Lehrmann is also suing News Life Media – an umbrella company of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation which runs – over coverage by journalist Samantha Maiden which featured the same allegations by Ms Higgins.

The former political staffer has always maintained his innocence and strenuously denies having any sexual contact with Ms Higgins.

According to his statement of claim filed in the Federal Court last month, Mr Lehrmann says he was defamed because Ms Wilkinson and Ms Maiden were ‘recklessly indifferent to the truth or falsities’.

He alleges the journalists went ahead with the interview and the online article on the belief the rape allegations against him were true. He was not named in either story, but says he was identified as the alleged rapist by friends and former colleagues.

Lisa Wilkinson (pictured) says her colleagues fact-checked Brittany Higgins’ rape claims before her award-winning interview was aired

Ms Wilkinson’s defence was filed in the Federal Court by her barrister Sue Chrysanthou SC on Wednesday, and says she will rely on a truth defence.

That means her legal team must prove it is more likely than not that Mr Lehrmann did rape Ms Higgins.

Ms Higgins has indicated that she would be willing to give evidence at the trial, if it goes ahead.  

Ms Wilkinson’s defence will argue it was her colleagues’ job to fact-check the allegations prior to publication. At no point does the court file say she conducted her own checks, beyond observing the consistency of Ms Higgins’ allegations and her reactions.

In the legal document, Ms Wilkinson named more than eight of her Channel Ten colleagues as the individuals who she believes checked the validity of Ms Higgins’ allegations.

Those included The Project’s executive producer Craig Campbell, co-executive producer Chris Bendall, senior producer Angus Llewellyn, senior news and current affairs executive Peter Meakin, and Laura Binnie – the program’s head of long-form feature stories.

Ms Wilkinson says, to her knowledge, the experienced team of news and current affairs professionals came to the consensus that Ms Higgins was a credible witness.

Furthermore, Ms Wilkinson pointed out that Samantha Maiden’s story was published 12 hours before her TV interview went to air, on February 15, 2021.

Brittany Higgins (pictured outside ACT Supreme Court in October) alleged she was raped by Bruce Lehrmann. He denies the allegations

Brittany Higgins (pictured outside ACT Supreme Court in October) alleged she was raped by Bruce Lehrmann. He denies the allegations

She therefore believed Ms Maiden and News Corp had conducted their own fact-checking and legalling before the online article was published, and did not know of any complaints about the online article by the time The Project interview went to air.

The TV host also says she ‘closely observed’ Ms Higgins’ demeanor each time she saw her and ‘carefully reviewed recordings of the interviews prior to broadcast’, and generally that she believed the allegations.

Other sections of the file outline Ms Wilkinson’s extensive journalism career, spanning 1978 when she started as an editorial assistant at Dolly magazine to 2017 when she became host of The Project.

It says she has interviewed more than ten prime ministers and world leaders and reported on disaster zones, along with her awards and accolades – including the 2022 Logie that she won for her interview with Ms Higgins.

Despite her lengthy career in journalism, the document notes that Ms Wilkinson ‘is not familiar with the specifics of defamation law’.

A spokesperson from the network told Daily Mail Australia that Ms Wilkinson ‘is still an employee of Channel 10’.

Last month, Ms Wilkinson hired her own legal team instead of using the lawyers supplied to her by Channel Ten – which means she would be personally liable for any damages awarded in the event that she loses the case.

Her defence states the allegations against her of recklessness are ‘baseless, unjustified, unsupported by any fact and should be withdrawn’.

The TV host does not dispute the central defamatory claim of rape was conveyed, but she does not admit that Mr Lehrmann was identified.

Mr Lehrmann was not named in the TV interview or in the online article, but he claims his friends, family and former colleagues in Parliament House were able to identify him as the alleged rapist.

The trial against Bruce Lehrmann (pictured) was derailed by misconduct from jurors

The trial against Bruce Lehrmann (pictured) was derailed by misconduct from jurors

He argues the coverage invited viewers and readers to ‘speculate’ and search for commentary online.

Another part of Mr Lehrmann’s defamation claim is that Ms Wilkinson could have sought to use the allegations for her professional and personal gain – which she rejects. 

Mr Lehrmann was charged with raping Ms Higgins in August 2021 – six months after her allegations were published.

He was subsequently subject to a month-long rape trial by jury in the ACT Supreme Court in October last year, but it was aborted due to misconduct by a member of the jury.

Shane Drumgold SC, the Director of Public Prosecutions, then dropped the matter entirely due to concerns over Ms Higgins’ mental health.

Ms Wilkinson then stepped down from The Project and has not appeared on TV since November, but is reportedly still being paid a seven-figure salary thanks to her water-tight contract.

When she resigned last year, she said it was due to the ‘targeted toxicity’ from sections of the media. 
