Trump embraces early votes and mail-in ballots as urges Republicans to ‘swamp’ Democrats

He is the latest senior conservative to call for Republicans to beat Democrats at their own game after disappointing results in November’s midterms.

After weeks of hints that his stance was softening, reversing course from the president who once condemned mail-in ballots and dropboxes, he said: ‘Until we can eliminate ballot harvesting, we will become masters at ballot harvesting. 

‘We have no choice … beating the Democrats at their own game.’

His one hour, 45-minute speech hit all the usual marks, with a greatest hits rundown including attacks on Joe Biden and his withdrawal from Afghanistan, to promises that he would quickly end the war in Ukraine on taking office. 

After weeks of hints that his stance was softening, reversing course from the president who once warned against early voting, Donald Trump said on Saturday: ‘Until we can eliminate ballot harvesting, we will become masters at ballot harvesting.’

But he made news at the end of his address to supporters at the Conservative Political Action Conference, held just outside Washington, D.C.

Although he said mail-in votes should be reserved for the legitimately sick or overseas on military duty, he said there was little immediate prospect of controls being tightened soon.

‘But until that day comes Republicans must compete using every lawful means to win. That means swamping the left with melon votes, early votes and Election Day votes,’ he said.

‘We have to change our thinking.’

If people like Mark Zuckerberg were funding projects to encourage voting, then Republicans must do the same.

‘Where we can’t get rid of drop boxes, we need them in every church,’ he said. 

It comes after rivals such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley have said the party shot itself in the foot by being too focused on Election Day turnout.

It was just December when Trump told Breitbart News that ‘a mail-in ballot will always be corrupt’ and that Republicans should seek to change laws. 

'I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,' he told the enthusiastic crowd

‘I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,’ he told the enthusiastic crowd

Supporters, including a man who dresses like Trump's border wall, cheered on the ex-president Saturday at CPAC during his one-hour, 45-minute speech

Supporters, including a man who dresses like Trump’s border wall, cheered on the ex-president Saturday at CPAC during his one-hour, 45-minute speech

Trump's control over the CPAC movement was demonstrated with publication of the results of its straw poll asking who attendees would like to see as Republican nominee

Trump’s control over the CPAC movement was demonstrated with publication of the results of its straw poll asking who attendees would like to see as Republican nominee

The Conservative Political Action Conference held at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center is Trump territory, a gathering of the MAGA faithful

The Conservative Political Action Conference held at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center is Trump territory, a gathering of the MAGA faithful

And he was blamed in January 2021 for defeat in Georgia Senate run-offs when his repeated attacks on voting systems may have deterred some Republicans from turning out. 

But much of his speech was dedicated to demonstrating his continuing hold on the GOP. 

He bashed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, labeling him a ‘China-loving politician,’ got the crowd to boo Sen. Mitt Romney and took on Republicans in the Senate who dared hint that Social Security and Medicare be cut. 

‘We are never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Jeb Bush,’ Trump proclaimed from the ballroom stage – shortly after he decisively won the CPAC straw poll, with 62 percent of conference attendees surveyed saying they wanted him to be the 2024 GOP nominee. 

In 2016 I declared I am your voice. Today I add, I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,’ he told the enthusiastic crowd.

Former President Donald Trump returned to the Conservative Political Action Conference stage Saturday to leave no doubt that he owns the modern GOP

Former President Donald Trump returned to the Conservative Political Action Conference stage Saturday to leave no doubt that he owns the modern GOP

Trump knocked Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, labeling him a 'China-loving politician,' got the crowd to boo Sen. Mitt Romney and took on Republicans in the Senate who dared hint that Social Security and Medicare be cut

Trump knocked Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, labeling him a ‘China-loving politician,’ got the crowd to boo Sen. Mitt Romney and took on Republicans in the Senate who dared hint that Social Security and Medicare be cut

He had plenty of negative things to say about Democrats too – including mocking President Joe Biden for falling off his bike and stumbling on Air Force One’s stairs –  but told the crowd the Republican Party was previously run by ‘freaks’ and ‘neocons.’ 

At one point, Trump’s speech was interrupted by a protester who loudly played the song FDT (F**k Donald Trump). 

Trump was given top billing at the three and a half day conference that returned to suburban Washington after being held for two years in Florida amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prior to Trump’s arrival the crowd was entertained by the ex-president’s 2020 playlist that included YMCA and Gloria. 

And his speech hit many of the same themes from both his 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns.

Trump hit President Joe Biden hard on illegal immigration.

‘Illegal immigrants come in and we house them in the Waldorf Astoria. But our soldiers, we did nothing for them,’ Trump complained, suggesting that illegal immigrants were watching his speech on TV from their ‘beautiful hotel suites.’ 

Trump went on a long riff about the president and his son Hunter.

Hunter Biden is a criminal and nothing happened to him,’ the ex-president said. ‘Joe Biden is a criminal and nothing ever seems to happen to him.’ 

Audience members at CPAC hold up a 'Thank You Trump' banner as the former president speaks Saturday evening

Audience members at CPAC hold up a ‘Thank You Trump’ banner as the former president speaks Saturday evening 

Trump is shown on one of the jumbotrons at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland during his CPAC address

Trump is shown on one of the jumbotrons at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland during his CPAC address

Trump is still the most lucrative figure for vendors. Only a handful of DeSantis hats were on display among the dozens and dozens of Trump-branded headgear

Trump is still the most lucrative figure for vendors. Only a handful of DeSantis hats were on display among the dozens and dozens of Trump-branded headgear

Trump, again, took on Black Lives Matter and called on the preservation of Confederate monuments, saying ‘the most beautiful artwork, the most beautiful statues’ were being desecrated. 

The 2024 hopeful teased that he was going to outline his agenda for his current presidential campaign. 

‘At the top of my list, will be the slide into costly and never-ending wars,’ he then said, an idea he has long espoused. 

Trump bragged that a new war wasn’t started during his four years in office.  

‘I was also the only president where Russia didn’t take over a country during my tenure,’ he boasted. ‘Because I got along with Vladimir Putin very well. I said “Vladimir, don’t do it, you know you and I are friends, don’t take over any countries, because, you know, Moscow will be hit very hard.”‘ 

On the Ukraine war, Trump complained that NATO wasn’t paying its fair share. 

And he knocked Biden for his pull-out of Afghanistan, something that was negotiated during Trump’s tenure. 

‘No, we left the dogs behind and the Taliban doesn’t like dogs. But we left in disgrace. And it was the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, probably.’ 

Trump then said he’d prevent World War III. 

‘Before I even arrived at the Oval Office, I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled, it will be settled quickly,’ he said. 

This year’s CPAC speakers spent hours discussing trans people and Trump threw the crowd some red meat.

‘I will revoke every Biden policy promoting the chemical castration and sexual mutualization of our youth. And ask Congress to send me a bill prohibiting child sexual mutilation, in all 50 states,’ he said. 

‘And will keep men out of women’s sports,’ the former president added. 

Trump again said he would back term limits for members of Congress, something he had previously pitched. 

And he continued to back elections conducted only with paper ballots, with rare exceptions granted for individuals wanting to vote absentee. 

That being said, he encouraged Republicans to use all means of voting, after the party lost the White House in 2020 and had underwhelming midterm results in 2022. 

‘Republicans must compete using every lawful means to win. That means swamping the left with mail-in votes, early votes and Election Day votes,’ Trump said. ‘We have to change our thinking.’
