Laundry delivery driver faces being hit with 81 penalty points after he was caught speeding 22 times

Laundry delivery driver, 58, faces being hit with 81 penalty points after he was caught speeding 22 times along the same 30mph stretch of road in less than three weeks

  • Peter McPherson, 58, who lives in Wembley, gained the points while working for the Galicia Laundry services company in Park Royal, west London last year
  • He was caught speeding on the A40 Westway flyover between 35-41mph on a 30mph stretch of road over the course of 18 days from 15 July and 1 August 2022

A laundry delivery driver is facing 81 penalty points on his licence after being caught speeding 22 times along the same 30mph stretch of road in less than three weeks.

Peter McPherson, 58, who lives in Wembley, is understood to have gained the points while working for the Galicia Laundry services company in Park Royal, west London.

But the man going back and forth between business and buyer has reportedly been doing his job far too quickly as he was caught speeding down the 30mph stretch of the A40 Westway flyover over the course of 18 days last summer.

Between 15 July and 1 August 2022, Mr McPherson was picked up on average speed cameras a total of 22 times, with four occasions on the first day alone, at speeds of 35 to 41mph.

Mr McPherson told the Evening Standard that he was ‘gutted’ about the prospect of a driving ban and would cause him ‘exceptional hardship’ in his line of work as he has worked for the company since he was 16.

Laundry delivery driver Peter McPherson, 58, is facing 81 penalty points on his licence after being caught speeding 22 times along the same 30mph stretch of road on the A40 Westway flyover in west London, within less than three weeks

The family-run service provider delivers fresh towels, linen and clothing to London’s hotels, spas and restaurants. 

Lawyers representing Mr McPherson outlined that their client already has seven points on his licence, and that the offences would total him up to 81.

The A40 Westway is a key route for many Londoners, normally used by around 96,000 vehicles a day, according to Transport For London.

Roadworks meant a temporary restriction of 30mph was put in place in 2020 but has since been made permanent. 

Building up 12 or more penalty points within three years can disqualify you from driving, and points can stay on your licence for between four and 11 years depending on the severity of the offence. 

He continued: ‘I’ve been driving on that stretch of road for many years. I was so shocked when all these fines were sent to me at work. There was a whole pile of them.

‘If I lose my job I don’t know what I am going to do. I’ve never been inside a court before so I’m very nervous, but I am going to court to ask not to have a ban as it will cause me hardship. 

‘I’ve been at the firm for my whole adult life and driven without problems. They were sent the fines because it’s a work van. Everything changed in such a short period of to me.’

He has admitted to breaking the speed limit on the A40 Westway, between Terrick Street, White City, and Paddington Green.

Patterson Law, specialist motoring solicitors outlined the guilty plea at Willesden Magistrates Court in February and that Mr McPherson would be presenting an ‘exceptional hardship’ argument.

They also detailed how with the 81 points in mind, that their client is at risk of a ‘six-month disqualification’ for ‘totting 12 or more points during a three-year period’.

The case is set to go to an open court procedure on May 17.
