Mom celebrates her post-baby body on blog

An inspiring mother has launched a body positive website to encourage moms to embrace their post-baby bodies by posing in lingerie.

Having been slim all her life, Whitney Dwyer, 33, from Oakland, California, struggled with how her body looked post pregnancy.

After two successive pregnancies, her stomach stuck out so much, people kept asking if she was pregnant.

Squad goals: Mom-of-two Whitney Dwyer, 33, (third from left) poses with (l-r) Pamela, Lily and Samara on her positivity blog

Beach babe: Whitney (pictured on the beach before both her pregnancies) had been slim all her life

Water baby: The mom-of-two never struggled with her weight before children

Beach babe: Whitney who lives in Oakland, California (pictured on the beach before both her pregnancies) had been slim all her life

Bounce back: The mom of two says she lost weight after her first son Brendan (pictured) was born but her body reacted differently after her second son, Grayson

Bounce back: The mom of two says she lost weight after her first son Brendan (pictured) was born but her body reacted differently after her second son, Grayson

In fact, the mom to two boys was suffering from diastasis recti, a common result of two close-together pregnancies, where the abdominal muscles stretch and separate, causing a bulge at the point of separation.

Wanting to see what other women’s bodies looked like post-pregnancy, all Whitney could find was images of perfect-looking celebrities with no visible clues they’d given birth.

Fed up with the lack of images of ‘real life’ moms, Whitney decided to create her own website

The site champions women’s bodies in tasteful lingerie shoots and gives them the opportunity to share their own stories. Whitney posed as the first model. 

Whitney told Barcroft TV: ‘I’ve yet to see a stomach like mine in a magazine.

‘If I’m wearing tight clothes and you can see my belly that’s okay. Sometimes, I’m just like ‘F’ it. So I wear a bikini then I let it all out.

‘Most women do the project to re-claim their bodies. And really just own it. ‘This is who I am. This is my body. This is the state it’s in.’

Prior to giving birth to her and her husband Anthony’s two children, Brendan, age six, and four-year-old Grayson, Whitney never had to worry about her weight. In fact she lost weight after her first pregnancy and expected to do the same after her second.

Whitney revealed: ‘I thought I’m going to breast feed and then the baby is going to suck all the fat out of me and I’m going to look the same way I did before I had him, and after a few months I noticed that that was not happening and my body, though I didn’t weigh a lot; was shaped drastically different and my stomach popped out further than my boobs, which was something that I began really feeling self conscious about.

‘I was continually looking like I was pregnant, one to two years after having a child.

On top of her stomach sticking out, Whitney had a large amount of saggy excess skin, covered in stretch marks, on her stomach that no amount of crunches were going to get rid of.  

Body confident: Another mother poses for Whitney's body positivity blog

Body confident: Another mother poses for Whitney’s body positivity blog

Sparkle and shine: Samara has shared her story on Whitney's blog

Sparkle and shine: Samara has shared her story on Whitney’s blog

Pretty in pink: Lily revealed her abortion story on the site

Hot mama: Mom Pamela has children in their 20s

Out in the open: Lily (left) shared her abortion story, while Pamela (right) revealed she had her first baby over 20 years ago

Doing it for themselves: Women can appear however they feel comfortable on the site 

Doing it for themselves: Women can appear however they feel comfortable on the site 

She explained: ‘I Googled post-baby bodies and all I found was workout tips and dieting tips and wraps – all these things that women are expected to do to their bodies no one would ever ask a man to do, when was the last time someone asked a man to wrap themselves in anything?

‘And then I did find a site that had post-baby bodies but their heads were cut off, it was just their bodies and it’s like: ‘You can see my body but I don’t want to be associated with it.’

For Whitney, coming to terms with her new shape was extra difficult because out of the few images of non-celebrity women post pregnancy, there were even less of women of color.

She said: ‘That really inspired me to start this project.

‘I think we would love to say that we’re not affected by the media and it doesn’t impact us, but, it does! It does.’ 

Alongside her day job as a high school teacher, Whitney arranges the photoshoots, which feature new moms, mothers with children in their 20s and those who have gone through abortion, and postpartum depression.

Whitney said: ‘Studies show that just being around women raises your serotonin level. Women being around other women makes them happy. And in our photoshoots women are talking about their babies. Talking about their experiences. They are meeting other women. It’s great!

‘And that in itself made me want to do more in terms of postpartum depression. I was a first time mom. I was freaked out. 

‘And I basically cooked up a whole recipe for baby blues, I was never diagnosed postpartum depression. But now that I have done more research, I definitely had some symptoms of it.’

Admitting it was a case of ‘fake it until you make it’ – she had to look at the photos she took of herself in her underwear at least three times before posting them – by launching the body positivity blog, Whitney persuaded herself to wear a bikini again

‘After my second son, I didn’t really know what to wear at the beach and then once I started doing [the blog], I was like I’m going to wear bikini,’ she said.

‘I was super nervous about it. I remember getting to the beach and I took my cover-up off and no one cared. No one was paying attention. No one cared about my stretch marks and my extra skin or my flab.’

Fake it until you make it: Whitney said it was difficult coming to terms with her new shape but now she feels confident enough to wear a bikini again

Strike a pose: The high school teacher was the first model on the site and organizes all the shoots with the other women in her spare time

Strike a pose: The high school teacher was the first model on the site and organizes all the shoots with the other women in her spare time

Family time: Whitney pictured with her husband Anthony and sons, Brendan and Grayson

Family time: Whitney pictured with her husband Anthony and sons, Brendan and Grayson

Peer pressure: Whitney (far left) was bullied for being skinny as a child and tried to put on weight to fit in 

Peer pressure: Whitney (far left) was bullied for being skinny as a child and tried to put on weight to fit in 

As a skinny teenager, Whitney used to deliberately try and eat more in an attempt to gain a more womanly shape: ‘Growing up as a thin person, being African American was sort of complex.’

‘When I was a teenager I got asked to be a model: I knew that ‘out there’ I was considered attractive but I was teased at school for being too skinny and I was envious of the other girls and their curves.

‘I wasn’t really ever happy with myself. Wanting to gain weight, then wanting to lose weight, wanting this to be different, wanting that to be different.

‘I have been everywhere between a size 0 and some places I am a size 12. Although, I really feel I am a size 10.

‘And right now I just realized in the last years, it’s really a mental thing. And now my mind is in a state of being happy and satisfied with my body and doing what I want to with it.’