Dating expert: Why this line is an ‘instant red flag’ when dating or in a relationship

Dating expert: Why this line is an ‘instant red flag’ when dating – and if you hear it, you need to get out now

  • Louanne Ward says this line leads to breakups
  • ‘I don’t want to hurt you’ is the red flag

A dating expert has revealed the one line that should be an instant red flag – no matter how promising the relationship seems.

Relationship coach Louanne Ward says if somebody says they ‘don’t want to hurt you’ then you should be prepared for a break up.

‘When somebody says they don’t want to hurt you what they are really saying is that they believe you have more feelings for them than they have for you,’ she explained.

She said there would be no risk of hurting you if they were committed and ‘they saw you as future potential’.

She said people who use this line have probably ‘been guilty’ of leading someone on before, despite not sharing the same feelings.

Relationship coach Louanne Ward says if somebody says they ‘don’t want to hurt you’ then you should be prepared for a break up

‘They can also say this because it makes them come across like they are a nice, caring person,’ she said.

‘They don’t have to feel bad because they warned you,’ she said.

 She then doubled down.

‘If you hear that line, I don’t want to hurt you, it is time for you to get serious and ask yourself ‘what am I doing with this person?’,’ she advised.

‘If they don’t see you as somebody that they want to have a relationship with and they can end it at some point, because they have no need to say that if they don’t have an intention to end it.’

‘This person is going to end up hurting you if you stay where you are,’ she finished.

'If you hear that line, I don't want to hurt you, it is time for you to get serious and ask yourself 'what am I doing with this person?',' she advised

‘If you hear that line, I don’t want to hurt you, it is time for you to get serious and ask yourself ‘what am I doing with this person?’,’ she advised

And people couldn’t help but agree.

‘It’s just a get out of jail free card – as if to say I warned you. You only have yourself to blame. That’s your red flag to strut yourself right out of their life,’ one woman agreed.

Another of her followers said the expert was ‘delivering truth bombs again’ and she laughed.

‘It’s what I do… better to be hurt by the truth than destroyed by a lie.’
