Jana Hocking dating: Why single women need to stop swiping left on short men

Confession, I am guilty of a horrendous crime. It is deeply shallow, completely discriminatory, and has left me single for far too long.

I hang my head in shame as I confess… the crime is swiping left on short kings.

These mighty men of short girth usually stand at around 5’7 (give or take) and are ignored by the masses. Seriously, ask any woman what their deal breakers are when it comes to dating, and the answer (after a few wines) would be men under 6ft tall.

Now if you were to go looking for a short man in the wild (aka any bar, pub or sporting event in town) they are actually easy to find.

They are that short, hilarious guy who has the confidence and strength of character to flourish in the face of conventional beauty standards. It’s like you shouldn’t be attracted to them… and yet you are!

Jana Hocking has been ignoring men under 6ft on dating apps and is urging women to start giving them a go: ‘What the heck are we doing?’

The problem is, we think of tall men and think dominance and strength, but has no one watched a Tom Cruise action movie? He comes in at 5'7. I remember interviewing him a few years ago and despite my high heels and his platform shoes we were bang on the same height

The problem is, we think of tall men and think dominance and strength, but has no one watched a Tom Cruise action movie? He comes in at 5’7. I remember interviewing him a few years ago and despite my high heels and his platform shoes we were bang on the same height


Would you date a man shorter than you?

  • Yes 4 votes
  • No 3 votes
  • No, and they need to be over 6ft 2 votes

He carries himself like a 6ft bloke, I guess you could even compare it to BDE – Big d**k energy – but in this case it’s in height.

I can think of three right now that I’m attracted to, but it wasn’t an easy road to this realisation, oh no. I had to swipe right on all the tall, genetically blessed douche bags first.

And here’s the thing that makes it even more despicable… I am a teeny tiny 5’3 myself, so really, who am I to be choosy about what height someone is? And yet, I have found myself setting my dating app preferences to men 6ft tall and over. All I can say is shame, shame shame Jana Hocking. 

Firstly, because even with heels I look ridiculous standing next to someone that tall, and secondly, height does not equal chemistry.

I discovered this the other night when I turned up to a date with a guy who looked far taller in his dating profile pictures then he was in real life. When he stood up from the bar stool to greet me, I am ashamed to say I was upset when I realised we met eye-to-eye in height.

Then there's Jason Statham at 5'10 (pictured with model wife Rosie), Zac Efron 5'8 and both Bruce Lee and Al Pacino at 5'7. Oh yeah and Mark Wahlberg at 5'8. Good lord even Daniel Radcliffe conquered Voldemort at a tiny 5'5

Then there’s Jason Statham at 5’10 (pictured with model wife Rosie), Zac Efron 5’8 and both Bruce Lee and Al Pacino at 5’7. Oh yeah and Mark Wahlberg at 5’8. Good lord even Daniel Radcliffe conquered Voldemort at a tiny 5’5

I instantly expected very little from the date, and thought, oh well, settle in for a drink and make the most of it. Plot twist, it turned out to be one of the best dates I’ve ever been on.

He was funny, polite, and once I looked past the height issue, ridiculously attractive. Big blue eyes, broad shoulders and confidence in spades.

I woke up the next day on a high and also a hint of regret. How many awesome guys had I missed out on meeting because I had literally overlooked them?

The problem is, we think of tall men and think dominance and strength, but has no one watched a Tom Cruise action movie? He comes in at 5’7. I remember interviewing him a few years ago and despite my high heels and his platform shoes we were bang on the same height. I’ll admit I literally swooned when I met him. Heck, even Sylvester Stallone comes in at 5’6.

Don't just take my word for it, science actually proves they are the superior of mating species

Don’t just take my word for it, science actually proves they are the superior of mating species

Top character traits men look for in women 

1. Intelligence 

2. Femininity 

3. Playfulness 

4. A sense of humour & confidence  

Others: Sex drive and vulnerability

Top character traits women look for in men 

1. Intelligence 

2. Humour 

3. Trustworthiness 

4. Honesty 

Others: Sex drive and respect  

Then there’s Jason Statham at 5’10, Zac Efron 5’8 and both Bruce Lee and Al Pacino at 5’7. Oh yeah and Mark Wahlberg at 5’8. Good lord even Daniel Radcliffe conquered Voldemort at a tiny 5’5.

And here’s the final kick in the pants… both Brad Pitt and George Clooney come well under 6ft at 5’10 between them.

So ladies, what the heck are we doing? These men are laughing all the way to the bank and sitting front row at Victoria’s Secrets shows. And yet we’re being picky?

But don’t just take my word for it, science actually proves they are the superior of mating species. A recent study by e-harmony found that that shorter men usually compensate for their height. They tend to be sensible, kind and less likely to cheat. Well, that’s a bit of a treat! They are even known to contribute more to household chores and are make better financial contributors.

So ladies, do me a solid and change those height preferences. You are missing out on a world of delight by consistently swiping left on them. You’re welcome in advance.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk