Astronauts on Mars missions at risk of brain damage

It’s not just space junk and cosmic rays astronauts will have to contend with on a mission to Mars. 

Researchers say they may be at risk of ‘significant’ brain damage due to the effects of microgravity. 

In a new study, scientists have found that astronauts experience brain changes after just 90 days in microgravity – although they are unsure of the long-term damage that could be caused.

It’s not just space junk and cosmic rays astronauts have to contend with on a mission to Mars. Researchers say they may be at risk of ‘significant’ brain damage due to the effects of microgravity (stock image)


With Nasa’s Mars expedition mission set to launch in 2033, there’s an urgency for researchers to collect more data about astronauts and understand the basics of human space physiology.

A journey to Mars can take three to six months, at best.

During the two-year time period, crew members would remain on Mars, conducting exploration activities. The gravity on Mars is around one-third that of Earth.

Considering travel to and from Mars, along with the time on the surface, researchers said the Martian expedition crew would be exposed to reduced gravity for at least three years.

To date, the longest continuous time in space was 438 days, a record held by Russian cosmonaut Valery Polyakov.

‘Exposure to the space environment has permanent effects on humans that we simply do not understand’, said Dr Donna Roberts from the Medical University of South Carolina.

‘What astronauts experience in space must be mitigated to produce safer space travel for the public’, she said.

To describe the symptoms, Nasa coined the term visual impairment intracranial pressure syndrome, or VIIP Syndrome.

The cause of VIIP Syndrome is thought to be related to the redistribution of body fluid toward the head during long-term microgravity exposure, but the exact cause is unknown. 

The syndrome causes a build-up of fluid in the frontal and parietal lobes that control movement of the body.

In order to replicate the anatomy of the brain following spaceflight, researchers examined the brains and muscular responses of participants who stayed in bed for 90 days.

During this time they were required to keep their heads continuously tilted in a downward position to simulate the effects of microgravity.

Using MRI scans, Dr Roberts evaluated brain changes, both during and after long-term bed rest.

Results confirmed brain changes occurred during bed rest.

Using MRI scans, Dr Roberts evaluated brain changes, both during and after long-term bed rest. Results confirmed brain changes occurred during bed rest (stock image)

Using MRI scans, Dr Roberts evaluated brain changes, both during and after long-term bed rest. Results confirmed brain changes occurred during bed rest (stock image)


The researchers examined the brains and muscular responses of participants who stayed in bed for 90 days.

During this time they were required to keep their heads continuously tilted in a downward position to simulate the effects of microgravity.

Using MRI scans, Dr Roberts evaluated brain changes, studying the brain’s motor cortex before, during and after long-term bed rest.

Results confirmed brain changes occurred during bed rest. 

The scans revealed a ‘crowding’ occurrence at the top of the brain, with narrowing of the gyri and sulci – the bumps and depressions in the brain that give it its folded appearance.

The crowding was worse for participants who were on longer bed rest.

The scans revealed a ‘crowding’ occurrence at the top of the brain, with narrowing of the gyri and sulci – the bumps and depressions in the brain that give it its folded appearance.

The crowding was worse for participants who were on longer bed rest.

The scans also showed evidence of brain shifting and a narrowing of the space between the top of the brain and the inner table of the skull. 

Dr Roberts compared the results of people on bed rest with MRI scans of astronauts – 18 who had been in space for short periods of time and 16 who had been in space for longer periods of time, typically three months, aboard the ISS.

The results confirmed a narrowing of the space between the top of the brain and the inner table of the skull in 94 per cent of the astronauts who participated in long-duration flights and 18.8 per cent of the astronauts on short-duration flights.

The findings suggest that ‘significant changes’ in brain structure occur during long-duration space flight. 

Astronauts have experienced all kinds of problems from living on the International Space Station (pictured) such as altered vision and extreme headaches

Astronauts have experienced all kinds of problems from living on the International Space Station (pictured) such as altered vision and extreme headaches

To further understand the results of the study, Dr Roberts now plans to compare repeated post-flight imaging of the brains of astronauts to determine if the changes are permanent or if they will return to normal after some time back on Earth. 

She added: ‘We know these long-duration flights take a big toll on the astronauts and cosmonauts; however, we don’t know if the adverse effects on the body continue to progress or if they stabilise after some time in space.

‘These are the questions that we are interested in addressing, especially what happens to the human brain and brain function?’