NSW election: Inside Chris Minns’ secret mission to win over Kyle and Jackie O

When Chris Minns stepped into his role as Opposition Leader in June of 2021, Kyle and Jackie O were in the throes of a full-blown ‘Gladys-fest’.

So was NSW, and indeed, much of Australia. 

But the KIIS duo loved her in a way you don’t normally hear on Australian radio. She was frequently bought onto the show as a guest, and the nation’s highest-rating commercial radio duo made no secret of where their votes would land.

Regardless, Minns decided he’d introduce himself. He called Sandilands and arranged to pop around to his house one morning after the show.

It was a bold decision from the then unknown Labor leader who hadn’t gained much political traction. He made it abundantly clear to Sandilands he was well aware of his fondness for Gladys, but he didn’t care. 

It wasn’t about trying to sway their vote for the then largely unknown Labor leader, just meeting the biggest stars of commercial radio. 

But two years on, and with the NSW state election looming, Minns has more than won them over. 

Sandilands tells Daily Mail Australia he’s voting for Minns when he heads to the polling booth on March 25, and so is Henderson. They’ve haven’t been backward about sharing their views with their huge audience, either.  

Pictured: This was the moment Mr Minns arrived at Sandilands’ house flanked by his chief of staff James Cullen for the first time on June 11 2021, just days after becoming leader 

Sandilands (pictured) parks his car before going inside for a meeting with Mr Minns

Sandilands (pictured) parks his car before going inside for a meeting with Mr Minns 

And the duo’s opinions have never been as important as they are right now. For the first time in 18 years, KIIS 106.5 has claimed the lead share of the Sydney radio market.

Kyle and Jackie O toppled Ben Fordham’s politically influential 2GB breakfast show with a 15.9 per cent share of the market.

Between 5.30am and 9am, the duo drew a total audience of 842,000 listeners, compared to Fordham’s 417,000.

Like manna from heaven for Labor 

Political commentator Peter van Onselen on Kyle and Jackie O’s endorsement 

And many of their loyal listeners, who are interested in their views on a range of topics, would be eager to know who the stars think should lead the state.

‘I like the guy,’ Sandilands said. 

‘He’s charming, he’s personable, and he’s got great ideas.’ 

When Minns arrived at Sandilands’ house that first morning, it was already busy. Sandilands had made plans to see family, and several aunts and his mum were already there. 

Minns ‘worked the room’ and by the time he left, Sandilands’ guests were ‘in love with him’.

‘From that time on, Kyle’s had a lot of time for Chris,’ one insider said.

Jackie looked over the moon as she posed for photos with Minns, whom she has a crush on

Jackie looked over the moon as she posed for photos with Minns, whom she has a crush on

Mr Minns felt it important to introduce himself. He called Kyle and arranged to pop around to his house one morning after the show. It was a bold decision. He made it abundantly clear that he knew of the duo's fondness of Gladys, and that he didn't care

Mr Minns felt it important to introduce himself. He called Kyle and arranged to pop around to his house one morning after the show. It was a bold decision. He made it abundantly clear that he knew of the duo’s fondness of Gladys, and that he didn’t care 

When Mr Minns arrived at Sandilands' house that first morning, there was already a crowd gathered. He'd had made plans to see family - several aunts and his mother were already there

When Mr Minns arrived at Sandilands’ house that first morning, there was already a crowd gathered. He’d had made plans to see family – several aunts and his mother were already there 

Recalling that meeting, Sandilands said: ‘Mum’s an old stick in the mud Liberal girl… [after meeting Minns] she was like ”you know, if I lived in NSW he’d have my vote”.

‘You should’ve seen the sadness on his face when he realised she’s a Queenslander and couldn’t help him out… only joking.’ 

Mr Minns’ charm that won over the Sandilands family has helped him win over many voters who vowed to never vote for NSW Labor again after they were dumped by the state in 2011 in a huge landslide following years of corruption scandals and ineptitude.  

When Minns became Opposition Leader, he was paying $8 to ever be premier. He’s now he’s the favourite at an unbackable $1.22.  

Fans of the show will realise the Kyle and Jackie O backing a Labor leader is a change for the pair. 

Sandilands was a big fan of Donald Trump while both endorsed Scott Morrison before the last federal election. ‘I feel safe with him,’ he said of Morrison.  

When Minns became Opposition Leader, he was paying $8 to ever be premier. He's now he's the favourite at an unbackable $1.22

When Minns became Opposition Leader, he was paying $8 to ever be premier. He’s now he’s the favourite at an unbackable $1.22

Mr Minns is a father of three boys, who have been seen helping him campaign

Mr Minns is a father of three boys, who have been seen helping him campaign 

It is not uncommon for politicians to seek endorsement of powerful media figures in Australia. Would-be PMs have been lining up to meet Rupert Murdoch for years.   

Sandilands said he respected Mr Minns’ decision to reach out to people ‘politicians wouldn’t normally meet’, noting he’d been used to being brushed in favour of AM stations throughout much of his career.

‘I was impressed at that… he’s a really nice guy.’

And he thinks Mr Minns’ proposed policies will go a long way to helping the general public. He’s most impressed with Mr Minns’ commitment to cap toll road prices at $60 per week.

The NSW Labor leader’s policy would reduce household costs for families, tradies and residents in Sydney’s west and south west, aligned closely to the $50 weekly limit on public transport costs.

Jackie O was ‘sold’ on Mr Minns being the next premier on the back of the policy.

She said: ‘You don’t have to pay over $60 right? That’s me, I’m done. Sign me up! You are my new premier.’

The married, 43-year-old father of three boys grew up in the St George area of southern Sydney and joined Labor at 17

The married, 43-year-old father of three boys grew up in the St George area of southern Sydney and joined Labor at 17

The decision to back Minns was made easier by Gladys Berejiklian being forced to step down as NSW premier when ICAC announced she was the subject of a corruption investigation.

While Berejiklian had always enjoyed a close relationship with Sandilands and Jackie O, they had no such loyalty to Perrottet.

After he became premier, Sandilands vowed Perrottet would never appear on the show because of his conservative views on abortion, gay rights and the fact he’d opposed laws to forcing priests to tell police if a priest confessed to sex abuse in confession. 

Henderson agreed: ‘Honestly a person like that to replace Gladys, oh my God.’ 

In the two years since he become premier, their views have softened. In January, Sandilands supported the premier after he admitted wearing a Nazi uniform to his 21st birthday. He argued the photograph was 20 years old and times were different back then, noting he also wouldn’t have known it was wrong at the time.

‘He was 21 years old… who cares? You have a laugh and move on,’ he said. 

Kyle Sandilands (left) and Jackie 'O' Henderson (right) regularly interviewed Gladys Berejiklian (centre) on their popular KIIS FM radio show when she was NSW Premier

Kyle Sandilands (left) and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson (right) regularly interviewed Gladys Berejiklian (centre) on their popular KIIS FM radio show when she was NSW Premier

Political commentator Peter van Onselen told Daily Mail Australia the endorsement for Minns is ‘like manna from heaven for Labor’.

‘Getting endorsed by the likes of Kyle and Jackie O is likely to win over undecided voters who really aren’t sure why to back one state candidate over another.

‘Chris Minns doesn’t have the highest of profiles [and] there are more and more undecided voters closer to polling day these days. 

‘Getting the backing of high-profile and popular presenters like Kyle and Jackie O could be the difference between winning and losing for Labor. Their listenership is large, young and probably many of them are searching for a reason to vote one way or the other.’

Mr Minns told the Mail he’s always enjoyed listening to the Kyle and Jackie O show.

‘They always have their fingers on the pulse of the issues that really matter to Sydney and I congratulate them on their well deserved ratings victory,’ he said. 

‘I really appreciate their support in this election campaign.’ 

Besides his popular tolls policy, Minns has also vowed to overhaul the state’s education system, improve healthcare and make housing more affordable for both buyers and renters.

The married, 43-year-old father of three boys grew up in the St George area of southern Sydney and joined Labor at 17. 

His dad was a school principal and mother a lawyer, and he says he’s always believed education was at the heart of a thriving society.

If elected, he plans to build an additional 100 public preschools and recruit and retain more teachers by reducing workloads and making salaries in the industry more competitive.

The healthcare policy will centre around implementing safe staffing levels in public hospitals, and hiring an additional 500 paramedics specifically for rural and regional NSW.

Hospitals in western Sydney would be big beneficiaries under a Labor government with a promised 600 new beds for Canterbury, Fairfield, Mount Druitt and Blacktown hospitals.

To improve the housing situation – which is at crisis point with rental prices in some Sydney suburbs jumping by a staggering 35 per cent in one year – Minns has committed to abolishing stamp duty for first homebuyers on properties valued under $800,000.

Kyle told his co-host Jackie 'O' Henderson he had booked in a celebrity who is not known for being a musician to perform at his star-studded nuptials on April 29. Minns (pictured) then surprised Jackie by performing an AC/DC riff on his Gibson Les Paul guitar

Kyle told his co-host Jackie ‘O’ Henderson he had booked in a celebrity who is not known for being a musician to perform at his star-studded nuptials on April 29. Minns (pictured) then surprised Jackie by performing an AC/DC riff on his Gibson Les Paul guitar

He’s also vowed to establish a rental commissioner whose role would be to advocate for tenants’ rights, as well as oversee a ban on secret rent bidding and make it easier to have pets in rental properties.

Minns also vowed to focus on reducing the cost of energy bills – which are set to rise again – by vowing to stop any ‘further privatisation of our energy assets’.

Sandilands said: ‘He’s had some great ideas. Putting money back in people’s pockets, that’s what politicians are here to do. Help us live, help us stretch our money further.

‘Not the complete opposite.’

Mr Minns last appeared on the program on March 7, revealing his hidden musical talent, playing the riff from AC/DC’s You Shook Me All Night Long. He received Jackie O’s approval during another on-air stint three weeks earlier, on February 13.

‘That makes you even hotter, the guitar,’ Jackie O joked.

Minns said he had played guitar since he was 13, and told Kyle he would be happy to play Thunderstruck by AC/DC at his wedding

Minns said he had played guitar since he was 13, and told Kyle he would be happy to play Thunderstruck by AC/DC at his wedding 

Inside How Kyle and Jackie O’s friendship with Gladys Berejiklian

Kyle Sandilands was extremely protective of Gladys Berejiklian during her final years as NSW Premier – defending her over her ill-fatedromance with ‘dodgy’ Daryl Maguire and raging about a political journalist getting a hold of her text messages. 

He was critical of Maguire and celebrated when she revealed her new relationship with top lawyer Arthur Moses, telling listeners: ‘This guy looks alright.’

Then, after Ms Berejiklian’s highly critical text messages of then-Prime Minister Scott Morrison were leaked by a political journalist, Sandilands was so outraged that his colleagues gave the story any airtime that he stormed off the show.

‘So what if the ex-premier called the prime minister a ‘horrible, horrible person’? I’ve called everyone here an effing c in text messages. I wouldn’t be surprised if Gladys was just pacifying whatever loser minister she was talking to,’ he said.

‘This is not real news. Don’t make up fictitious b******t drama over nothing.’

The longstanding camaraderie between the pair was evident again after Sandilands’ fiancee Tegan Kynaston gave birth to their first child, baby Otto.

Ms Berejiklian sent the couple a ‘nicely wrapped’ gift from Seed to congratulate them. 

Kyle and Jackie O gushed on air about the ‘cute’ bib, onesie and trousers. 

Jackie said: ‘She would have gone out and picked that herself you know.’

Kyle added: ‘That’s so lovely and unnecessary, but that shows what a truly lovely person Gladys Berejiklian is.’

Ms Berejiklian’s friendship with the radio duo blossomed during Covid, when she became a mainstay on the program discussing everything from lockdowns to policy.

In 2021, Sandilands said: ‘She’s a good sport when she comes on the show and a good decent person, far better than I’ll ever be.’

Sandilands has tried to discuss everything from her sex life to fashion sense with the former premier, and still his program remained one of her favourites when doing media rounds.

The trio also found common ground over their roles in the public eye.

At the height of her hated lockdown policy – which Sandilands also told her lasted too long – Ms Berejiklian revealed on air she’d been heckled by critics in the street while enjoying a brisk walk.

‘All of us are in public life, you guys for different reasons, and you know we’ve been trying to keep people safe for the last year and I feel like we’re all in this together,’ she said. 

Sandilands told the then-Premier he had never had the same experience.

‘No-one’s ever yelled ‘you suck’ to me… probably because they know I’d chase after them,’ he said.

‘Yeah in your Bentley,’ Ms Berejiklian added.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk