Ioana on the Coast shares the hilarious conversations she overheard in an Australian emergency room

Canadian expat shares the ‘amazing’ conversations overheard in an Aussie emergency room: ‘He’s not being tortured, he’s getting an x-ray’

  • Canadian was waiting for doctors in Aussie ER
  • She overheard a bunch of amusing exchanges 

A Canadian woman living in Australia has left thousands in stitches after she shared snippets of conversations she heard during a trip to the emergency room. 

Ioana, from the Gold Coast, overheard some amusing exchanges between hospital staff and patients and was introduced to some classic Aussie sayings while she was waiting to be seen at the hospital. 

The expat, who has been living in Australia for seven years, heard a doctor call a patient’s ‘bag of chips’ meal a ‘breakfast of champions’ and another assure people a screaming child was not being ‘tortured’ but getting an x-ray. 

She also heard a man say his smell was the only sense he had left and someone else claim they had ‘never been sore’ in their life when offered pain medication.  

Ioana has developed a huge online following for sharing her observations about Aussie culture since moving Down Under and assured viewers she was ‘all good’ and ‘alive and kicking’ after her emergency room visit. 

Ioana (pictured), a Canadian woman who has been living in Australia for seven years, shared the hilarious exchanges she overheard while waiting in a Gold Coast emergency room

Ioana said she heard the exchange: 'Is it blood or liquid?' one person asked to which someone replied: 'Honestly mate, it's a bit of both'

Ioana made out someone ask a patient: 'Would you like anything for you pain, Alan?' 'No. I've never been sore in my life,' Alan said back

Ioana overheard a patient ask if something was blood or liquid and a doctor replied ‘both’. She also heard a man named Alan say he’s ‘never been sore’ in his life when offered pain relief

In a TikTok clip, Ioana shared the conversation tid-bits she accidentally eavesdropped in on while waiting to be seen by a doctor. 

‘Is it blood or liquid?’ one person asked to which someone replied: ‘Honestly mate, it’s a bit of both’.

A doctor asked a man named Doug if he had eaten anything that morning and he informed them he had a ‘bag of chips’.

Canadian expat: Things I overheard in an Australian emergency room 

‘Is it blood or is it liquid?’ 

‘Honestly mate, it’s a bit of both’

‘Have you had anything to eat this morning, Doug?’

‘Bag of chips’

‘Breakfast of champions, hey?’ 

‘How’s your sense of smell?’

‘It’s the only sense I’ve got left!’

‘Would you like anything for you pain, Alan?’

‘No. I’ve never been sore in my life.’

*screaming the in background*

‘Apologies for he noise everyone, poor child’s having an x-ray, I swear we’re not torturing him!’ 

‘Breakfast of champions, hey?’ Ioana heard the doctor sarcastically respond. 

She also heard a hospital staff member ask someone how their sense of smell was and they answered: ‘It’s the only sense I’ve got left!’.

Ioana made out someone ask a patient: ‘Would you like anything for you pain, Alan?’

‘No. I’ve never been sore in my life,’ Alan said back.  

At one point, Ioana, along with everyone else in the emergency room, could hear a child hysterically screaming before someone came out to clear up any confusion.

‘Apologies for the noise everyone, poor child’s having an x-ray, I swear we’re not torturing him!’ they apparently said. 

Ioana said she is in good health after her hospital trip and she is ‘super grateful for all the Aussie healthcare workers and healthcare system’. 

Her video has been viewed more than 555,800 times and drew in thousands of comments from Aussies laughing at her experience. 

”Breakfast of champions’ is such an underrated Aussie saying,’ one woman wrote.

‘I’m a hospital worker and ‘I’ve never been sore in my life.’ is taking me OUT,’ a second commented while a third said: ‘We all know an Alan’. 

‘Gotta love Straya,’ someone else chimed in. 

‘Welcome. We deal with pain like we deal with being served the wrong brand of beer. Slightly irate but hilariously,’ joked another. 

Others shared the ‘entertaining’ things they had experienced in hospital including one woman who said doctors were unsure if she was ‘vomiting up blood or red wine’.

‘My daughter and I overheard ‘ouchie bananas is my safe word’ in Townsville ER at 2am,’ a mum recalled.

‘Guy in the emergency room: ‘I’ll just sleep it off’, Doc: ‘your shoulder’s dislocated mate sleeps not fixing that’,’ another added. 

Aussies share the hilarious exchanges they had or overheard in the emergency room 

I had kidney stones, the nurse asked me if I was in any pain, looked her straight in the eye and said ‘Nah I’m just here practising my acting skills’.

I walked in with the tip of my finger in a container of ice. Nurse just rolled her eyes and said, ‘What dumb s*** did you do to achieve this?’.

When I had gastro the doctor said ‘how many times have you thrown up?’, ‘F******* heaps’ I said, ‘That’s a fair measurement scale’ OOPS.

*Me in the ER with third degree hip muscle tear*, Doc: ‘so you’re an AFL player?’, Me: ‘yeah’, Doc: ‘yeah mate, not anymore you’re not’.

Two male nurses. ‘How’s your night been?’, ‘Nobody has died yet so pretty well’. I was in stitches.

I was in for stitches on my face and heard some man come in really calmly ‘I’ve lost four toes, I’m so sorry about the blood on the floor’.

‘So how did you hurt your shoulder?’, ‘Slipped on the boat ramp while fishing and had to save my beer. Didn’t spill a drop mate’. 

I once overheard a man talking about how he was bitten by a snake gardening: ‘I was minding my own business pruning and he wanted to wrestle!’.

I was in emergency last Friday and these two people were arguing about past lives and reincarnation in the waiting room. They did not know each other.

As the triage nurse was scanning my then three-year-old with a metal detector: ‘Why did you swallow the coin?’, Mr Three: ‘So my brother couldn’t get it’.

Reminds me of my last visit. Doc: ‘How many beers did you have before you fell Trevor?’, Trevor: ‘Only a couple, Doc: ‘How many is a couple?’, Trevor: ’24’.

Dad had emergency brain surgery (drill to release swelling) and he comes out with ‘Well I need that like I need a hole in the head!!’.
