Handcuffed heiress reenacts sickening crash at the scene

The heiress whose speeding Lexus smashed into a pavement killing five women and one man was taken back to the crash scene in handcuffs for a reenactment of the appalling tragedy.

Glamorous oligarch’s daughter Alyona Zaitseva, 20, was allowed one hand free as she showed her armed police entourage how she jumped a red light before hitting a VW Touareg then ploughing into the helpless people.

She is held in detention in a crowded cell for two months along with suspected murderers after the accident in Kharkiv, Ukraine which led to worldwide shock after the release of CCTV videos.

Ms Zaitseva, a sociology student, talked police through her route leading to the smash with one handcuff attached by a chain to a policeman.

At one point she got into a Lexus similar to her own and was driven along her route of death.

Alyona Zaitseva has her left hand free and her right hand handcuffed to a police officer as she walks around the scene of the crash that killed six

Alyona Zaitseva, 20, visits the scene of the crash to reenact the incident which killed six people

Alyona Zaitseva, 20, visits the scene of the crash to reenact the incident which killed six people

A huge entourage of police officers surround a Lexus similar to the one driven by the Ukrainian heiress, who is in the middle handcuffed to an officer

A huge entourage of police officers surround a Lexus similar to the one driven by the Ukrainian heiress, who is in the middle handcuffed to an officer

The Ukrainian energy company heiress ploughed her Lexus into another car at a crossing, causing the back-end to spin-out and hurtle into innocent bystanders

Alyona Zaitseva is pictured here. She caused carnage when she ran a red light in Ukraine

Alyona Zaitseva is pictured here. She caused carnage when she ran a red light in Ukraine

Reports say oligarch Vasily Zaitseva is ready to spend £1.1 million in compensation, hoping that by doing so he will reduce or negate any prison sentence for dangerous driving for his daughter, pictured here

Vasily Zaitseva

Reports say oligarch Vasily Zaitseva is ready to spend £1.1 million in compensation, hoping that by doing so he will reduce or negate any prison sentence for dangerous driving for his daughter, pictured here

The road is closed down for the police reenactment of the horrific crash which killed six people

The road is closed down for the police reenactment of the horrific crash which killed six people

Zaitseva can be seen in the black puffer jacket with her hood up surrounded by police officers

Zaitseva can be seen in the black puffer jacket with her hood up surrounded by police officers

She saw floral tributes on the pavement to victims of the carnage.

Traffic was stopped at the city centre intersection as she took part in the reenactment of a crash for which she has asked families of the bereaved and five injured to forgive her.

She could be jailed for up to ten years if convicted of dangerous driving but her multi-millionaire father Vasily Zaitsev has offered huge financial ‘compensation’ to families in the hope that any sentence for his adopted daughter will be reduced.

And her mother Tatiana issued a new emotional appeal to victims to forgive her daughter.

It has been revealed that the other driver 49 year old Gennady Dronov – who could not take part in the reenactment because he is still being treated for injuries – is under police guard in hospital.

Police have not said why he is under armed guard, or if he is seen as under threat.

He remains a witness in the case, and insisted that he moved his vehicle forward on a green light, when the Lexus driven by their wealthy heiress smashed into him.

‘I drove to the junction on a clear green light, I remember exactly,’ he said, saying his speed was around 15 mph.

The Lexus is estimated to have been travelling at around 60 mph.

‘I couldn’t expect anyone driving at such speed on red light,’ said Mr Dronov who suffered head and neck injuries.

‘I didn’t see her at all.

‘If I only I could… I don’t want to put myself in danger.

‘It was very fast, it was an instant, really high speed.’

Insisting he was innocent, he said: ‘I couldn’t expect anyone driving at such speed on red light.’

She is now in a held in a crowded detention cell like the one picture here with nine other women, including those suspected of murder

She is now in a held in a crowded detention cell like the one picture here with nine other women, including those suspected of murder

The aftermath of the horrendous crash in the Ukraine which killed six people

The aftermath of the horrendous crash in the Ukraine which killed six people

Ms Zaitseva’s mother Tatiana, 40, in a message to victims called the 18 October crash an ‘horrific traffic accident’ when ‘the lives of perished and injured just stopped’.

Reports in Ukraine said her husband could spend £1.1 million on compensation.

‘It is a terrible tragedy for us, grief and horror,’ she said.

‘Immediately after the accident our family tried to provide some assistance to injured.’

This was rebuffed but she renewed the offer.

‘We are hoping that investigation and court will take a fair and just decision on this accident,’ she said.

‘We are asking families of perished and injured in this horrific accident for forgiveness once again.’

Earlier her husband said: ‘On our knees we are asking families of the perished and injured in this horrific road accident to forgive our daughter.’

A relative emotionally leans over the coffin of Diana Berchenko, whose bridal gown can be seen

A relative emotionally leans over the coffin of Diana Berchenko, whose bridal gown can be seen

Diana, pictured,  was the sixth fatality from an appalling accident after 20-year-old glamorous heiress Alyona Zaitseva jumped a red light and collided with another car before mowing down the helpless crowd

Diana, pictured,  was the sixth fatality from an appalling accident after 20-year-old glamorous heiress Alyona Zaitseva jumped a red light and collided with another car before mowing down the helpless crowd

The heiress could be jailed for up to ten years if convicted of dangerous driving but her multi-millionaire father Vasily Zaitsev (bottom) has offered huge financial 'compensation' to families in the hope that any sentence for his adopted daughter will be reduced. And her mother Tatiana (top) issued a new emotional appeal to victims to forgive her daughter.

The heiress could be jailed for up to ten years if convicted of dangerous driving but her multi-millionaire father Vasily Zaitsev (bottom) has offered huge financial ‘compensation’ to families in the hope that any sentence for his adopted daughter will be reduced. And her mother Tatiana (top) issued a new emotional appeal to victims to forgive her daughter.

Diana Berchenko, 22, buried in a bridal gown because she would never have a wedding day, furiously rejected the offer.

‘Nobody will bring us back our Diana,’ Igor Berchenko, 55.

‘I can’t say more than that.

‘What do I need this compensation for? What should I buy with their money – shoes or trainers, or….?

‘What kind of compensation are we talking about?’

Another bereaved woman Lyudmila Farbis – who lost her daughter and granddaughter Alla and Anastasia Sokol aged 46 and 19 – refused to meet the heiress’s mother.

‘I did not want to meet her.

‘We want nothing from them, no money can compensate the loss of both my girls.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk