Huge jump in romance scam losses

Heartless: Amount of money lost to romance scammers increases by 60% in the last six months with victims losing an average £10k each time

The amount of money romance scam victims lost increased 60 per cent in the last six months, according to Barclays.

Victims of the scams lose £10,000 on average to fraudsters, research from the bank shows. More than a third of Britons have been targeted by romance scammers or know someone who has.

Heartless: Victims of romance scams lose £10,000 on average to fraudsters

Ross Martin, of Barclays, says the surge has been down to scammers developing ‘new tactics’. 

The bank says criminals are using the cost-of-living crisis as a way to manipulate victims into sending money, with more than a quarter of people admitting they would send cash to someone they were dating to help with everyday costs such as food and bills.

People aged between 51 to 69 account for more than a third of all money lost.

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