Office worker tries to stop his colleagues from stealing his fancy coffee by penning an angry note

Office worker leaves furious note after suspecting his co-workers were stealing his ‘expensive’ coffee

  • Man writes note to coffee stealer
  • Colleagues were stealing from his $15 coffee 

A frustrated office worker has penned an angry letter to a mystery colleague who kept stealing his expensive coffee. 

The British man noticed his freshly-opened jar of coffee grounds was significantly more empty than he would have expected.

He said the 200g jar cost £8 (AUD $14.55) and was missing about 20 per cent of its contents despite him only using it to make three coffees. 

In an effort to curb the thief, the disgruntled coffee lover wrote a irate message to the person who was stealing from the jar despite it being marked with his initials. 

‘Does my note convey my anger at having my coffee stolen?’ he wrote in a post to Reddit.

In an effort to curb a workplace thief an office worker wrote an angry message to a mystery colleague who was stealing his coffee despite the $15 jar being marked with his initials 

The note read: ‘Are you seriously thieving my coffee? It literally has my initials on top of the lid.’

‘These are £8 each. I’ve had three coffees and it’s 1/5 gone. You know you’re stealing, so stop.’

‘P.S. Thanks for bursting open the foil so it’s more convenient for you to pour yourself a massive drink.’ 

In the comments, he added he ‘got lured into a false sense of security’ at his last office as he was able to hide his food and drinks in the work kitchen and said he’s unable to keep his coffee in his bag during the day.  

‘I’ve just moved to another empty area of the office. I always try and hide stuff, but it’s hard with bare cupboards,’ he said.

‘The problem is, my rucksack is full by the time I have my lunch/laptop and sometimes gym stuff. I’d have to put it in a carrier bag.’

Commenters were quick share their outrage at the coffee crook while many suggested he keep the jar at his desk. 

The British man noticed his freshly-opened jar of coffee grounds was significantly more empty than he wold have expected and suspected his co-workers were stealing it

The British man noticed his freshly-opened jar of coffee grounds was significantly more empty than he wold have expected and suspected his co-workers were stealing it

‘This post makes me so glad I don’t work in an office environment,’ one person wrote. 

‘I’m impressed that your double underline changes angle as your note goes on clearly demonstrating your anger with the situation,’ a second pointed out.


How should the office worker stop the coffee thief?

  • Leave the note 1 votes
  • Keep his coffee on his desk 39 votes
  • Replace it with gravy 16 votes

‘Sadly you may find the only way to stop people thieving it would be to put it where people cannot easily find it,’ another suggested.

‘I felt the pain in the note, I worked at a place that had the same issue,’ said a fourth while someone else joked: ‘This is an act of war’.

Others suggested other more extreme tactics for the man to use to stop his coffee being stolen including one who said to replace it was gravy granules. 

‘Replace coffee with Bisto. Keep real coffee in desk,’ they said. 

‘The other option is slowly replace with decaf then the day after completing the changeover swap it with super strong espresso stuff and watch the results,’ laughed another. 

‘Replace it with cheap, powdered decaf and mix in curry powder or ground black peppercorns. That’ll teach them!’ a third replied.

Some shared their similar experiences of co-workers stealing their food at the office.

‘I walked into our break room to find a co-worker helping them self to my peanut butter. They then had the utter cheek to ask me to get crunchy next time as they prefer that to smooth! 
