Solar remains ahead of the pack among renewables and is leading the charge away from carbon-based fuels. But why is solar energy so popular, exactly? Since their inception, solar PVs have decreased in price and become easier to install.
Therefore, they have become the most popular and cost-effective alternative energy option. The good news is that there have been recent developments in solar technology. These improvements further solidify solar’s position as the leading renewable power option.
Let’s take a look at these advances in commercial solar panel technology and see if they aid in the widespread adoption of solar PV systems in the commercial and business worlds.
Solar power’s efficiency
The photovoltaic cells in solar panels are getting more efficient every year, which means more power can be generated from the light.
However, researchers are still looking into how to improve solar cells’ efficiency so that they can produce more energy under the same conditions as their less efficient counterparts.
Under natural light conditions, solar cells have lately reached a high efficiency of 39.5%, according to the United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
For applications with extremely limited space, where even a small screen can generate a significant quantity of energy, the cell is an excellent choice due to its efficiency and simplicity of construction (such as in future aircraft).
As an added bonus, it can be put to use in places where the sun’s rays don’t carry as much energy as they do here on Earth. The cell’s conversion rate was 34.2% despite these setbacks.
Record-breaking performance using an NREL-developed inverted metamorphic multijunction (IMM) architecture was demonstrated in the study that will appear in the journal Joule in 2022.
Effectiveness was achieved through research into quantum wall solar cells and the manipulation of multiple 2D levels. The team of experts used an IMM device with three connections to integrate a quantum wall cell optimized for a specific frequency range within the sun’s energy spectrum.
Shingles made of solar panels
One of the neat advances in commercial solar panel technology is solar shingles. Solar shingles, created by the firm Sunstone, are roof stones that contain solar cells. They make their way through the entire house’s power system, eliminating the need for solar panels on the roof.
This has an edge over conventional solar panels because solar tiles are visually appealing, making solar electricity less visible. According to experts from Peak Services Las Vegas, this may be advantageous in some cases, but not all sun cells should be concealed from view.
Solar arrays on public transportation, for example, would make sense to be conspicuous. That’s because they could raise general awareness of solar energy and urge people to use it in their own homes.
Automobiles run on solar energy
Solar-powered automobiles are an additional technological development in the solar power industry. A solar cell at UC Berkeley converts sunlight into electricity to start a car’s motor.
The solar-powered Sunswift race car and the solar-powered Abu Dhabi automobile are two other examples. MIT’s research into converting solar energy into hydrogen propellant is another fascinating gadget of its kind.
Solar panels as windows
A solar window is a transparent solar cell that can be used as an alternative to traditional windows in buildings. While research on solar windows is still in its infancy, experts in the field predict that consumers will be able to purchase them in about five years.
So next time you’re renovating your house, think about which style of windows you’ll get.
Solar windows are almost like a solar cells that can be installed in a window, according to solar window developers. Solar windows improve the efficacy of solar cells by letting them generate electricity from any form of light.
And that includes not just visible light. They are becoming increasingly popular in the solar industry. Due to their ability to convert both direct and diffuse sunlight into usable energy, solar windows are expected to outperform solar cells by a factor of two.
Don’t forget that just like your windows, solar panels need cleaning too. However, it is advised that you let professionals clean it for you, as experts can take care of it in a safer and more efficient way.
Commercial solar panel cleaning is becoming an important part of solar energy maintenance and upkeep.
Innovative infrared solar panels
Although solar panels are effective at collecting green energy, there are times when they can’t be used. However, a group of researchers from UNSW Sydney and the ARC Center found a way for solar PV cells to work even in the dark by employing IR technology.
They used a thermo-radiative diode to turn the IR heat they had gathered into usable energy.
It’s similar to how night vision equipment generates its power. The sun is the hot source, while a solar shield located on the earth’s surface is the cool collector in a solar electricity system. This makes it possible to produce electricity.
The research is in its infancy, but the methodology and results so far have been encouraging.
Solar panels that track the sun
Another one of the great advances in commercial solar panel technology is the use of solar panels that track the sun.
This is thanks to the researchers from the University of New South Wales. They have unveiled solar cells that track the sun’s movement across the sky from east to west. The solar cells here have a conical form.
The use of solar devices allows for increased solar energy collection. Multiple, smaller solar cells work together to form this one. Consequently, it is able to soak up 40% more solar energy than a solar shield. It can increase solar energy collection by up to 50 percent on a bright day.
More and more companies are beginning to see the benefits of switching to solar power. That has increased interest in this green energy source. Commercial buildings can benefit from the most current developments in commercial solar panel technology.
That’s thanks to the constantly improving technology behind solar panels. Due to advances in commercial solar panel technology as well as their efficiency and longevity, properties now have more solar energy choices than ever before.
Businesses can lessen their financial and environmental footprints by switching to solar power.