Pictures capture the best grisly backside body art fails

From Mr Bean, to McDonald’s arches, a monkey and a ‘danger explosive gas’ sign, these pictures show how people take leave of their senses when they enter the tattoo parlour.

The collection shows the hideous extent to which some people will go to have grisly designs permanently scratched in to their skin.

Some of the designs are clearly meant to be amusing, with the tattoo of g-string for some reason popular among women while men often appear to favour some kind of witticism.

One man has washing instructions tattooed onto his back, though sadly for him the design won’t come out in the wash.

Another has a semi-literate scribbling about eating at ‘McDonaldz’ and one man’s back is covered by the hideous design of chimp.

The designs also include several pairs of eyes as well as a terrifying face drawn on to the back of a man’s shaved head. 

Many of the tattoos have some kind of invitation including one that says ‘insert coins into slot’ or ‘get some’.

One individual who briefly saw sense appears to have one tattoo removed only for it to have been replaced by another. 

Initially this person has a tattoo of Mr Bean inked onto their back, which is bad enough

It appears that they have had the tattoo of Mr Bean erased using laser treatment only for it to be replaced by 'crack kills'

It appears that they have had the tattoo of Mr Bean erased using laser treatment only for it to be replaced by ‘crack kills’

Many of the tattoos in the grisly collection contain some kind of message the the person perhaps thought was alluring 

Many of the tattoos in the grisly collection contain some kind of message the the person perhaps thought was alluring 

This man's back is almost covered with a tattoo of chimpanzee. He's got a monkey on his back

He’s got a monkey on his back – this man’s back is almost covered with a tattoo of chimpanzee. 

Spelling is clearly not this person's strong point but nonetheless he makes a point of having this tattoo done

Spelling is clearly not this person’s strong point but nonetheless he makes a point of having this tattoo done

While most of the tattoos are hidden away in beneath clothing, this man's monstrosity is on display for the whole world to see

While most of the tattoos are hidden away in beneath clothing, this man’s monstrosity is on display for the whole world to see

Many of the tattoos display their owner's distinct sense of humour, such as this warning about explosive gas

Many of the tattoos display their owner’s distinct sense of humour, such as this warning about explosive gas

Sadly for this man, his tattoo will not come out in the wash. His is one of many failed attempts to be witty

Sadly for this man, his tattoo will not come out in the wash. His is one of many failed attempts to be witty

Having a message tattooed above their back sides appears to have a baffling allure for many people 

Having a message tattooed above their back sides appears to have a baffling allure for many people 

The people who get these types of tattoo done appear to have left their sense at the door of the parlour

The people who get these types of tattoo done appear to have left their sense at the door of the parlour

This woman's invitation leaves nothing to the imagination. Who could resist?

This woman’s invitation leaves nothing to the imagination. Who could resist?

One woman has what could be a series of random numbers or expression of some mathematical knowledge

One woman has what could be a series of random numbers or expression of some mathematical knowledge

For reasons best known to themselves, many women get a tattoo of a g-string on their backside 

For reasons best known to themselves, many women get a tattoo of a g-string on their backside 

Why it would be a good idea to have that tattooed onto your back is a question only the person who had it done can answer

Why it would be a good idea to have that tattooed onto your back is a question only the person who had it done can answer