Ooh la la! Paris opens its first ever NUDE restaurant

France is world renowned for its laid back and relaxed attitude, with the country playing host to dozens of nudist beaches, campsites and pools.

Yet now Paris has opened its first-ever naked restaurant where diners can dig into their food while completely naked.

The aptly named O’Naturel restaurant is located in the French capital’s 12th arrondissement, on Rue de Gravelle, and had its grand opening this past Thursday. There is space at the restaurant for up to 40 diners, with meals starting at around €30.

Upon entrance, guests are asked to remove all their clothes and leave them in the restaurant’s wardrobes.  

The aptly named O’Naturel restaurant is located in the French captial’s 12th arrondissement, on Rue de Gravelle

Yet passersby on the street are not able to catch a glimpse of patrons at the eatery as the view from the street is blocked off. Local residents seem relatively relaxed about the new establishment, with one saying: ‘It doesn’t bother me at all, or my neighbors. 

‘We don’t see anything from the street. We know what’s happening. It’s not a massage parlour.’

Restaurant managers Mike and Stephane Saada told Le Parisien that they invited the Paris Naturist Association for their grand opening.

The Saanda’s said: ‘They’ve supported us from the beginning, and we reserved our first soirée for them.’

While it’s the first nude restaurant in France, the concept is far from new around the rest of the world. 

London’s first nudist pop-up restaurant, Bunyadi, opened last year and is current fundraising in order to open for a second season.

Meanwhile Innato, located on Spain’s Tenerife Island, has parts of its ‘aphrodisiac menu’ which are served on the waitstaff’s nude bodies. 

The restaurant had its grand opening on Thursday and can host up to 40 diners at a time

The restaurant had its grand opening on Thursday and can host up to 40 diners at a time

London's first nudist pop-up restaurant, Bunyadi, opened last year and is current fundraising in order to open for a second season.

London’s first nudist pop-up restaurant, Bunyadi, opened last year and is current fundraising in order to open for a second season.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk