Furious customers slam ‘disgraceful’Australia Post worker

Furious Australia Post customers have called for the sacking of a postman who was caught on video throwing parcels into van ‘without a care in the world’.

The postal worker was filmed in Melbourne tossing packages and parcels over his shoulder from a trolley into the van, without watching what he was doing or looking to see where they landed.

‘This is what we pay Australia Post for!’ fumed Glenn Burr, who posted the video shot outside Arena post office to his Facebook page.

‘Not a care in the world with our packages just throw them in and don’t even look where they land… I hope your packages arrive safety [but they won’t] through Australia Post care.’ 


Customers have slammed an Australia Post driver for carelessly tossing parcels into the van

The man tosses the parcels over his shoulder without looking as he unloads the mail trolley

The man tosses the parcels over his shoulder without looking as he unloads the mail trolley

Dozens of other customers have also unloaded on Australia Post, writing, ‘This sh*ts me to tears. This is probably the d*ckhead that broke more than half the things I bought from America’.

Another wrote: ‘They say when you put ‘handle with care’ on your parcel, that it doesn’t mean it’s going to! I do cookies and I have to wrap them up real good.

‘Hope there’s nothing too important in there!’ 

‘It’s disgusting that our parcels are treated this way! This is a disgrace! Shame and no wonder…’ commented another customer.

‘Wow. Thought I seen some boxes with fragile stickers on them. Not a good look Aus Post!’, read one comment, while another called on Australia Post to ‘pick up [act] because this is disgraceful.’

Some took to calling the worker names, including ‘incompetent fool’, ‘a**hole’ and ‘piece of sh*t’, while others blamed Australia Post for outsourcing to independent and incompetent third party workers. 

'It's disgusting that our parcels are treated this way! This is a disgrace!' complained one person

‘It’s disgusting that our parcels are treated this way! This is a disgrace!’ complained one person

After seeing the video, people have called on Australia Post to ‘pick up its act’ and fire the man

A few commentators did defend the postman, writing that it is the responsibility of the sender to make sure that they their packages correctly.

‘This worker did nothing wrong. If people don’t pack their parcels properly, they can’t expect them to arrive safely,’ wrote one sympathetic woman.

‘I hope Australia Post has the sense to see that, and this video doesn’t cause him any trouble.’

A few commentators defended the employee, saying senders need to pack parcels properly

A few commentators defended the employee, saying senders need to pack parcels properly

Australia Post have responded: 'This is clearly not in line with our safe handling procedures'

Australia Post have responded: ‘This is clearly not in line with our safe handling procedures’

Australia Post have responded to the video, saying that they have been sent the same footage multiple over the last couple of days, and they are currently looking into the situation and attempting to track down driver.

‘This is clearly not in line with our delivery and safe handling procedures and we have begun an investigation into this incident,’ an Australia Post spokesperson said.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk