Pastor’s daughter is named dead in Texas church shooting

The first victim in the shooting at a Texas church on Sunday morning has been named as the 14-year-old daughter of the pastor. 

First Baptist Church Pastor Frank Pomeroy told ABC that his daughter Annabelle is one of the dead.

He called her ‘one beautiful girl, and a ‘special child.’ 

She is among at least 27 dead and 24 injured in Sunday’s shooting, which took place when a gunman dressed in full combat gear opened fire during a morning service around 11.30am, before he was shot dead.

A second victim was also named as six-year-old Rylan, who was shot four times and is now in surgery, his uncle told CBS News.   

And 34-year-old AManda Mosel told MySA that her 13-year-old was ‘gunned down’ during the shooting. She said she was sad she skipped church this morning, but she normally attends that sermon.

Wilson County Commissioner Albert Gamez Jr Told CNN that the death toll is expected to climb. 

‘My heart is broken,’ Gamez said. ‘We never think where it can happen, and it does happen. It doesn’t matter where you’re at. In a small community, real quiet and everything, and look at this, what can happen.’ 

This is the second mass shooting in the United States in a 36-day period.  

First responders are at the scene removing bodies from inside the church, according to witnesses.

Pastor Frank Pomeroy is pictured with his wife Sherri

The first victim in the shooting at a Texas church on Sunday morning has been named as the 14-year-old daughter (left) of the church’s pastor Frank Pomeroy (pictured right with his wife Sherri Newman Pomeroy)

First Baptist Church Pastor Frank Pomeroy told ABC that his daughter, who was killed in the shooting, was 'one beautiful girl, and a 'special child'

First Baptist Church Pastor Frank Pomeroy told ABC that his daughter, who was killed in the shooting, was ‘one beautiful girl, and a ‘special child’

Wilson County Commissioner Albert Gamez Jr said at least 27 people have been killed in the shooting, but the death toll is expected to climb. Law enforcement officials stand next to a covered body at the scene of the fatal shooting 

Wilson County Commissioner Albert Gamez Jr said at least 27 people have been killed in the shooting, but the death toll is expected to climb. Law enforcement officials stand next to a covered body at the scene of the fatal shooting 

The shooting happened at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, where around 50 people usually attend service, according to local reports

The shooting happened at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, where around 50 people usually attend service, according to local reports

A woman wrote on Facebook that she saw the man flee the scene in his vehicle before crashing it not far from her daughter’s house. She said he then ran on foot and was pursued by police.

The shooter, who hasn’t been identified, was killed after the brief foot chase into Guadalupe County, according Guadalupe County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Robert Murphy.

But it’s still unclear if the gunman shot himself or was taken down by authorities.  

Dana Fletcher, who owns a store in Sutherland Springs, told CNN: ‘It’s just awful…there were emergency responders everywhere.’

Neighbors in the area said they may have heard the shooter reload multiple times. Another witness at the scene said a two-year-old was also shot in the attack. 

Sutherland Springs is a rural community in Wilson County, Texas, about 30 miles southeast of San Antonio that’s made up of about 400 people. Some residents fear that the gunman is someone they know because their community is so small. 

Texas Congressman Vicente Gonzalez told MSNBC that officials ‘won’t have final numbers until probably a few more hours’.

He added that ‘apparently the shooter was not from the area, he was from outside of that area’.

At least 27 people have been shot inside a Texas church after a gunman opened fire during the Sunday morning service at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs (pictured)

At least 27 people have been shot inside a Texas church after a gunman opened fire during the Sunday morning service at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs (pictured)

Carrie Matula (left) embraces a woman after a fatal shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday. Matula said she heard the shooting from the gas station where she works a block away

Carrie Matula (left) embraces a woman after a fatal shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday. Matula said she heard the shooting from the gas station where she works a block away

Photos show families tearfully praying outside their community building as they wait to see if their family and friends are safe 

Photos show families tearfully praying outside their community building as they wait to see if their family and friends are safe 

President Donald Trump sent his condolences to the Sutherland Springs community as he continues to monitor the situation from Japan

President Donald Trump sent his condolences to the Sutherland Springs community as he continues to monitor the situation from Japan

First Lady Melania Trump also shared this tweet following the shooting. 'Our hearts are with #Texas'

First Lady Melania Trump also shared this tweet following the shooting. ‘Our hearts are with #Texas’

Ivanka Trump also tweeted after learning about the tragic shooting

Ivanka Trump also tweeted after learning about the tragic shooting

Chelsea Clinton also shared her condolences on Twitter on Sunday evening, writing that nobody should have tow worry about their loved ones when they are in 'house of worship, a nightclub, a school or at a concert,' referencing other mass shootings in the country such as Las Vegas, Orlando and Sandy Hook

Chelsea Clinton also shared her condolences on Twitter on Sunday evening, writing that nobody should have tow worry about their loved ones when they are in ‘house of worship, a nightclub, a school or at a concert,’ referencing other mass shootings in the country such as Las Vegas, Orlando and Sandy Hook

Gonzalez said that based on what he knew, he did not believe the incident was related to terrorism, but ‘was some kind of other incident that has to do with the church or the community’.

Carrie Matula, who works at a gas station near the church, told MSNBC that she heard ‘semiautomatic gunfire’ and looked to see what was going on.

‘I never thought it would happen here,’ Matula said. ‘This is something that happens in a big city. I would never have thought this would have taken place here. It’s just too tight a community. It doesn’t make sense.’

President Donald Trump Tweeted his condolences to the Sutherland Springs community, and said he will monitor things from afar during his trip in Japan.

‘God bless the people of Sutherland Springs, TX. Our country’s hearts are breaking for the victims & their families. We love & are with you!’ Ivanka Trump tweeted after learning of the shooting. 

Chelsea Clinton also shared her condolences on Twitter on Sunday evening, writing that nobody should have tow worry about their loved ones when they are in ‘house of worship, a nightclub, a school or at a concert,’ referencing other mass shootings in the country such as Las Vegas, Orlando and Sandy Hook. 

Texas Governor Greg Abbott released a statement following the shooting.

‘While the details of this horrific act are still under investigation, Cecilia and I want to send our sincerest thoughts and prayers to all those who have been affected by this evil act.

‘I want to thank law enforcement for their response and ask that all Texans pray for the Sutherland Springs community during this time of mourning and loss.’

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement: ‘The thoughts and prayers of all Texans are with the people of Sutherland Springs as tragic reports come out of First Baptist Church.’

‘Please join Angela and me as we pray for those impacted by this horrific shooting,’ Paxton said.

Texas Sen Ted Cruz tweeted: ‘Keeping all harmed in Sutherland Springs in our prayers and grateful for our brave first responders on the scene.’

Photos show families tearfully praying outside their community building as they wait to see if their family and friends are safe.

There were at least six helicopters called in to transport victims to the hospital. 

The shooting took place at the churchl, which is located about 30 miles from San Antonio. Sutherland Springs is a community of about 400 people

The shooting took place at the churchl, which is located about 30 miles from San Antonio. Sutherland Springs is a community of about 400 people

First responders were seen rushing victims toward the helicopters that were called in to transport them to local hospitals

First responders were seen rushing victims toward the helicopters that were called in to transport them to local hospitals

The tragic shooting occurred at took place Sunday morning at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs (pictured)

The tragic shooting occurred at took place Sunday morning at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs (pictured)