Mother blasts Doncaster council for sending ‘hate mail’

Antonia Wright, 19, from Doncaster, was shocked by the words she saw on the letter

A teenage mother-of-one has been left disgusted after receiving a letter from her local council saying they hate her.

Antonia Wright, 19, of Doncaster, South Yorkshire, was shocked to find the words ‘I hate Miss Antonia Wright’ above her address on the request for information.

At first she had no idea that the letter was from the council – and was worried when she saw the words ‘I hate’ through the envelope’s front window.

Miss Wright said: ‘I was in complete shock. It was in an envelope that allows you to see the name and the address on the letter. I went to open the letter and that is when I saw it had come from the council. I still can’t quite believe it. 

‘I have never even spoken to this person at the council before. All I can think is they have been joking around in the office and they mistakenly left it on the letter.’

After her initial complaint, Miss Wright said the council said the mistake came from an error by an employee writing on the wrong document.

At first Miss Wright had no idea that the letter was from the council - and was worried when she saw the words 'I hate' through the envelope's front window.

At first Miss Wright had no idea that the letter was from the council – and was worried when she saw the words ‘I hate’ through the envelope’s front window.

They told her that ‘I have written to Miss Antonia Wright’ was meant to have been typed on the other document and closed the investigation after a few hours.

But Miss Wright complained further to the council about the matter regarding the letter – sent on October 20 – and said officials are now investigating once again.

She added: ‘It is just unacceptable. This could have been so much worse. 

‘They could have mistakenly sent it to someone who is not very well or has mental health problems. It is not nice for someone to be told they are hated.

‘They said it had been a mistake and they were meant to write “I have written to” – but, if that was the case, where is the “written to”? And how did they manage to hit the letter T instead of V when they are not even next to each other on the keyboard?

After her initial complaint, Miss Wright said the council said the mistake came from an error by an employee writing on the wrong document

After her initial complaint, Miss Wright said the council said the mistake came from an error by an employee writing on the wrong document

‘The council told me they even check letters four times during the process before it is sent out, which makes it even more unbelievable that the letter reached me.’

Miss Wright posted a photo of the letter she received to shocked friends on social media.

The post read: ‘Well Doncaster Council seem to have got a bit gobby! Never in all my life have I received a letter – so rude “I hate Miss Antonia Wright”.

‘Doncaster Council is seriously the biggest joke going! Think we’re going to swap to Rotherham, at least then I won’t get hate mail. Can all my Facebook friends please share this – let’s get it round how disrespectful Doncaster Council is.

‘The person who signed the letter was Stephen J Mawson, chief financial officer and assistant director of finance, and the contact details are for a Mr P Podloga.

Miss Wright posted a photo of the letter she received to shocked friends on social media

Miss Wright posted a photo of the letter she received to shocked friends on social media

‘Whether it was done as a joke and was not deleted or done intentionally it’s not acceptable. 

‘If they’d sent this letter to someone who was emotionally unstable things could have ended a hell of a lot worse. Let’s show everyone how pathetic Doncaster Council is.’

Simon Wiles, the council’s director of finance and corporate services, said: ‘This is unacceptable. This is not how this council operates and we apologise unreservedly to Miss Wright.

‘We are immediately looking into how this happened and why we failed in this instance and will take any action required.

‘We are very sorry for the distress this has caused our resident and we have already apologised personally to Miss Wright and her family.’