Veterinary students strip for Royal Dick charity calendar

 A group of veterinary students have truly gone back to nature in a daring shoot that saw them strip off for a charity calendar.

The students who are all studying at The Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies bared all in a recent shoot that saw them pose alongside the animals they care for.

The calendar released in time for the New Year is titled When Vets Undress and sees the students conceal their modesty by hiding behind alpacas and covering themselves with adorable puppies.

The photos were taken in some of Scotland’s most scenic locations with the brave vets facing the bitter winds of the highlands in order to capture the perfect photo. 

Students of The Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh have stripped off for a new charity calendar 

The calendar has been produced in aid of All4Paws Edinburgh, run by the The Royal Dick School students and offers free care and advice for the pets of homeless people. 

All4Paws offers a range of essential veterinary services to these pets, such as general health checks, flea, tick and worm treatments, and pet microchips and vaccinations.

Besides veterinary services, All4Paws provides basic supplies to these pets including winter coats, collars, leashes, toys, food, and muzzles. 

The calendar has been created in aid of All4Paws, a charity run by the students in order to help provide care for pets without a permanent home 

The calendar has been created in aid of All4Paws, a charity run by the students in order to help provide care for pets without a permanent home 

The students travelled to some of Scotland's most scenic locations in order to capture the stunning shots 

The students travelled to some of Scotland’s most scenic locations in order to capture the stunning shots 

Many braved the bitter winds of the highlands in order to pose alongside wild cattle in the stunning shots 

Many braved the bitter winds of the highlands in order to pose alongside wild cattle in the stunning shots 

A couple of students admire the view of the lake in the buff while a very patient sheep dog looks on 

A couple of students admire the view of the lake in the buff while a very patient sheep dog looks on 

This adorable mutt does the perfect job of concealing this student's modesty as he poses among the ferns 

This adorable mutt does the perfect job of concealing this student’s modesty as he poses among the ferns 

A spokesperson for the charity told The Scottish Sun: ‘The project involves creating a 2018 Charity Calendar, with pictures of our students undressed, discreetly and artistically choreographed alongside animals, at some of Scotland’s most beautiful locations.

‘Through When Vets Undress, our students aim to raise funds for All4Paws, a student-initiated charity which strives to provide free, effective veterinary care for the pets of homeless and vulnerably-housed people.

‘There is no denying that pets make amazing companions, offering unwavering loyalty and friendship, and we believe that every four-legged friend deserves access to basic healthcare.’ 

One cheeky student flashes his pert derriere from beneath his kilt before an audience of wild cattle 

One cheeky student flashes his pert derriere from beneath his kilt before an audience of wild cattle 

In a more unusual game of fetch a nude student poses on a stony wall as her spaniel waits patiently for her to chuck the ball

In a more unusual game of fetch a nude student poses on a stony wall as her spaniel waits patiently for her to chuck the ball

Not all the students were totally nude with some of the women choosing to don a pair of knickers for their starring role 

Not all the students were totally nude with some of the women choosing to don a pair of knickers for their starring role 

A trio of highland ponies act as the perfect props to hide behind for this group of naked students 

A trio of highland ponies act as the perfect props to hide behind for this group of naked students 

He may not be wearing a stitch but this man has wellies on hand as he leads a pony across a field

He may not be wearing a stitch but this man has wellies on hand as he leads a pony across a field

One man uses a riding hat to conceal his modesty as he poses alongside a group of female students in this pony pen 

One man uses a riding hat to conceal his modesty as he poses alongside a group of female students in this pony pen 

This elegant black and white photograph sees a vet feeding a highland pony while completely in the nude 

This elegant black and white photograph sees a vet feeding a highland pony while completely in the nude