Mother used a fake Facebook profile to promote terrorism

A mother of five faces jail after posting a string of ISIS propaganda on a dedicated Facebook group called Power Strangers, a court heard.

Farhana Ahmed, 40, from north-west London, was a ‘prolific’ contributor to the group, whose name appeared to play on the popular American teenage superhero film Power Rangers.

The closed section, which had 1,406 members, described itself as a ‘pro-IS group, the purpose of it is to connect mawhideen brothers from different parts of the world and to help each other’.

Ahmed used the fake name Kay Adams to encourage terrorism on the social media site between September and November 2015.

Ahmed is expected to be sentenced at the Old Bailey by Judge Christopher Moss on Tuesday

Her postings included a speech by an IS spokesman and a link to an ‘extensive online library’ of terrorist publications, prosecutor Ben Lloyd said.

He said: ‘It is clear from the defendant’s decision to join this group, and then by virtue of the material that she posted, that she shared the group’s ideology and aims.’

The British national had travelled to Turkey with her husband Muhammed Burmal Karwani and their five children in November 2013.

She and the children returned to Britain while her husband stayed behind and, when she tried to go to Turkey in August 2015, she was turned away by authorities, the Old Bailey heard.

Mr Lloyd said: ‘It may be that following this, the defendant decided to begin her campaign on Facebook encouraging terrorism.’

In September Ahmed pleaded guilty to encouraging terrorism and three charges of dissemination of terrorist publications.

The prosecution offered no evidence on two terrorism-funding charges which related to thousands of pounds sent to her husband, who has since been acquitted of terrorism offences in Turkey and returned to the UK.

According to the details of the indictment, Ahmed transferred £3,108.75 (11,000 Lira) to a Turkish bank account in the name of Per Muhammed Burmal Karwani in September 2014 and a further £4,300 (15,786 Lira) in February 2015.

Ahmed is expected to be sentenced at the Old Bailey by Judge Christopher Moss QC on Tuesday.