Nude man boards London Tube train and starts pole dancing

  • The passenger stripped naked on the London Underground’s Victoria line
  • He placed his clothes carefully on a seat when the train was near Brixton
  • The man then grinds on a pole while thrusting at the centre of the carriage
  • Footage shows passengers looking away while other commuters cheered 

This is the moment Tube passengers were baffled by a naked pole-dancing passenger.

London Underground customers were stunned when the man stripped off his clothes on the Victoria line to grind on the yellow pole at the centre of the carriage.

He was filmed thrusting while the train was near Brixton at about 11pm on Sunday after carefully placing his clothes a seat before clapping enthusiastically.

The man was seen grinding on the pole at the centre of the London Underground Victoria line train near Brixton

Many looked away as he danced, but some cheered the man’s performance.

A video of the incident was posted on Twitter by @daniellavieco who wrote: ‘Typical commute back home on the Victoria line what has London come to omg.’

Officers were not called to the scene and there were no arrests made, but British Transport Police are now trying to identify the man in the video. 

A spokesman said: ‘We are aware of video footage, posted on Twitter, showing a man dancing naked on a Victoria Line Tube train.

The dancer gave his performance after carefully folding up his clothes and clapping enthusiastically 

The dancer gave his performance after carefully folding up his clothes and clapping enthusiastically 

The dancer spins around the pole and lifts himself up and down after stripping on the Victoria line train

The dancer spins around the pole and lifts himself up and down after stripping on the Victoria line train

‘The footage is currently being reviewed with an effort to identify the man seen dancing.

‘Anyone who was on board the train at the time of the incident is urged to get in touch as soon as possible.’