Alec Baldwin claims Melania loves his Trump impression

Alec Baldwin has made the bold claim that Melania Trump loves his impersonation of her husband on SNL – but she’s not playing along.

Baldwin made the remarks in an appearance on The Brian Lehrer Show on Monday, while advertising his new Trump parody book You Can’t Spell America Without Me: The Really Tremendous Inside Story of My Fantastic First Year as President.

‘Someone told me – who’s friends with someone in the White House, or formerly in the White House – that Melania Trump loves SNL and she loves my impersonation,’ he said. 

Alec Baldwin claimed on Monday that someone high up in the White House told his friend that Melania Trump loves his portrayal of her husband on SNL (pictured, with ‘Steve Bannon’)

Baldwin claimed that Melania ‘told someone very high up in the White House brass’ that ‘that’s exactly what he’s like!’

He added: ‘Apparently, Trump is horrified and beside himself that his wife actually thinks it’s funny.’ 

But Melania’s director of communications, Stephanie Grisham, refuted those claims to Newsweek on Monday.

‘That is not true, which is why Mr Baldwin has no actual names to go with his bizarre assertion,’ she said.

Trump, who guest-hosted SNL on November 7, 2015, has since cooled on the show considerably.

A spokesperson for the First Lady said that was a 'bizarre' and 'not true' claim, asking why he didn't cite a source

Baldwin also said Donald Trump was angry about his wife's opinion

A spokesperson for the First Lady said that was a ‘bizarre’ and ‘not true’ claim, asking why he didn’t cite a source. Baldwin also said Donald Trump was angry about his wife’s opinion

‘I hosted SNL when it was a good show, but it’s not a show anymore,’ he told Today in December 2016. ‘First of all, nothing to do with me – there’s nothing funny about it, the skits are terrible.

‘I do like [Baldwin] and I like him as an actor, but I don’t think his imitation of me gets me at all. It’s meant to be very mean-spirited.’

Since then his mood has sunk even further, and the show has consistently been a target of furious tweets by the president.

In October 2016, he wrote: ‘Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!’

And in January of this year, he complained: ‘@NBCNews is bad but Saturday Night Live is the worst of NBC. Not funny, cast is terrible, always a complete hit job. Really bad television!’ 

Trump has become a vocal critic of the show, and particularly Baldwin's impersonation of him. Baldwin was advertising his book, which is based on his parody of the president

Trump has become a vocal critic of the show, and particularly Baldwin’s impersonation of him. Baldwin was advertising his book, which is based on his parody of the president