Horrified men and women watch a birth for the first time

Watching the miracle of birth is not for the squeamish, which is why many people will do their best to see it happening up close. 

For its latest video, Cut.com has managed to find a number of people who have managed to avoid such a sight into adulthood – and convince them to watch it.

The four young people are sat down in front of a laptop and a slow motion computer before shown a pair of clips showing a live birth, instructed to cover their eyes first before the big reveal.


Cringe: Men and women who have never seen live birth before are made to watch videos of it by Cut.com

Jaws dropped: The reactions are caught by  a camera recording 1,000 frames per second

Jaws dropped: The reactions are caught by  a camera recording 1,000 frames per second

The second they are then made to start watching the incredibly graphic video, a 1,000-frames-per-second camera captures their horrified expressions in detail.

Plenty of ‘ew’, ‘oh’ and ‘ugh’ sounds follow as the mother in the birthing clip can be heard in the background, screaming in agony.

Hands cover faces, heads recoil in grimaces, and jaws are dropped as the video continues. 

After the first video, the filmmakers ask one of the participants: ‘You aren’t traumatized?’ with him delicately responding that it was, ‘definitely an experience’.

Tough to watch: The people are seen grimacing and sometimes shielding their eyes

Tough to watch: The people are seen grimacing and sometimes shielding their eyes

No more: This young man claims that childbirth is 'the cherry on top of the s*** sundae that is carrying a baby around'

No more: This young man claims that childbirth is ‘the cherry on top of the s*** sundae that is carrying a baby around’

Next up: After the first video is done, they are made to watch another, more graphic, one

Next up: After the first video is done, they are made to watch another, more graphic, one

Next up: After the first video is done, they are made to watch another, more graphic, one

Another woman reacts: ‘That one was fast. It just slipped out of there.’

The next video is then loaded up with the filmmakers telling them that this one is ‘a little different’ – as in, more graphic.

While the actual video they are viewing can’t be seen, the difference in reaction is clear from their faces.

‘Get it out, get it out!’ yells one woman while squirming in her seat, later remarking:  ‘She should get breakfast in bed for the rest of her life for doing that.’

Something to look forward to? When asked if the process was beautiful, one woman replies bluntly with a 'no', while another dubs it 'gross''

Something to look forward to? When asked if the process was beautiful, one woman replies bluntly with a ‘no’, while another dubs it ‘gross”

Painful: This young man was a bit more delicate with his review, calling it 'an experience'

Painful: This young man was a bit more delicate with his review, calling it ‘an experience’

She adds: ‘I’ve never done so many kegels in my life!’

When asked if they would define the process of childbirth as ‘beautiful’ one woman answers bluntly with a ‘no’, while another dubs it ‘gross’

‘It’s none of the beautiful parts of the whole experience. It’s just the cherry on top of the s*** sundae that is carrying a baby around,’ says another man.

‘I’m in love right now and I have baby fever and I don’t any more,’ one woman concludes. ‘My boyfriend will thank you.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk