Britain First leader Paul Golding is spared jail

The leader of Britain First has today avoided jail for assaulting a martial arts instructor.

Paul Golding, of Penge, south London, attacked Dean Williams in a Maidstone nightclub during the early hours of July 9.

He admitted a charge of assault by beating when he appeared at Sevenoaks Magistrates’ Court last month and was today given a suspended sentence. 

Summing up, magistrate Alan Austen described it as ‘a really nasty and vicious assault in a public place’.

Britain First leader Paul Golding, 35, pictured, has been handed a 120-day suspended sentence for assaulting a martial arts expert in a nightclub in Kent

The court had previously heard Golding and Mr Williams, a mixed martial arts expert, had originally met in Derbyshire.

Golding later invited him to a self defence course in Erith and the pair, along with others, had gone out for a meal.

Later that evening Mr Williams said Golding ‘became very aggressive, drew his head back slightly and headbutted me in the face’.

The victim said he had suffered whiplash, chipped teeth and swelling and bruising to his nose.

‘I attended my doctor’s surgery and am very shocked at the incident,’ he added.

Defending, Golding’s lawyer said there was CCTV of the incident which showed there had been a degree of provocation.

He said: ‘At the bar where they both were Mr Golding put his arm round the victim’s shoulder in a friendly, amicable way.

‘The victim took exception to that and threw his arm off his shoulder. And Mr Golding walked away not just once, but twice.’

Golding, left, and his deputy Jayda Fransen, right, are facing a trial next month for three charges of religiously aggravated harassment

Golding, left, and his deputy Jayda Fransen, right, are facing a trial next month for three charges of religiously aggravated harassment

Golding was handed a 120 day suspended sentence and ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid community work.

He was also told to pay £750 compensation to his victim, pay a £115 victim surcharge and another £85 in court costs.

Golding, 35, is also facing three charges of religiously aggravated harassment in relation to the trial of a gang of men who raped a teenager above a Ramsgate takeaway.

He is set for a three day trial next month, alongside deputy Britain First leader Jayda Fransen. 

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