Ultimate recipes to give you a flat tummy for ever 

Yesterday, we explained how effective the Clever Guts diet is at helping you lose weight, particularly when combined with the 5:2 diet.

But we know some of you may not want to lose quite as much weight as strict adherence to our plan delivers, might want to lose the weight more slowly, or simply can’t make two low-calorie days fit in with your lifestyle.

That’s where 6:1 comes in — it has the same principle as 5:2 but is a gentler regime, where you keep an eye on your calories for just one day a week.

The 6:1 diet, while followed with the Clever Guts diet, can help to flatten your stomach by reducing bloating. Pictured is steak with Guacamole and Blistered Tomatoes, the recipe for which is below

To be brutally honest, you’re not going to get the same results doing 6:1 as you would doing 5:2, but if you’re following the principles of the Clever Guts diet, that alone should help flatten your stomach by reducing bloating.

Eating a reduced calorie regime even just one day a week can also help to recalibrate your body’s feelings of fullness and hunger. It might encourage you to be a bit more conscious of what you eat during the rest of the week. The 6:1 diet is also a good template for your maintenance programme once you’ve reached your desired weight.

Not only will it ensure you maintain your weight at the new healthy level, but regular calorie restriction should also keep up levels of friendly gut bacteria.

As we mentioned yesterday, fasting encourages the growth of Akkermansia, a type of gut bacteria that can reduce inflammation, protect your gut wall and help you stay slim.

Steak with Guacamole and Blistered Tomatoes

 Pounding the steak before you cook it — particularly if it’s a cheaper cut or is thick — will tenderise and make it easier to digest. Marinating, especially in an acidic element such as lemon juice, will aid this process and enhance the flavour.

Serves 2 (470 calories per serving)

2 x 120g steaks, skirt or sirloin

1 tsp ground cumin

1 garlic clove, crushed

1 tbsp lemon juice

1 tbsp olive oil

1 avocado, diced

½ red onion, diced

½-1 tsp chilli flakes

1 tbsp fresh coriander or basil, chopped

1 tbsp lime juice

16 cherry tomatoes, halved

If using thick steaks, place them on a wooden chopping board and pound with the rough side of a mallet. You can also use the end of a wooden rolling pin. Bash from the middle outwards — don’t pound the meat too hard or you will shred it.

In a bowl, mix together the cumin, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. Place the steaks in a shallow dish and pour the mixture over them (turning to make sure they are well covered). Leave them to marinate for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, make the guacamole by mashing together the avocado, red onion, chilli flakes, coriander and lime juice. Season with salt and pepper.

Place a griddle or frying pan over a high heat. Cook the tomatoes, cut-side up, for 3-4 minutes, until the skins are blistered. Remove them from the pan and add the steaks. Fry for approximately 3 minutes on each side (for a medium steak).

Slice up steaks, top with the tomatoes and serve the guacamole on the side. 

When Michael started the 5:2 diet, he lost 20lb — mainly fat — and his waist measurement went down to 32in. Clare suggested he might want to slow down, and so he switched to 6:1. If he puts on a bit of weight or his blood sugars rise, he returns to 5:2.

But this isn’t just about weight loss. Intermittent fasting can help many aspects of your health.

Research shows women who use this method of dieting have a greater improvement in biomarkers that relate to breast cancer risk than women who do conventional daily dieting. It also improves insulin sensitivity, reducing the chance of developing type 2 diabetes. In animals, a 5:2 approach has even been shown to reduce the risk of dementia.

So although you may be keen to use this diet to banish some bulges before the party season, we would rather you didn’t think of it as a quick fix. Instead, view it as the start of a healthier you, with a happier gut — something to make you look and feel your best long-term. See it as intensive training for a new way of life.

As well as preparing our delicious recipes, use this time to build healthy habits.

One of the most important things you can do is involve other people. Tell friends and family what you hope to achieve.

You should even try to persuade one of them to join you, since being part of something on a bigger scale means you are more likely to succeed. Join an online community such as cleverguts.com for advice and support. If you find you are struggling, question your excuses. What is getting in the way?

Making changes can be uncomfortable, but if you stick with it then the good habits that you form will become automatic. Here are some tips that should help you to stay on track…


This helps to bypass the need for bursts of willpower, which is often in short supply and easily gets used up.

Remove temptations from your surfaces and cupboards. Research has shown that households with cereal boxes or biscuits in view are more likely to be overweight than those who keep them in the cupboards, out of sight.


Eat slowly, use a smaller plate and listen to your appetite. This will give your body time to tell you that you are full. If you have raised blood sugars, those feedback loops stop working, leaving you constantly hungry.

If you stick with it, your blood sugars should improve and the normal feedback system will re-establish itself, leaving you feeling comfortably full after eating.

Clare’s patients often say that after the first week or two it gets much easier.


Ten more minutes gives you time to make a healthy swap from toast and jam or processed cereals to a delicious and filling breakfast, such as scrambled eggs or porridge.


Better sleep enhances concentration, resets your stress levels, improves your metabolism and benefits your microbiome. Aim for seven to eight hours’ sleep most nights. There is also evidence that a fibre-rich diet such as Clever Guts will improve the quality of your deep sleep.

Get an early night: Better sleep enhances concentration, resets your stress levels, improves your metabolism and benefits your microbiome

Get an early night: Better sleep enhances concentration, resets your stress levels, improves your metabolism and benefits your microbiome


This is easier said than done, but chronic pressure and anxiety wreaks havoc on your stress hormones, mood and immune system, which has a direct effect on your weight.

The stress hormone cortisol, for example, increases blood sugars and promotes the storage of unhealthy abdominal fat.

These hormones are also likely to have an adverse effect on your metabolism, eating patterns, gut bacteria and, most importantly, how you feel. A vicious cycle of low mood, less motivation and comfort eating may follow.

Accept things you can’t alter and deal with those you can, even if the changes you make are only small. Mindfulness is a proven way to de-stress and reduce the tendency to become preoccupied with seemingly insoluble issues.


Sit at a table to eat, and be present in the moment so you can focus on your food and savour it. Be aware of the flavour and texture. Is it slightly bitter? Can you taste sweetness or a hint of sourness, or both?

The more interesting and varied your meals are, the better for you and your microbiome.

There is now evidence that regular exercise will also improve the quality and diversity of your microbiome

There is now evidence that regular exercise will also improve the quality and diversity of your microbiome

If you eat in front of the TV, you probably won’t notice how satisfying your food is and are likely to eat more in the process.

Eating with other people can lift your mood. But don’t let them push you to eat more than you want — learn to say no pleasantly and mean it.


We all know that doing exercise is good for us. It boosts our mood, helps us sleep, cuts our risk of almost every chronic disease, from cancer to dementia, and burns calories.

But there is now evidence that regular exercise will also improve the quality and diversity of your microbiome.

Ideally, you should do a mix of exercises that build muscle strength and aerobic fitness. To keep his muscles in shape, Michael does a mix of press-ups, squats and sit-ups most mornings. For his heart and lungs he takes the dog for a run and cycles where he can.

Clare tries to run for 20 minutes three times a week, adding short high-intensity bursts up hills. She also practises yoga (which has been found to improve gut health, too). The key is to push yourself so your heart rate goes up.

If you are not able to commit to specific exercises, you can do yourself good simply by getting outside and moving more.

Get your hands dirty, in the garden or the park. We know that the gut thrives on a diverse microbiome — by exposing yourself to the numerous healthy bacteria outside, you’ll end up with more bugs in your system and create a happier gut microbiome.

Dinner party good that will WOW your guests and keep you slim

Spinach and Ricotta Blinis

Delicious green blinis that are packed with nutrients and work brilliantly with spreads and dips.

Makes about 8-10 (120 calories per blini)

150g fresh spinach (or frozen spinach, defrosted and drained)

60g wholemeal buckwheat flour

1 tsp baking powder

25g Parmesan, grated

2 eggs

100g ricotta

2-3 tbsp milk (or non-dairy equivalent)

2 tbsp olive oil

Place the fresh spinach in a colander and pour over a kettle of boiling water, then refresh it under a cold tap. Drain well. Squeeze out water and chop it finely.

Mix the flour, baking powder and Parmesan in a bowl with seasoning.

Beat together the eggs and ricotta and pour them into the flour mixture, whisking in milk to produce a thick batter. Stir in the chopped spinach.

Heat the oil in a large frying pan and cook the blinis in batches of three or four, using a dessert-spoonful of the mixture for each one. Cook until golden brown, about 3-4 minutes on each side, then place on kitchen paper to drain.

Turmeric Coronation Chicken

An old favourite with a healthy twist. Turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation, and possibly even the risk of cancer. The fat in the creamy sauce and the generous amount of black pepper in this recipe will increase the beneficial effects of the curcumin in the turmeric.

Serves 2 (720 calories)

2 tbsp olive oil

1 small onion, diced

2 celery stalks, diced

30g dried apricots, diced

2 tsp ground turmeric

2 tsp curry powder

8 small cornichons (mini gherkins) diced

1-2 tsp freshly ground black pepper

175g cooked chicken or turkey, chopped into bite-size pieces

125g full-fat live Greek-style yoghurt (or a non-dairy equivalent)

75ml full-fat mayonnaise (or non-dairy equivalent)

Grated zest 1 lime

2 tbsp fresh coriander, chopped

30g flaked almonds, toasted

Heat the olive oil in a pan and saute the onion and celery for 4-5 minutes. Add the apricots and spices and cook for a further 2-3 minutes, then set aside to cool.

Stir in the cornichons, black pepper, chicken or turkey, yoghurt, mayonnaise, lime zest, most of the coriander and half the nuts.

Tip the mix in a bowl. Scatter the remaining coriander and nuts on top.

Serve with brown rice (for 2 tbsp, add 100 calories) or quinoa (for 2 tbsp, add 120 calories) and bitter leaf salad, such as rocket, watercress and baby spinach.

Low-Carb Mac ‘n’ Cheese

Macaroni cheese is experiencing a renaissance — a classic home-cooked comfort food that it is now being served in top restaurants. Here is a relatively low-carb version that is creamy, nutritious and satisfying, with a mild chilli kick.

Serves 2 (750 calories)

80g green pea macaroni twists (or gluten-free wholemeal macaroni)

75g cauliflower florets

60g broccoli florets

2 tbsp olive oil

Generous pinch salt

1 garlic clove, crushed

½-1 green jalapeno chilli from a jar, diced

100g mature Cheddar cheese

150g full-fat creme fraiche

25g Parmesan, grated

Preheat the oven to 180c/160c fan/gas 4. Boil the pasta according to the pack instructions. Drain when it is al dente and rinse under cold running water.

Toss the cauliflower and broccoli florets in the olive oil and a generous pinch of salt, then spread them out on a baking tray or in a roasting tin. Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until they start to brown around the edges, then transfer them to a medium-sized baking dish. Stir in the pasta with the garlic and chilli.

In a bowl, mix together the Cheddar and creme fraiche. Spread this mixture on top of the vegetables, followed by a sprinkling of Parmesan and freshly ground black pepper.

Bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes, or until the top is turning golden brown and the cheesy sauce is bubbling.

Michael’s Mussels

A firm favourite that brings out the hunter-gatherer in Michael, who relishes scrubbing and preparing the mussels. Having said that, mussels are usually so well cleaned these days that there is hardly a tuft of seaweed beard left to remove. They are probably the most sustainable source of high-quality protein. Fiddly to eat, but worth it – savour their sweet, juicy flesh.

Serves 2 (370 calories)

1kg fresh mussels in shells

2 tbsp olive oil

½ onion, finely diced

1 garlic clove, crushed or finely diced

125ml white wine

Sprig of fresh thyme

2 tbsp creme fraiche (optional)

Generous handful of fresh parsley, chopped

Check each shell to make sure it closes when you tap it and scrub off any chunks of seaweed.

Discard any that remain open when tapped – the mussels need to be fresh and alive.

Saute the onion in the olive oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat for about 5 minutes, adding the garlic after 3 minutes.

Pour in the wine, followed by the thyme and the mussels. Cover the pan with a well-fitting lid and bring it to the boil. Simmer gently for 4-5 minutes or until the mussels have opened. Discard any that remain shut.

Divide the mussels between 2 bowls, reserving the juices. Stir the creme fraiche (if using) and parsley into the juices before pouring them over the mussels.

Pasta with Pistachio Pesto

Made with pistachio nuts, this rich, creamy pesto has a gorgeous, subtle flavour. You’ll never want to go back to a shop-bought jar. Mixing spaghetti with spiralised courgetti is a great, pain-free way of reducing your carb consumption.

Serves 4 (580 calories)

100g fresh basil

75g Parmesan (or vegan Parmesan), grated

120g pistachios

2 garlic cloves, chopped

150ml olive oil

160g wholemeal spaghetti (or gluten-free alternative)

4 medium courgettes, or 300g butternut squash, spiralised

To make the pesto, blend the basil, Parmesan, pistachios and garlic in a food processor until they start to break down. Gradually add the olive oil until the mixture starts to thicken into a sauce.

Season the mixture to taste.

Cook the spaghetti in salted water according to the instructions on the pack.

Add the courgettes or butternut squash for the last minute of cooking.

Drain the pasta and vegetables and then tip them into a large serving bowl.

Stir in the pesto, making sure that everything gets a very good coating.

Serve immediately.

Aubergine Parmigiana

A delicious, Mediterranean-style bake. Aubergine contains antioxidants such as anthocyanin, a pigment that can protect against cellular damage.

Serves 2 (580 calories)

1 large aubergine, cut into 1cm slices

4 tbsp olive oil

1 garlic clove, diced

2 tsp fresh oregano, chopped (or 1 tsp dried)

150ml passata

125g mozzarella (or non-dairy cheese), sliced

50g cherry tomatoes, halved

50g Parmesan (or vegan Parmesan), finely grated

Preheat the oven to 180c/160c fan/gas mark 4.

Brush the aubergine slices on both sides with 3 tbsp of the olive oil, then brown them on a very hot griddle.

Stir the garlic and oregano into the passata and pour it into an ovenproof dish. Lay the aubergine slices on top, followed by the mozzarella and then the cherry tomatoes.

Drizzle over the remaining olive oil, and finish with a sprinkling of Parmesan.

Bake the parmigiana for 14-15 minutes, or until the top is lightly golden.

Serve it with a crisp green salad.

Salads really can be filling!

Broccoli and Asparagus with Buttermilk Dressing

Serves 2 (360 calories)

¼ cauliflower

¼ head of broccoli

300 g asparagus, tips only

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

1 cos lettuce, sliced

¼ red onion, finely sliced

100 g feta, crumbled

½ portion of Turmeric Buttermilk Dressing (see below)

Break the cauliflower and broccoli into florets and place them on a hot griddle for 3-4 minutes, turning them as they char. Tip them into a wide serving bowl, then cook the asparagus in the same way.

Toast the pumpkin seeds in a small pan until they start to pop, then remove them from the heat. Once the vegetables have cooled a bit, add the lettuce and onion and toss everything in the dressing. Scatter the crumbled feta and toasted pumpkin seeds on top.

Turmeric Buttermilk Dressing

Serves about 4 (70 calories)

100 ml live cultured buttermilk (or kefir)

Juice of ½ large lemon

2 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp English mustard

1 tsp ground turmeric

½ tsp xanthan gum (optional thickener)

Whisk together the buttermilk and lemon juice. Gradually whisk in the olive oil, mustard and turmeric. Season to taste with sea salt and plenty of black pepper.

Roasted Vegetables, Pearl Barley & Eggs

This delicious wholegrain is slow to release its starches and provides a steady source of energy. It delivers more fibre to feed your biome than the more processed grains. Can be eaten warm or cold.

Serves 2 (520 calories)

1 small aubergine, diced

1 large courgette, sliced

1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced

125 g butternut squash, deseeded and cubed

3 tbsp olive oil

100 g pearl barley

2 eggs, hardboiled and cut into quarters

75 g goat’s cheese (or non-dairy cheese), crumbled

Handful of fresh parsley or coriander, chopped

Juice of ½ lemon

Preheat oven to 200c/180c fan/gas 6. Place aubergine, courgette, pepper and squash in a roasting tin and toss in olive oil.

Bake for 30-40 mins until tender and browned at the edges, turning once or twice.

Meanwhile, cook the pearl barley according to pack instructions.

Remove vegetables from the oven and stir in pearl barley. Transfer to a serving dish, stir in the eggs, and scatter cheese and herbs on top. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.

Warm Red Rice Salad and Courgettes

Serves 2 (370 calories)

120 g pre-cooked red Camargue rice

2 courgettes, sliced

¼ small cabbage, sliced

40 g pine nuts, toasted

Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon

2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

1 tsp fresh mint, chopped

2 tsp fresh thyme, chopped

Reheat the rice by adding 1 tbsp water and warming it in a microwave or steaming it in a pan. Then spoon it into a salad bowl.

Place the courgette slices and cabbage on to a very hot griddle for a couple of minutes, turning them as they char.

Stir the vegetables into the rice, along with the rest of the ingredients.

Adapted by Claire Coleman from The Clever Guts Diet Recipe Book by Dr Clare Bailey (Short Books, £14.99). To order a copy for £11.99, visit mailshop.co.uk/books or call 0844 571 0640. P&P is free on orders over £15. Offer valid until November 18, 2017. cleverguts.com

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