Harvey Weinstein tried to get Paz de la Huerta records

The Harvey Weinstein scandal took yet another astonishing turn on Wednesday, with the attorney for Paz de la Huerta claiming that a man was attempting to obtain his client’s therapy records.

Aaron Filler appeared on Megyn Kelly Today where he said: ‘A former district attorney, Michael Rubin, who was not retained, apparently represented himself as a retained attorney. He attempted to get control of a large trove of evidence, which had not yet been received by the district attorney. And also, contacted the district attorney, representing himself as my client’s attorney.’

That evidence was reportedly the notes taken by de la Huerta’s therapist, which are a major piece of evidence in the case as the actress told her about the alleged rapes at that time. 

Rubin was unable to comment at this time as he is in Bronx Supreme Court on Wednesday morning handling a case. 

Shocking claim: Aaron Filler, the lawyer who is representing Paz de la Huerta, appeared on Megyn Kelly Today on Wednesday

‘As an attorney, Ms. Kelly, you know that if the records were willingly turned over to a third party who is not an attorney, arguably, the privilege – some of these are medical records – would be pierced,’ said Filler.

‘We’re concerned about this. We may be filing an emergency motion to squash some subpoenas until we know what is going on among these parties.’

When Kelly asked who Rubin has allegedly contacted, Filler said: ‘He approached the attorney representing the therapist.’

The tale then grew even more twisted, as Filler explained: ‘Well, the records were supposed to come to us. We were informed this was off and they were being given to Mr. Rubin. He told our client he would be carrying these personally to where she is in Europe, which reveals her location. And the purpose of his visit was essentially to be interviewed about possibly becoming her attorney.’

Kelly then jumped in, asking: ‘Let me make sure I understand. Is it your theory that this is a Weinstein operative trying to get your client’s therapy records, seeing what she was saying at the time?’

Filler responded by stating: ‘That’s my impression, yes.’ 





Read more at DailyMail.co.uk