Outcry as scientists implant tiny human brains inside rats

Tiny human brains connected to the minds of rats have sparked a major ethical debate among researchers.

Two papers being presented at a renowned US neuroscience conference this week claim to have hooked human brain tissue to the minds of rats and mice.

Ethicists have questioned whether the move could one day give the animals a consciousness, meaning they will be entitled to ‘respect’ in future.

It could even mean injected rodents cross the species barrier with humans to become an intelligent hybrid organism.

Tiny brains connected to the minds of rats have sparked a major ethical debate. Pictured is a working ‘mini-brain’ in a dish created by Stanford scientists in April. Neurons resembling brain tissue (pictured) fused to create brain circuitry. They were not implanted into rats


The debate has arisen thanks to papers being presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington, D.C this week.

Two teams will report they have implanted human brain organoids into the minds of lab rats and mice.

This raises issues with ethicists that organised, functional human tissue could develop further within a rodent. 

‘It brings up some pretty interesting questions about what allows us, ethically, to do research on mice in the first place – namely, that they’re not human,’ Josephine Johnston, of New York-based ethics institute The Hastings Center, said.

‘If we give them human cerebral organoids, what does that do to their intelligence, their level of consciousness, even their species identity?’

The tiny human brains, known as organoids, were hooked up to rat brains and blood supplies by growing physical links between them.

Made up of small clumps of cells, the organoids act similarly to our neurons, and are grown from human stem cells.

Several labs have integrated these organoids into rats’ biology, with one team claiming they could shine a light into a rat’s eye to stimulate neurons in the mini-brain, according to researchers speaking to medical magazine Stat.

Neurons from a human brain organoid have sent axons – ‘wires’ that carry signals from one neuron to another – into ‘multiple regions of the host mouse brain,’ according to a team led by Professor Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in San Diego, California.

This suggests that the tissue could become functionally linked with the rat’s brain, raising an array of ethical issues.

Scientists hope to use the mini-brains for research into brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and autism.

To do this the organoids must become more complex to truly mimic the human mind, meaning scientists will have to implant more organoids into test animals.

Currently, labs are implanting three or four mini-brains into lab rats at a time, but experts warn that the more that are added, the more human the rodents become.

Stanford University bioethicist Professor Hank Greely told Stat: ‘People are talking about connecting three or four.

Ethicists have questioned whether the move could give the animals a consciousness like humans, meaning they will need 'respect' in the future. It could even mean injected rodents cross the species barrier with humans to become an intelligent hybrid organism (stock image)

Ethicists have questioned whether the move could give the animals a consciousness like humans, meaning they will need ‘respect’ in the future. It could even mean injected rodents cross the species barrier with humans to become an intelligent hybrid organism (stock image)


In April, Stanford University scientists were among the first to grow working ‘mini-brains’ in a dish, which could provide future treatments for autism and epilepsy.

The brains are the latest advance for stem cell science.

Human skin cells are transformed into pluripotent stem cells, capable of becoming any part of the body, using four genes in a petri dish.

These help them ‘unlearn’ that they are skin cells and return to the state of a newborn baby’s cells.

The ‘culture’, or nutrient-rich broth they are grown in, is then altered to determine which type of cell they will become – in this case brain cells, or neurons.

The result is a 60-day old forebrain like a baby’s in the womb, although more scrambled in its connections.

It includes the cerebral cortex, the most highly evolved ‘thinking’ and decision-making part of the brain.

‘But what if you could connect 1,000? That would be getting close to the number of cells in a mouse brain.

‘At some future point, it could be that what you’ve built is entitled to some kind of respect.’

The ethical debate has arisen thanks to two papers being presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington, D.C this week.

Two teams will report they have implanted human brain organoids into the minds of lab rats and mice.

This raises issues with ethicists that organised, functional human tissue could develop further within a rodent. 

‘It brings up some pretty interesting questions about what allows us, ethically, to do research on mice in the first place – namely, that they’re not human,’ Josephine Johnston, of New York-based ethics institute The Hastings Center, told Stat.

‘If we give them human cerebral organoids, what does that do to their intelligence, their level of consciousness, even their species identity?’

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