Couple fake home invasion in attempt to get settlement

A married couple were arrested in Volusia County, Florida on Tuesday, nearly two weeks after police say they faked a home invasion in an attempt to collect a cash settlement from their landlord. 

Police were called to Doug Teixeira and Lindsey Pelton’s rental home on October 26, for a report of an armed robbery.

The couple told cops that two men wearing masks broke into the home, where they had been living for the past month, through the sliding glass door and asked Pelton, ‘Where’s Javier?’

When Pelton, 36, said she didn’t know who they were talking about, she says they shot her in the arm, then shot her husband in the leg as he was coming out of the shower. 

Doug Teixeira, 35 (left), and Lindsey Pelton, 36 (right), were arrested on Tuesday for lying to officers about a break in at their Volusia County, Florida home

On October 26, police were called to the couple's rental home for a report of an armed robbery

On October 26, police were called to the couple’s rental home for a report of an armed robbery

They then said the thieves made off with $7,000 in cash and jewelry that they kept hidden in a safe. 

Investigators quickly began to pull apart the couple’s story however. 

Cops noticed several details that led them to believe the crime scene was staged, including the fact that there was no sign of a forced entry. 

The TV was on the floor as if it had been pushed over but it did not appear damaged in any way and there were no signs that a vehicle had stopped at the home. 

They also found it suspicious that the shower and bath mat were dry even though Teixeira, 35, was reportedly taking a shower when the robbers broke in. 

The couple told officers that two masked men broke into the home, shot them and then made off with $7,000 in cash and jewelry

The couple told officers that two masked men broke into the home, shot them and then made off with $7,000 in cash and jewelry

Investigators quickly found several holes in the couple's story. They learned that the couple actually shot themselves and staged the scene to look like a break-in in an attempt to sue their landlord for a settlement

Investigators quickly found several holes in the couple’s story. They learned that the couple actually shot themselves and staged the scene to look like a break-in in an attempt to sue their landlord for a settlement

There was also evidence that someone tried to clean up some of the blood. When cops arrived they smelled bleach and found dried blood in both the main house and the garage. 

‘If this incident just occurred and they called police right away, why would you have dried blood and why do we have bleach all over the house,’ Sheriff Mike Chitwood told the Daytona Beach News-Journal.

But most damning of all was the gun they found stuffed in a sock and hidden in a hat in the home, which matched the description of the gun used to shoot the couple. 

After the incident, the couple were taken to the hospital to be treated for their injuries. 

But as soon as they were discharged, they went straight to a personal injury law firm in hopes of hiring a lawyer to represent them in a lawsuit against their landlord over the break-in. 

Investigators conducted interviews with the couple’s friends and family and learned that they were broke and that Treixeira’s father, Carson, had been paying their rent. 

 ‘Carson stated neither Lindsey or Doug ‘have two pennies to rub together,’ ‘ investigators wrote in their report. ‘Carson said he knew his daughter and she had probably ‘never seen $7,000 in her life.’

Upon interrogation, the couple changed their story several times – at first saying that the shooting was an accident and they were trying to cover it up.  

Eventually, the couple copped to staging the home invasion as part of an elaborate plot to sue their landlord for money. 

However, their stories differed as so who shot who. Treixeira said Pelton shot herself in the arm and that he shot himself in the leg two minutes later. Pelton told cops that she never shot herself though.  Treixeira then destroyed the gun.  

The couple were booked in Volusia County jail on Tuesday, and both face a charge of giving false information to law enforcement officers investigating a felony. Treixeira faces an addition charge of tampering with physical evidence.