Heartbroken woman, 23, who lost five babies in six years

A woman left heartbroken after losing five babies in six years to the same condition has been given new hope of starting her dream family. 

Shannon Reed, 23, from Prudhoe, near Newcastle, has been diagnosed with ‘sticky blood syndrome’ – after years of mystery surrounding her miscarriages.

Doctors were baffled when her first four pregnancies ended after less than six weeks.

She thought her time to have a child arrived earlier this year when she reached the 12-week mark – before suffering another devastating miscarriage.

The strain of losing another baby led to the breakdown of her relationship and she stopped working as she struggled to cope with the aftermath.

Shannon Reed, 23, from Prudhoe, near Newcastle, has been diagnosed with ‘sticky blood syndrome’ – after years of mystery surrounding her miscarriages

Desperate to know what was wrong with her, she pushed for more tests and finally learned that she was suffering from antiphospholipid syndrome.

The condition, also known as ‘sticky blood syndrome’, causes blood clots in the umbilical cord and leads to an increased risk of miscarriage. 

Hope for the future

Speaking about her ordeal for the first time, Miss Reed said: ‘If I get pregnant again I’d need to have blood thinning injections every day in my leg.

‘It was a relief to have a possible cause and treatment but I’m still really scared. I will definitely try again in the future – I’m more hopeful now.’

The condition, called antiphospholipid syndrome, causes blood clots in the umbilical cord and leads to an increased risk of miscarriage (pictured with her friend Kerrie Campbell)

The condition, called antiphospholipid syndrome, causes blood clots in the umbilical cord and leads to an increased risk of miscarriage (pictured with her friend Kerrie Campbell)

Miss Reed pushed for tests in 2015 after suffering her fourth miscarriage, with none of her pregnancies making it past six weeks.

She said: ‘I knew something was wrong but the doctor said it was common and it was just one of those things.’

A fifth pregnancy 


Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), also known as ‘sticky blood’ or Hughes syndrome, can cause blood to clot in the arteries or veins.

It is a major cause of recurrent miscarriage, as well as stroke in young people. 

APS can also cause high blood pressure in pregnancy, small babies and early delivery.

The condition is caused when your immune system attacks proteins that cause blood cells to become more sticky and therefore clot easily.

Treatment aims to prevent clots and pregnancy complications via drugs.

Source: Arthritis UK 

In May 2017, she discovered that she was pregnant again. Miss Reed added: ‘Words don’t come close to how happy I was. 

‘I was nervous at first but after six weeks I was really hopeful because I hadn’t carried that far before.

‘In July I had my first scan and I could have burst from love and pride seeing the baby for the first time.

‘Every night and day I spoke to my belly thinking it was finally my time to become a mammy.’

Losing her fifth baby 

However, later that month Miss Reed started bleeding heavily and was admitted to Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary.

There, she lost her baby for a fifth time.

She said: ‘My whole world fell apart, nothing and nobody could comfort me. I felt alone and lost.’

Following the miscarriage, Miss Reed pushed for more tests, which came back with the results that she had ‘sticky blood syndrome’.

Experts are unsure how many people have the condition, but it is believed to be the cause behind up to 15 per cent of recurring miscarriages. 

‘I wanted my baby’ 

While in the hospital, she was given a memory box from charity 4Louis. But she said: ‘It wasn’t what I wanted – I wanted my baby.

‘I was sat looking at the box, thinking: “What on earth am I going to do with this, what sort of comfort will this bring?”

‘But I finally got the courage to open it and there was a letter from the mam who had made the box – it was so lovely and it did bring me some comfort.’

Miss Reed is now planning a Christmas event in Prudhoe Social Club on December 9 from 12pm to 4pm to raise money for 4Louis.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk