Russian woman ‘kept as prisoner & sex slave for 6 years’

Police are investigating claims that a man kept the mother of his four children as a prisoner and sex slave for six years – never letting her out of their cramped home.

Rinat Bilyanov is being probed in Russia over accusations of beating and torturing his partner Lilia whose children were all born after she was ‘taken hostage’.

The pair met on a dating site for Tatar Muslims and were not officially married but did undergo a religious wedding ceremony, she said.

Police are investigating Russian man Rinat Bilyanov after this woman claims he kept her prisoner as a sex slave for six years 

During those years the woman said she gave birth to four children, all of them by Bilyanov (pictured together), and that he raised the boys to think she was evil

During those years the woman said she gave birth to four children, all of them by Bilyanov (pictured together), and that he raised the boys to think she was evil

The woman, in her 20s, was shut in a flat with concrete walls, all the windows boarded, and no daylight in Pushkino, Moscow region, she alleged.

She was pregnant four times during her years of hell, her lawyer said.

This week she managed to call police who came to free her and her four children after storming the flat, she said, according to Mash news site which has close links to law enforcement.

‘We were locked inside all the time,’ she said. ‘I could not go out anywhere.

‘My youngest daughter has been outside only once in her life.’ 

Bilyanov is also accused of mercilessly beating the woman, on one occasion hitting her so many times with a piece of wood that it broke

Bilyanov is also accused of mercilessly beating the woman, on one occasion hitting her so many times with a piece of wood that it broke

The pair were never officially married, but the woman told police they did undergo some kind of religious ceremony before her imprisonment

The pair were never officially married, but the woman told police they did undergo some kind of religious ceremony before her imprisonment

Images show the shocking extent of the woman’s injuries. She was freed after she managed to call police, who raided the property

Her ‘husband’ took the children out occasionally but kept her shut away in the tiny apartment with unplastered walls, it is understood.

‘He kicked me, beating me with a stick,’ she said, showing evidence of her injuries.

‘He said to our son: “Ruslan, when you grow up, you must keep beating her like this, with your fists, kicking her, because she is very bad.”

‘This is what he told our children about me.’

She told journalists: ‘I suffered for six years. He beat me and the children saw it. Once he broke his stick when beating me.’

Police smashed down the door to rescue her and her children after she managed to place a phone call begging for help.

The squalid home in which the woman lived had unplastered walls, boarded-up windows and no access to the outside world

The woman said that in six years she was not allowed to see the outside world, and that the children were taken outside only occasionally

She and the children are now in a shelter for women.

The children cannot speak properly and have ‘development problems’.

Lawyer Sergey Afanasiev said the woman and her children had been kept ‘hostage’ and she had been subjected to ‘violence and torture’.

Police confirmed a preliminary criminal investigation which could see the man jailed for seven years.

Lilia said: ‘The first serious beating took place when our first child was born.

‘When I was breastfeeding, I got pregnant again. All his evil was expressed on me.

‘He said I could leave the flat only when my parents paid him 200 million roubles (£2.5 million).’

She said: ‘We could not go out, only my husband had the keys.’