Clinton and Biden take credit for Democratic gains

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden gave themselves a pat on the back for the gains made by Democrats in yesterday’s off-year election. 

For Clinton it was that her political group, Onward Together, supported a number of new progressive grass roots groups that did a lot of work on the ground.  

‘Last night was a great reminder of what’s possible when we come together and fight for what we believe in,’ Clinton tweeted Wednesday morning. ‘So I wanted to take a few minutes to celebrate the extraordinary successes of a few groups I – and Onward Together – proudly fight alongside.’

For Biden, who is keeping the door open to a 2020 presidential bid, it was his candidate picks. 

In a note to supporters Biden said Americans voted for a ‘different kind of leadership.’   

‘And last night, nearly every single candidate that I endorsed at your recommendation was elected,’ he wrote.  

Both Hillary Clinton (pictured) and Joe Biden assigned themselves some credit for Democratic wins in Tuesday's off-year election

Both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden (pictured) assigned themselves some credit for Democratic wins in Tuesday's off-year election

Both Hillary Clinton (left) and Joe Biden (right) assigned themselves some credit for Democratic wins in Tuesday’s off-year election  

Hillary Clinton sent out a number of tweets giving hat tips to groups that assisted Democrats who won in last night's election, pointing out her group Onward Together supported them too

Hillary Clinton sent out a number of tweets giving hat tips to groups that assisted Democrats who won in last night’s election, pointing out her group Onward Together supported them too

Hillary Clinton touted the group Run for Something that ran 25 Democratic candidates at a local level successfully 

Hillary Clinton touted the group Run for Something that ran 25 Democratic candidates at a local level successfully 

She also pointed at the group Indivisible, which teaches Democrats to use Tea Party tactics to thwart the moves of President Donald Trump 

She also pointed at the group Indivisible, which teaches Democrats to use Tea Party tactics to thwart the moves of President Donald Trump 

The group Emerge America trains women leaders to become political candidates and helped nine of Virginia's House of Delegates candidates succeed 

The group Emerge America trains women leaders to become political candidates and helped nine of Virginia’s House of Delegates candidates succeed 

The Color of Change PAC helped Larry Krasner who is becoming known nationally as a progressive fighter against mass incarceration 

The Color of Change PAC helped Larry Krasner who is becoming known nationally as a progressive fighter against mass incarceration 

Hillary Clinton gave credit to some traditional Democratic groups too, including EMILY's List, which funds pro-choice, female Democratic hopefuls 

Hillary Clinton gave credit to some traditional Democratic groups too, including EMILY’s List, which funds pro-choice, female Democratic hopefuls 

The ex-Democratic nominee also looked toward the midterm elections as the Democrats are currently in the minority in both the Senate and the House, but that could change next year

The ex-Democratic nominee also looked toward the midterm elections as the Democrats are currently in the minority in both the Senate and the House, but that could change next year

Meanwhile, in eight additional tweets, Clinton gave shout-outs to a number of groups that popped up since her stinging election loss a year ago today to now President Donald Trump.   

The ex-Democratic nominee started with the group Run for Something, co-founded by Amanda Litman, a former Hillary Clinton staffer, and Ross Morales Rocketto, who worked at a Democratic public affairs firm started by Obama administration officials. 

‘Twenty-five of the local candidates they helped to recruit and run won,’ Clinton boasted. ‘They tell me about 10 per cent of first-time candidates usually win, but 40 percent of @runforsomething candidates came out on top yesterday.’ 

Clinton also pointed to the group Emerge America, which trains women leaders, who she said trained nine of the candidates who won Democratic seats in the Virginia House of Delegates. 

Currently, Democrats are on track to win 15 seats in the Virginia House of Delegates, an unexpected boon for the party that lost countless almost 1,000 state-level seats during the Obama years. 

Clinton also broke off a piece of the Spring Fling Queen crown and tossed it at Indivisible, a group of progressive former Capitol Hill staffers who witnessed the rise of the Tea Party and is guiding Democrats to use those same tactics to trip up President Trump. 

Clinton reported that those aligned with Invisible made more than 600,000 calls to benefit the top of the Virginia ticket, all of whom won.

Democratic candidate for governor Ralph Northam succeeded in his bid for the Virginia governor’s mansion, while Democrat Justin Fairfax became Northam’s lieutenant, as the Old Dominion state makes candidates for governor and lieutenant governor run in separate races. 

Mark Herring, the Democratic attorney general of Virginia, also won re-election. 

Moving on, Clinton heralded the ‘important work done by Color of Change’s PAC was instrumental in winning the district attorney race in Philadelphia.’

Attorney Larry Krasner won that race on a platform of criminal justice reform, being branded nationally as someone on the front lines of the fight against mass incarceration. 

‘So many group own a piece of last night’s victory, from @TheDemocrats to @EMILYslist to @TheDLCC,’ Clinton acknowledged, name-dropping a trio of organizations, including the Democratic Party, that were around way before her election loss last year.  

‘It’s remarkable to watch our Democratic family – groups with decades of victories and those born in the aftermath of the last election – team up to make nights like last night possible,’ she said. 

Democrats still have an uphill climb if they want to take back the U.S. House, which is badly gerrymandered in favor of Republicans, and the Senate, in which they’re defending 23 seats.

Clinton acknowledged that too.  

‘As we celebrate, let’s also remember the work ahead,’ she said. ‘Proud that groups that Onward Together supports – including @SwingLeft, which is laser-focused on taking back the House – have been making incredible progress in the fight for 2018 and beyond.’ 

‘Onward!’ Clinton said.