Tracking collars uncover baboons’ food raiding tactics

Most city dwellers know to keep their guard up in case of pickpockets. 

But residents of Cape Town also need to worry about an altogether different criminal – baboons.

It’s no secret that baboons have kleptomaniacal tendencies, but now, researchers have found that baboons in Cape Town,South Africa, use a sit-and-wait tactic before raiding people’s homes in search of food. 

The findings will be used to improve Cape Town’s already successful baboon management programme. 


New research shows how canny baboons in Cape Town use a sit-and-wait tactic before raiding people’s homes in search of food.  The tracked baboons mostly stayed at the city edge, but they engaged in short, intense forays to the urban environment to eat

The study, which involved baboon tracking collars, was conducted by an international team, including researchers from Swansea University. 

‘Raiding baboons are a real challenge in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa,’ said Professor Justin O’Riain, Director of the Institute for Communities and Wildlife in Africa at the University of Cape Town, and co-author on the study. 

‘The baboons enter properties to raid in gardens and bins, but also enter homes and sometimes take food directly from people.’ 

In a previous study, the research team showed that while Cape Town’s baboon management strategy was keeping baboons away from the urban space, some males were still finding ways in. 

So the team built specially made baboon tracking collars allowing them to track the movements and activity levels of 8 males via CPS and accelerometer sensors. 

‘People assume the baboons don’t have enough food in their natural habitats and therefore have no choice but to forage in town,’ says Dr Gaëlle Fehlmann, lead author of the study and a researcher at Swansea University. 


An international team of researchers conducted a study into the  baboon behavioral shifts and hunting tactics in human-modified environments. 

One chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) with a long history of urban raiding was studied from four months in 2014. from April to July on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. 

The troop comprised of 13 adult and sub-adult males and, 20 adult and sub-adult females, and approximately 30 juveniles. 

While the period of observation was relatively short, the researchers said it represented a time of year when raiding was frequent in the population and when food availability in the natural environment was high. 

An example of a GPS track for a baboon (inset, wearing collar) moving in and out of the urban habitat in a vineyard. GPS points represent 5-minute intervals from 7:30 to 18:00. Blue points represent low levels of activity, and red for high level of activities

An example of a GPS track for a baboon (inset, wearing collar) moving in and out of the urban habitat in a vineyard. GPS points represent 5-minute intervals from 7:30 to 18:00. Blue points represent low levels of activity, and red for high level of activities

The team built specially made baboon tracking collars allowing them to track the movements and activity levels of 8 males via CPS and accelerometer sensors, but two collars failed to record data, decreasing the sample size to just 6 baboons.

They chose males because because they’re known to be the most frequent raiders. 

The collars weighed less than 2.5% of the body mass of the baboons and were approved for use by Swansea University Ethics Committee 

The collar data revealed that male baboons were staying at the city edge, engaging in short but intense forays to the urban environment when opportunity presented itself, similar to a sit-and-wait strategy. 

‘In fact, our research shows there is plenty of food in the natural environment where there is very little risk of the baboons being disturbed by anyone.

‘In contrast, the chances of human-baboon conflicts in urban areas are high, but so are the food rewards, which are 10 times richer in terms of calories.’ 

The collar data revealed that male baboons were staying at the city edge, engaging in short but intense forays to the urban environment when opportunity presented itself, similar to a sit-and-wait strategy. 

They also showed increased activity levels when the likelihood of being deterred by rangers was greater. 

‘We suspected the baboons were doing something clever to allow them to minimise the risks associated with urban foraging, and the data collected from the collars confirmed this,’ said Dr Andrew King, head of Swansea University’s SHOAL conservation group and senior author of the study. 

The data show that because of their raiding tactics, the baboons only foraged for about 10 per cent of the time. 

This is considerably less time than the non-raiding baboons in the Cape Peninsula or elsewhere on the African continent, which spend at least half of their time foraging. 

Tourists Alexandre Casias, center back, and Emilie Vachon, not in photo, from Montreal in Canada, have their car raided by Baboons, at Millers Point on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa, Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tourists Alexandre Casias, center back, and Emilie Vachon, not in photo, from Montreal in Canada, have their car raided by Baboons, at Millers Point on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa, Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A baboon called Fred, back ground, sits inside a car with a baboon called Michael Jackson, left, as he eats at Cape Point on the outskirts of  Cape Town, South Africa, Tuesday,  Nov. 24, 2009

A baboon called Fred, back ground, sits inside a car with a baboon called Michael Jackson, left, as he eats at Cape Point on the outskirts of Cape Town, South Africa, Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2009

‘Our results present unequivocal evidence of extreme behavioural flexibility in these baboons,’ says Dr Fehlmann. 

‘Behavioural flexibility has long been considered a central component of a species ability to cope with human-induced environmental changes, but has been difficult or impossible to quantify in wild animal populations. 

‘The new tracking technologies employed by the researchers are changing this.’ 

Now that the researchers have uncovered these raiding tactics, they say that strategies will be refined to improve Cape Town’s already successful baboon management programme.