Artificial intelligence has developed some truly ground-breaking discoveries, such as Chat GPT 4. As they examined how AI may replace them, many professionals became afraid of losing their jobs in organizations.
However, implementing AI has a darker side.
Sergey Tokarev, the founding partner at Roosh and investor in Reface, dispelled the worries that surfaced in the IT community.
AI research first focused on automating repetitive human labor. People thought that technology would never substitute creative careers. But no one dared to speculate on how far this advancement may go.
Three years ago, AI development demonstrated the opposite result. Technologies have mastered the use of text and graphics so successfully that it has caused concern among creative professionals.
However, Sergey Tokarev asserts that they will not take the place of people. Instead, this uniqueness is a great chance for experts to learn a new technology that will make their jobs much easier.
“We are at the beginning of a new technology development cycle and the speed of adaptation to new conditions will directly affect your relevance in this cycle,” believes Tokarev.
Artificial Intelligence, according to the businessman, may be a useful tool for organizing and evaluating data.
It reduces data to a much shorter piece of knowledge. Sergey Tokarev likens it to the growth of the Internet: AI has the potential to significantly increase data processing and transmission speeds.
“Look at GPT-4, Dalle-E, and Midjourney from this angle and you’ll see that AI is actually a complement to human intelligence, not a replacement.
The artist does not just invent an image in their head, they describe it for themselves and, if necessary, can transfer this description to the text,” explains the Reface investor.
There are several advantages to artificial intelligence. GPT4 or another AI product that accepts input reproduces information in response to the request. But the issue is that people are not using it correctly.
For AI to produce a full response, Sergey Tokarev emphasizes the need of creating a proper prompt. When asking a question, one should be careful to provide all the pertinent information (details, style, etc.). The investor observes that prompt generator is now a growing vocation.
“Right now, you can open GPT-4, ask it to create a prompt for Midjourney, provide the chat with the technical specifications of the latest Midjourney model and examples of other people’s prompts, and ask it to generate the correct detailed query,” says Tokarev.
“Try it, the result will be much more awesome than setting the prompt all by yourself. Your images will become photorealistic.”
Sergey Tokarev believes that managing this extraordinary process by creative individuals may become a new trend in the future. To implement their vision, people no longer need to be experts in a particular graphic editor. Instead, one may quickly produce complete work using AI.
Today, dealing with the increasing influx of information gets increasingly difficult. You can process it more quickly and save time thanks to AI.